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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Do you name all your hamsters with a name beginning with H to make them easy to remember or do you just love H? All his animals begin with the letter of what they are. Like the squirrels he feeds start with "S"..etc. Perfect!!! Thank you so much! *hands TBFOF some homemade chunky chocolate chip cookies and a bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream* *steals using mad ninja skillz* >_> *pulls cord to trap door, as - Kat - falls through the trap door into a giant bowl of jello, grabs the cookies and ice cream and returns them to TBFOF* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *uses previously mensioned mad ninja skillz to avoid trap door, then wllingly dives in to get to the Jello* <3
  2. What kind of dog is he, and what do you feed him? Pft. Don't be so sure. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't know. I don't know. I don't feed the dogs. Really helpful. Ever have a Five-year-old swear at you? If I didn't Have a story on here that was rather popular, I would just quit the boards. I'm sick of the way some of you people treat me. Just about 5 seconds ago, I was laughing Insanly that I almost died, and now I'm just upset. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MK, I'm sure MW really means well. Please don't be mad at her. My new theory about TBFOF is that he is doing it for the attention. Just ignore him and see if he stops.
  3. Do you name all your hamsters with a name beginning with H to make them easy to remember or do you just love H? All his animals begin with the letter of what they are. Like the squirrels he feeds start with "S"..etc. Perfect!!! Thank you so much! *hands TBFOF some homemade chunky chocolate chip cookies and a bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *steals using mad ninja skillz* >_>
  4. [XD No, that's not a custom. That just happened because a pyro happened to get ahold of the ring that flew off MK's finger. Normally, nothing is supposed to be on fire at weddings unless there is candels.]
  5. [Well, like I said, she died last night. But all the arrangements are made.] How are you doing? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i'm fine. Like I said, she was really old, so it didn't come as much of a shock.]
  6. [i'd also like to point out some vital typos you've made there.] Archer pulled and pulled-But it wouldn't come off. Finnally Arkcher Pulled it off but it went FLYING through the air- and started To roll on the ground. "Nw u hav 2brn it... Nw u hav 2 brn it..." chanted Monkeylicious. "It touched the ground!" whgispered someone. Finaly It landed at the feet of the last person they wanted it to- Hamsterfireball. "Ooooh... Shiny!" he said. Suddenly The ring was lit on Fire. "ooopsy." He said and threw it somewhere. It landed on Kat. "OMG!!!!!!" screamed Kat as her dress lit on fire. She fell to the ground and Rolled around. "OMG, OMG!!! I'm gonna get that Idiot...." She finnaly stood up but since she had been rolling around, her corset dress had loosened- It fell right off! "I don't want to see that. It's bad enough I have to sleep with Mushroom_king.." Setstuna Quickly came over to help get the dress back on. The ring then rolled under Hoops's Skirt. It was shorter [Not much] Than a dress and it rolled under His Mother's dress. Arkcher made a grab for it, making his mother's eyes go wide with fright. [Kat. Theres a part in the story where Vannila Star Hamster, Dog Lover, and Monkeylicious chant that... And they make fun of Arkcher... It's not nice. D:] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i wasn't bein' serious. Dun worry. But corsets go under dresses, so wouldn't I still have a dress on, but just be able to breath? x_X]
  7. [i'd also like to point out some vital typos you've made there.] How did I miss such a superb typo!!!!!!!!!! *hands Arkcher The Gold Star Award* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*gives MK a Typo Award*]
  8. [Nyaha. > Arkcher and MK sitting in a tree...] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Nyaha. > Kat and... uh... some other guy... Lexxy-man! yeah. sitting. in a tree. Shouldnt that be sitting on a tree? like. on a tree branch? Sitting in a tree would be like... your body encased in the wood. and I dont see much romance in that.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [And Lexxy-Man is old, you weirdo.]
  9. [Nyaha. > Arkcher and MK sitting in a tree...] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Nyaha. > Kat and... uh... some other guy... Lexxy-man! yeah. sitting. in a tree. Shouldnt that be sitting on a tree? like. on a tree branch? Sitting in a tree would be like... your body encased in the wood. and I dont see much romance in that.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [No 'cause you, like, sitting inside of all of the branches...or something.]
  10. Sandstorm - It start with a D and I'm too lazy to look it up.
  11. Reeeeeeeeeeal Helpful. 1. My brother, who yells at my Mom just about every night now. 2. My Dad, Who lost his job and may lose his house. 3. The fact that Nearly everyone at school has something bad to say about me. 4. It breaks my heart to hear you both are sad. I hope both father's work things out. As for the fact that people at your school are not nice, please try this, believe me it will work. When someone asks you how things are going... never let them see you sweat. By this I mean, say "Great, thanks for asking" with a smile on your face. Please never let those mean people control how you feel. Do not give them the power to make you depressed. There was this one ####### at school this one time... Him- Guess what? Your Ugly. Me- Guess what? Your a ### #### ####er. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Another responces to try. Him - Guess what? You're ugly. You - Your extencive vocabulary astounds me. OR Guess what? I don't care. I say that to people all the time when they insult me. They normally just look at me funny and walk away.
  12. Name: Katie or Kat Age: 14 Gender: Female Work experience: I was a volunteer at the hospital my mom works at this summer, if that counts. What can you bring to this company?: Enegery and loyalty Why should you be hired?: Because I post a lot and am a fast learner What position would you like to be?: Anything that involves contact with the pets Did you participate in WWPS?: I think so If you answered yes above, what did you do?: I don't remember. I think I was just a normal employee Extra information that would be useful and helpful: I really love animals, and have good social skills, but I'm not too great at math, so it wouldn't be a good idea to give me a job in accounting, or something. Other than that, I could do pretty much whatever people needed me to do.
  13. [Well, like I said, she died last night. But all the arrangements are made.]
  14. From a spectators point of view, very. e_e;;;
  15. [Good thing! It must be all that snow!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Actually, it was partly because of a really long car ride, and partly because I needed something to concentrate on this weekend while I was sitting around the hospital.]
  16. I'ma listening to Japanese music, too! Blues Drive Monster - The Pillows
  17. All of those are perfectly excusable reasons. I excuse number five because whenever I saw you randomly insult somebody for a reason that isn't any of the previous four, I know you're kidding. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm. That can work. I also like to make fun of vegetarians. The ones that have no idea what they're talking about, and get all their information from peta. And they're. Like. 10. ...I just don't make fun of myself. Well. I do sometimes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know. I like to make fun of people who are all, "I watched Dragon Ball Z, so I know everything about anime!" Dude, no you don't, so shut up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm still trying to figure out the difference between anime and manga. So...is Roman Dirge and stuff like his, manga, or a different type of art? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There are two types of Animé, being Manga and Western style. Anime and Animated things are also different. ;D I have a cool book about Animé art, good starts for practising, how to draw anime characters right (in either style) and. theres like five million twelve anime's in it. Made by people who have no life whatsoever so they stare at anime girly people all day and try to draw them. so they mostly know what they're talking about, Kat. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not saying that nobody knows a lot about anime, I'm just saying that just because somebody saw a few episodes of Pomemon, they aren't an expert. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Want to know what makes me angry? It's when people Think There an expert on Pink Floyd (Or ANY classic rock for that matter) Just because they have Dark side of the moon or Because Theyv'e heard Stairway to Heaven On the radio. It's so stupid. If you have Dark side of the moon, but don't know a thing about Pink Floyd, your not a fan. Good goth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That annoys me, too. People are all like, "ZOMG I LUV WHEEZER!!!11one" and they've only heard one song. (For the record, I don't really like Wheezer, but a lot of people claim to be huge fans when all they've heard is "Beverly Hills") Or even better, the people who say they are huge fans of a band/singer, but they hav'nt heard anything by them.
  18. Setsuna quickly made up a perfect container of rice and and kid's meal, then gave it to White Kirby to deliver. [i've been plotting over the weekend. Muwahahahaha.]
  19. [Hey! My name in real life is Kat, too! ;_; My cats just both ran into the bottom of my wheely-chair at the same time and knocked me over. x_x] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Kamikaze kittiiiiiiiees! >D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Actually, more like one stupid kitty and one huge one with lots of momentum. >_>;;;]
  20. Congratulations on your good grades! As for math... If all you need to do is turn in your work during math... then we will bug you until you get your math in on time!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *definetly does NOT have a C in Geometry* Nope, not me. >_>
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