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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. You must have pulled some strings or have quite a bit of influence. LOL You didn't threaten anyone did you??? XD It was actually my internet. But I wanted to blame the site because it made me feel better. I think blaming the site is much better. LOL Do you regularly clean out your cache, cookies and history? This will speed things up. I do it very, very often... *cries* when Max is home. I'll have to ask my dad. I dun deal with that stuff as I'd prolly end up killing the compy and somehow myself in the process. Good idea. Ask your father to show you how to do it. Very easy. If your father is a computer wizard, ask him for the easy button. The really awful music in this Circuit City. I am listening to IM dings. XD
  2. (because I'm hungry) Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. *awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict* LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. And this all without my glasses. You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up. why don't you have your glasses? Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed. I have them now!!! I have done that before. *hates it* I tried the old string attached to the glasses trick, but they hung around my neck and would interfere with my running. Then if I tried eating, some of the food would always end up on the inside of the glasses and that was completely the most disgusting thing. So, I just have to keep trying to keep them in my paw. mine never fall off, not even on roller coasters. XD Maybe my hair helps keep it on? I dunno.
  3. LOL... TBFOF was just saying the same thing about girls. As for being lonely, please try and be your own best friend. Try and not be lonely, but instead enjoy yourself when you are alone. This takes some getting used to, but you can learn to enjoy your time with yourself and do things that you might not be able to do with others. Reading, playing your guitar, etc., these are things that you can make enjoyable when you are alone. This way you teach yourself not to be lonely and not to rely on anyone else to make you happy. I <3 reading. video games work as well, at least, for me. But yes, with having people like you, and likeing someone yourself, is eally hard to have at the same time. In fact, wondering if someone else likes you is even worse than knowing. >.<
  4. *hugs you* i know you're upset. i know why. i'm sad you're upset. but i'm not sad why. i'm sad that my friend is upset. okay done shooting my mouth off. but you're cool. you're nice to me, aren't you? too many people aren't... awww.... *hugs*
  5. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? " and then they steal your segway. XDD
  6. I wish I had your determination to lose weight. I need to get down to at most 205. I'm 5'6', and 220. I hate it. X( at least a good bit of it is muscle, though. =D
  7. uhh i despise that song and the whole pack of AFI's new fans. The only reason that song is so popular is because it was the prerealease for Decemberunderground which the real fans waited for for four years so ,basically the kids who liked their punk stuff like The Art of Drowning and Very Pround of Ya and all their good stuff made a hype about the album coming out causing a lot of radiostations to play that song since it was the prerealese, im not saying your friend is but i hate those kids who go aroung saying "oh my god i love AFI" when the only song the know is miss murder, posers, sry i needed to let that out XD I was being sarcastic. Kris haaaaaaaates Miss Murder. It's funny to make her sit through it. XD It must be the almost full moon! Torture... Kris will get you back. You know how revenge is. How's it again? Sweet? fun? Sweet and possibly fun as well. A dish best served as a many-course meal? I think some might agree with you. a dish best served cold well, everybody has heard that. i couldn't just leave it the way it was. ^.^
  8. (because I'm hungry) Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. *awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict* LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. And this all without my glasses. You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up. why don't you have your glasses? Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed. I have them now!!! I have done that before. *hates it*
  9. The rumour probably appeared on the front page of a couple of those tabloids that are in the grocery checkout line. with headlines involving batboy, or that Jonah's skeleton was found in a whales mouth, and carbon dating proved it to be 2400 years old. go world weekly news!
  10. well, it has been happening a lot with the same people, so... and i know what you mean. I am guilty of that as well. XD
  11. Upon listening to it, I don't hear any proof of it being about the bathroom. I think it is just a rumor.
  12. uhh i despise that song and the whole pack of AFI's new fans. The only reason that song is so popular is because it was the prerealease for Decemberunderground which the real fans waited for for four years so ,basically the kids who liked their punk stuff like The Art of Drowning and Very Pround of Ya and all their good stuff made a hype about the album coming out causing a lot of radiostations to play that song since it was the prerealese, im not saying your friend is but i hate those kids who go aroung saying "oh my god i love AFI" when the only song the know is miss murder, posers, sry i needed to let that out XD I was being sarcastic. Kris haaaaaaaates Miss Murder. It's funny to make her sit through it. XD It must be the almost full moon! Torture... Kris will get you back. You know how revenge is. How's it again? Sweet? fun? Sweet and possibly fun as well. A dish best served as a many-course meal?
  13. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *Bumps Fists with Lauren* \m/>_<\m/ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* and horatio cuz i swore this place like.. out of my life 2 years ago with animal kidd. i guess i was just bored. lol. :] You have heard the saying... Never say never. Hope you like being back because we like having you around. true!
  14. They are ok, until you know more about them. like did you know they are gay? and that the popular song YMCA, is talking about the boys bathroom of the YMCA? I'm not suprised that some of them are gay. It isn't like it matters. o.O but no, i did not know that about the YMCA song. XD *goes to listen to it again*
  15. Good luck with your button collection. One word of advice... please read the descriptions very, very cafefully and ask all the questions you can think of. Then you can save money by having them shipped Parcel Post over Priority. If they will, ask for them to ship the buttons First Class. This will really save money. Ask ahead of time. Like that guy that sold PICTURES of a great T.v., advertised as "great picture," for a buncha money.
  16. (because I'm hungry) Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. *awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict* LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. And this all without my glasses. You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up. why don't you have your glasses?
  17. To use your words along with two others... life, and love, can be so complex. I don't want to upset my friends, but i don't want to forget the one I like as well. this is prolly the most dificult part of my life, upon reflection.
  18. Booooooooooo Compy Police > I am ready to take the whipped cream now! The same compy police reference librarian is still working. What???????????? A double shift? Or is it a conspiracy against computer hamsters. Grrrrr........ She is sitting there giving me the evil stare and has let me know... 20 minutes remaining! Does she really think I want to be here without my Max?????????????? NOOOOOOOO!!! I checked the apple repair and they are still waiting on the part. *cries* NO, NO, NO... I cannot go through another weekend with the compy police!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *~*THA GRAWND ELLOZHAN*~*THA FAHNEEL CAWT*~* *HAWNDS HEWAYSHHAW AH MEET CLEEVEAH* HEA. KEEL THAM WEETH THAWT. AWND EEF YEW DOWNT DEW EET THAWN I'LL DEW EET. *~*THA PSYKAHDEELEEC LOOAW*~*THA ASTROONOOMY DOOMEENE*~* Arnold, I will let you take care of it. You are much, much bigger and stronger than I am! *~*THA GRAWND EELOOZHAN*~*THA FAHNEEL CAWT*~* YA. AWND IEE WEEL GEET MYE AWTHAWH SPLEET PESAHNALAHTEES TEW HELP MEE. (Which is: Stewie Griffin, Syd Barret, Jimi Hendrix, Marc Jacobs, Yoda, David Gilmour, The Teacher, Jennifer Anniston, Avril Lavigne, Roger Waters, Nick Mason, Trent Reznor (NOT Trent the guy I like. Trent Reznor of The Nine Inch Nails), Victor Van Dort, Bill Gates, Bob Geldof, Bob Dylan, Tim Burton, Willy Wonka, and Giza.) *~*THA PSYKAHDELLEEC LOOAW*~*THA ASTROONOOMY DOOMEENE*~* I am kicked off in ten seconds. Nite, nite! Talk to you tomorrow. I have to go! XD I just made three posts with more of my split personalities.... Which had to be moderated this morning due to the fact that I was kicked off last night. This particular librarian would probably ask for their library cards and then kick them out because they didn't have one. have you tried explaining your situation to the librarian?
  19. can't say that i have. Bang Bang- rammstein. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* D= My mom and my brother both have iPods, so they keep givin' me their old Cds, and I got a Cd by them. Cold As Ice-Foreigner *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Do you have Du Hast on the CD? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* If your talking about Foreigner, I don't have their CD. Oh wait! j00 were talking about Rammstein. I meant I got a CD by Derek and The Dominoes. Godzilla-Blue Oyster Cult *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Oh, nvm then. well, you should get the song.
  20. uhh i despise that song and the whole pack of AFI's new fans. The only reason that song is so popular is because it was the prerealease for Decemberunderground which the real fans waited for for four years so ,basically the kids who liked their punk stuff like The Art of Drowning and Very Pround of Ya and all their good stuff made a hype about the album coming out causing a lot of radiostations to play that song since it was the prerealese, im not saying your friend is but i hate those kids who go aroung saying "oh my god i love AFI" when the only song the know is miss murder, posers, sry i needed to let that out XD I was being sarcastic. Kris haaaaaaaates Miss Murder. It's funny to make her sit through it. XD It must be the almost full moon! Torture... Kris will get you back. You know how revenge is. How's it again? Sweet? fun?
  21. I put the video on my site. I was going to, but I already had amish paradise on there. XD
  22. They are the people who did YMCA, Macho Man, and In The Navy.
  23. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* People keep saying Trent is ugly. It makes me sad. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* If everyone thought the exact same person was beautiful, then the world would be in trouble. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ignore those people who say Trent is ugly. What do they know. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Most of the are my freinds... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* AH, the worst situation everywhere. When you have friends tht hate each other. XP I hate that.
  24. SECTION 1: (You) * Your name: Neil * Your gender: Ima guy! =D * Age: 15, and a half in a month. * Height: 5'6'' * Hair color/style: well, it is brown, long, curly, and needs a pic to do it justice. * Eye color: blue * Marital status: Most definitel married with 08749873935 kids. cause that is completely true. * Your location: Maryland. * Talents: Video gaming, being awsome, poking stuff with a stick. SECTION 2: (Have you ever...?) * Peed your pants: Who hasn't? * Cheated on someone?: kinda hard to cheat without ever having anyone to cheat on. * Fallen off the bed?: No. Anagram it into the other worde it can make, then do it again for the answer. * Fallen for a relative?: that isn't a weird question. with an answer in the negatory. * Had plastic surgery?: Most totally * Broke someone's heart?: I hope not. * Had your heart broken?: No * Had a dream come true: not really, mine are to crazy to come true. * Done something you regret?: unfortunately, yes. * Cheated on a test?: Yes, in like, 2nd grade. * Broken a body part?: Nope. SECTION 3: (Whatcha doin' now?) * Wearing: My shirt that says "although the voices aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas," and some denim shorts. * Listening to: macho man * Chewing: your face. * Feeling: confused * Reading: the words on the screen * Located: In a chair * Chatting with: you guys * Watching: The computer? * Should REALLY be: Nothing right now SECTION 4: (Do you...?) * Brush your teeth?: twice a day * Like anybody?: Yes, very much * Have any piercings?: Never. * Drive? i drove a go kart in main * Believe in Santa Claus?: Nah * Ever get off the computer?: yes, poor me. SECTION 5: (Friends...?) * Who is your best?: Hard to tell. * Who is the loudest?: Sarah * Who is the shyest?: Me, i guess * Who is the 'hottest'?: In my opinion? I suppose Anna, but i don't know. * Who is the cutest?: Candice * Who laughs the most?: Sarah, but it is a close call between just about all of my good friends * Who have you known the longest? Joe * Who have you known the shortest?: Maria * Do you belong to a crew?: i suppose you could say so, several times. * Do you consider yourself POPULAR?: With some people, yes, others, no. * Do you trust your friends?: Completely. * Are you a good friend?: I try to be * Can you keep a secret?: Yes SECTION 6: (The last person you...?) * Hugged online: Maria * Hugged offline: Anna * IMed: Melissa * Talked to on the phone: candice * Yelled at: My dad * Tripped: I don't trip people, it is mean and immature. * Turned down: Nobody that I know of. SECTION 7: (Personal) * What do you want to be when you grow up?: Video game designer or space explorer. * What is your most embarrassing story?: Too embarassing to say. * What has been the best day of your life?: The day my team won the world championship for the lego league. * What comes first in your life?: My friends * Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: A crush, a huge one actually. * If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: japan, so i could watch the silly japanese people with their crazy awsomeness * What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: how my life will turn out, acutally.SECTION 8: (Favorite...?) * Movie: MPatSftHG (monty python and the Search for the Holy Grail * Song: Crownless- nightwish * Group: Eww, tough question * Store: The one where they give me whatever i want for free. jus lemme find it. * Relative: I dunno. * Sport: football * Vacation spot: outer space * Ice cream flavor: lemon * Fruit: peach * Candy: Caramel & chocolate * Holiday: Christmas * Day of the week: Saturday * Colour: deep blue * Magazine: Nintendo * Name for a girl: Jessica * Name for a boy: I dunno. XP SECTION 9: (Do you...?) * Like to give hugs?: Yup n_n *hugs* * Like to walk in the rain?: It is really fun, you should try it some time. ^.^ * Sleep with or without clothes?: Usually I just sleep with underwear, unless there is company * Write in black or blue ink?: blue * Dress up on halloween?: Occasionally. * Have a job?: Nah, though i want one * Like to travel?: Yes, very much * Like someone?: Wasn't this already asked? * Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: back * Think you're attractive?: Kinda * Want to marry?: Yes. Some day. * Have a goldfish?: a bunches * Ever have the falling dream?: yes, although they are more than just falling, like giant chunks of earth everywhere, all falling, and it is really crazy. * Have stuffed animals?: i have a green monkey. * Go on vacation?: Yes. SECTION 10: (What do you think about...?) * Abortion: go for it * Bill Clinton: better than bush * Eating disorders: I think they are bad. >:^O * Suicide: RAWR!! BAD! * Summer: nice, but bad when too hot. * Tattoos: Okay, as long as they aren't huge. * Piercings: Girls only. * Make-up: Okay for girls in limited quantities. * Drinking: unnecessary evil * Guys: huh? * Girls: ^ SECTION 11: (This or that?) * Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither * Be serious or funny?: funnerious. * Single or taken?: Single, and not liking it * Simple or complicated?: complicated * Law or anarchy?: Law * MTV or BET?: Neither * 7th heaven or dawson's creek?: HORRIDNESS * Sugar or salt?: Sugar =3 * Silver or gold?: gold * Tongue or belly button ring?: tongue ring? bellybutton ring? whazzat? * Chocolate or flowers?: choco * Angels or miracles?: Neither * Colour or black-and-white photos?: Color * Sunrise or sunset?: sunset * M&M's or Skittles?: eminems. * Rap or rock?: heavy rock * Stay up late or sleep in?: stay up late, then sleep in. * TV or radio?: Both seem to lack anything interesting. * Hot or cold?: ...Warm. * Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: I dunno, doesn't matter * Sun or moon?: Moon, it is more...mysterious? * Diamond or ruby?: Rubmond. * Left or right?: Totally right * Vanilla or chocolate?: *glomps teh choco* * Kids or no kids?: I want kids eventually. * Cat or dog?: dog * Half-empty or half-full?: at least it is there, no matter how much there is. * Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup all the way, man. * Newspaper or magazine?: 'Zine. * Give or receive?: I like both. * Rain or snow?: Snow. * Lace or satin?: OMG KIND OF EVI... oops, spelled differently. XD * Happy or sad?: Happy. =D * Corduroy or plaid?: denim. * Wonder or amazement?: Amazement, i like to know the answers. * Sneakers or sandals?: Sneakers, much better for walking and not killing thine feet. * McDonald's or Hungry Jacks?: Mickey D's. * Mexican or italian food?: Italian. I <3 pasta. * Lights on or off?: Off, cause I am prince of night. * Duct tape or scotch tape?: DUCT TAPEZORZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111oneoneI * Candy or pop?: >_> Candy, i guess. well, depends on what type of either. * A house in the woods or the city?: Small town. * Pepsi or coke?: Coke all teh wayz * Nike or adidas?: vans. cause they are the only shoes wide enough to fit my feet. XD SECTION 12: (Other questions...) * Do you go to church?: No. * Do you like church?: No. * Why or why not?: I don't believe in what the church says, nor do i like how they think that they need to get everyone to believe in them. * What's your favorite kind of tree?: California Giant Redwood, cause they are ginormous. * Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: I dunno, really. I think I gots them alls.
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