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The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy

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About The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy

  • Birthday 05/22/1992

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Hampsterdancer Supreme

Hampsterdancer Supreme (5/8)



  1. Hello! Not too much to report these days. Still living in NYC. I quit my job Spring 2019 to "find myself" - as all the millennials seem to be doing these days. Never "found myself", but definitely enjoyed my year (omg I can't believe it's almost been a year) off. At this point I'm interviewing to get back into what I was doing before, just to have an income. Hoping to save up some $$ within the next year and move to Amsterdam in Spring/Summer 2021. How are you doing, Horatio?
  2. No way! The last time I posted in here was 8 years ago? Crazy.
  3. Hope everyone is doing well! I think about you all quite often.
  4. So sad to hear of this news. I'm so thankful for HK, for bringing us all together to create such fond memories. Rest in Peace, HampsterKing.
  5. Howdy! Just dropping in to say hello! I'm currently en-route to Kona to compete in another triathlon. I think the last time I was here was when I was training for my first one last year - so I guess that's what made me drop in. Hope everyone's doing well! Doesn't look like we have too many active members anymore. Still glad to see that Topazia and Horatio and clinging on. Sorry to hear about your MIL, Topazia. Until next time! Which hopefully will be before I do another tri.
  6. Oh! Guess I've missed a lot! CONGRATS Topazia! She's beautiful.
  7. I almost had a mini heart attack just now. I typed in the URL to come here and it gave me a sever not found error! Didn't realize it was in all caps/that all caps would make a difference. I almost contacted the three people I know from here IRL to freak out. Glad to see that isn't the case though. Hope everyone is well! Quick update on my life: -Living in NYC now, working that oh-so-wonderful 9-5 corporate life. (Which actually is more like 9-10ish and I haaaaaaaate it.) -Training for my first triathlon. I'm doing it with my company and we're raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and it's in Hawaii - so although it's so so so tough and I think about quitting daily, it's for a great cause, in a great place, and with some great people. -I just took an amazing trip to Japan about two months ago. I LOVED it! So much different than China. I popped back over to Shanghai for the last three days of the trip and was so disappointed.
  8. Utah is amazing, indeed! I can't wait until I have the opportunity to return. So many incredible things to see that I never would have imagined a year ago.
  9. I must've missed something -- where are you moving to Horatio? My computer is on 4% and my charger is out in the car, so I'm hoping to make this post short, sweet, and to the point and get it in before it dies. Quick update on me - long story short - I ended up not liking Los Angeles that much when it came down to the day to day grind, so I drove myself back across the country to New York right before Christmas. I'm home living with my mother for a little until I get everything settled and find a place down in the city. I'm so so so happy with my decision to come back. LA just simply can't compare to NY.
  10. I was bad and took some of these photos while driving. Shame on me. Don't take after me, children. But I did wait until I was pulled over to edit them for instagram, if that's any consolation. The photos aren't the best quality, since they've been edited/filtered/etc. for Instagram. I would've attached the originals, but most were crooked/blurry/had reflections from my windshield. Pennsylvania. My last bit of beautiful fall foliage before entering the barren Midwest. Ohio. No offense to anyone that's from there, but I couldn't wait to get out of there. St. Louis. A little tornado warning to spice up my miserable drive thru Missouri/Kansas. Colorado. I've never been and I fell in love with it. It's so, so beautiful, in so many different ways. More Colorado. Western edge of Colorado. Beginning of Utah. Some more Utah.
  11. Horatio!!!! I wish I had been more active on the board recently. In addition to being in Manhattan Beach last night, I was in Cedar City, UT on Friday October 3rd. Maybe I saw you there too! I drove from New York to LA between Tuesday and Saturday.
  12. I was in Manhattan Beach last night for dinner! I just moved out to LA a little over a month ago. Maybe we saw each other and didn't even realize it. Manhattan Beach isn't that small, so probably not. But ya never know! Unless of course you weren't in Manhattan Beach last night. Then I guess we do know.
  13. Just dropping in for a quick hello. I haven't completely forgot about y'all. Hope everyone is doing well!
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