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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Guess whose back, back again. So I finally got a job U8 I'm working at a fabric/craft store and it's really hard to not buy every cool fabric I see because I work at the cutting counter. Luckily I don't make it to the fine art section very often or I'm pretty sure we would have lost our house by now. I got my driver's liscence. Shortly thereafter, my car's enginge cracked and I am now car-less. Uuuuuh nothing of great excitement has been going on with me lately! I'm seeing the RiffTrax Live event of BIRDEMIC on Thursday, that should be good. Oh wait, I never told you guys about the convention I went to in Baltimore. It was super cool. I met with some friends that I've known online for years and we all had a great time buying things and taking pictures of/with cosplayers. We saw Jason David Frank's Q&A panel (aka the original Green Power Ranger) and he's pretty hilarious. I also go to see Washington DC and all the touristy stuff there, and have dinner in China Town. The convention and tourist stuff was fun but mostly I just loved being able to spend time with the people I'd grown so close to. It needs to be July again. Also next year my group is going to do a group cosplay and it will be the most hype. Okay I think that's all now. Oh wait, no, while I was in Baltimore there was a guy doing drugs literally right in the middle of the street. That was a sight. Okay now I'm really done.
  2. Life outside the internet PSHAW. It's good to hear from you again, I see your posts sometimes on Social Networking Site but I rarely get on there so I don't notice much :B Glad to hear things are going well for you!
  3. That is so cute! I'm amazed with what people can create with milk and foam XD
  4. Well we haven't set anything on fire just yet, the fourth isnt' for another 6 days XD We went and saw a fireworks show last Saturday, though, that ws fun~ Lots of pretty new products this year! I'm not sure which ones we bought though.
  5. I'm very sorry to hear about your kitty. At least now he will not be restricted by old age and can do everything he once loved doing. The city center looks gorgeous! I'd love to stay in a town like that.
  6. That all sounds amazing! I'm glad things are going so well for you. I'd love to see all those buildings and the nature reserve.
  7. Poor bear, I'm glad he'll be going somewhere where he'll be able to live a safe and happy life! He sounds pretty smart so I bet he'll do fine.
  8. Aww, I wanna feed a bear XD What kinda stuff did you feed it? Was it a boy or a girl? And why was it traveling?
  9. I just showed Kristina the last few posts in this topic. Kris: I'm not that bad! What have you been telling people?! Me: Only that you got your fourth concussion. I'm entirely serious. That was her fourth. She read what I typed just now and laughed until she fell over and said I'm mean to her.
  10. I hope the bear behaved! Can't wait to see the pictures!
  11. She was unpacking in her room on the ship and hit her head on the bed. The next day, she wasn't watching where she was going and hit her head on a pole. And then she fell off the continental shelf and cut open her foot. All this, including her tripping in Bath and causing the tourguide to rush over and make sure she was okay, has caused us to dub this trip "Kristina Stumbles Across Europe". She's back now, I'll see if she'll come by and give her own account. The ship's doctor came to recognize her on sight. They'd call the room every morning to make sure she was okay.
  12. Jig, my old friend. It's been a while.
  13. Things are not so well in the world of Kat. Last week, my dad lost his job of 13 years. So...we're dealing with that. Hopefully he can get a new one soon, and hopefully one of the places I applied for will call back. In addition to that, my grandma is doing pretty bad health-wise. She's my last grandparent I have left. Dad interviewed long-term hospice providers (on the same day he lost his job, that was just a great day all around) so she'll have more attentive care. The nursing home has always been very good to her, but having someone there more often is what she needs now. We're trying to get rid of a nasty batch of fleas that Annie brought in. That's just making all this even better. In one bit of good news, though, Kris is on a european cruise. I'm currently on the phone with her, she just saw the Rock of Gibraltar. She's already been in London and saw a bunch of tourist stuff (and the royal family). She also got a small concussion. Even in Europe, she cannot escape herself.
  14. asldfdgvdfg CONGRATS! 8D How exciting! I really like your table setting idea with the purple and tea-stain tablecloth over the longer dark purple. It sounds very elegant~
  15. HAPPY late BIRTHDAY MK. I hope it would full of awesome stuff.
  16. Poor Horatio! D: Was it the same ankle you hurt before?
  17. I just asked for a cheesecake from the store, but I'll ge a picture of it before it's gone XD I had red velvet cake last year so my other favorite gets a turn this year.
  18. *blows out the candles, dives face-first into the cake* Thanks, Horatio! :3 The sushi and movie were excellent, and I can't wait for the convention!
  19. I have seen Avengers twice and it's not enough. It just might be my favorite movie. It. Is. Amazing. I had a very nice birthday weekend :3 Saturday I went to a Godzilla and Friends movie festival with my parents and Kris's little brother. We went last year as well, it's really fun. They show a bunch of Godzilla movies, or movies of the same genre, and there's prize drawings and trivia and whatnot. My parents each won a fancy movie poster print, and my dad won one of the big prizes for the night, which is a United Nations Godzilla Crisis Center world clock. So we now know what time it is in places like Tokyo and London and Moscow XD The big movie of hte night was Godzilla 1985, which is apparently very hard to find and rarely seen anywhere, so that was cool. The other movies of the day were Monster 0, Rodan, and War of the Gargantuas. War of the Gargantuas was not my favorite, I fell asleep |D but the other ones were cool. Sunday I saw Avengers for the second time, with mine and Kris's family. So now I can talk to them about it because before I couldn't tell anyone about spoilers. I'm serious, see this movie, it is amazing. After that we went to a Japanese steakhouse and ate delicious sushi and food they made on the big grill at the table. Today I slept most of the day XD but I get a cake tomorrow.
  20. ...XD nope. Though it sounds vaguely familiar...
  21. ohai, I'm dropping in again. A whole lot of nothing is going on with me XD I've been drawing a lot, which I like. I finally got my learner's permit and I'll be getting my liscence soon after my birthday (which is in 4 days U8 ). Absolutely nothing has happened on the job front, which is good in a way because I've been making a few travel plans recently. Near the end of July I'll be going to Baltimore to stay with a friend for a few days and go to an anime/video games/general cool stuff convention with her. It will be much fun! I'm going to see Avengers tomorrow, SO PUMPED ASDKFAJDCARTAD
  22. I totally missed that Tibs was going to China XD Have fun, you! I've actually seen "like" buttons on forums before, but it's normally in a "thanks" or "reputation" system. The "like" button does make it FaceBook-y XD
  23. HD roadtrip? I wanna goooo
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