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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. *TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies* *complete with mysterious masked Hamster* Do you like my cape and mask? Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river? *keeps lips sealed* Or has it all gone portable now? *eyes narrow, look left and right* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies* *wonders where the underground river is* *looks into depths of briefcase* *torrent of water blasts up, sending self high into teh sky* *hires OddJob to keep an eye on TGHL* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *hires Jaws to eat OddJob's hat* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *rescues the hat and claims as her own*
  2. Please do. ^________^ *huggs all the spiffeh pointies* *cuts herself* ;_;! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it might take a while to track one down, I'll keep looking in the obvious places. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ! Lexxy Man is my Favorite Person of the Day!
  3. I thought it was supposed to be super-terrible...
  4. Where will you post it, Horatio? And you can't really tell in either of those pics, but Sophie has one blue eye and one green eye.
  5. The Twilight Zong Theme It's on. My parents are watching the Sci-Fi Channel.
  6. [Hehe. If you look at it right, it looks like it says 'poooooo-oost.' but thats only if you put a - in the word.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [...'Kay.]
  7. Your Rain - I forget. It's Japanese and I think it starts with an A.
  8. *plays with all the animals in the store so they can run around a bit*
  9. [so am I, now please continue my role play!] There back delivery door opened. Walking in backwards with three large boxes on his hand truck, the FedEx guy removed the boxes, scanned the tags and then looked for someone to sign. "Can somebody get that?" Setsuna asked. "I've got to make a few orders." White Kirby walked over and signed them for Setstuna. "What did we get?" Setsuna asked as she fliped the burgers. *Horatio watched as the boxes were opened revealing new uniforms for everyone. Except, these were not uniforms to wear while working, these were team uniforms for the competition* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "The competition!" said Setsuna, slapping her forehead. Worrying about MB had made her forget about the Culinary Acrobatics Competition. Combing her brain for the date of the CAC, Setsuna realized that they would be gone for it during Master Burger's opening!
  10. *Puts Cookies in Meat Grinder* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *already ate all the cookies*
  11. Where?! *spins around to look behind her*
  12. Toto Toto Plushie (X5) Kat Claymores (X100) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll take a Claymore! (As if I don't already have enough. >_>::
  13. *sits down and passes around chocolate milk and puffy Cheetos* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *reads the Wizardolegy book I got for Christmas* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ! I got that book, too! And an Egyptology book by the same people. I got a dragon one last year.
  14. [so am I, now please continue my role play!] There back delivery door opened. Walking in backwards with three large boxes on his hand truck, the FedEx guy removed the boxes, scanned the tags and then looked for someone to sign. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Can somebody get that?" Setsuna asked. "I've got to make a few orders." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> White Kirby walked over and signed them for Setstuna. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "What did we get?" Setsuna asked as she fliped the burgers.
  15. Arkcher has objectionable animations? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> !
  16. I think that Song is By Him. I'm pretty sure it is. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Naw, that's "Wings of a Butterfly". Please note that I only know this because my friend loves that band and has that music video on her Xanga. I don't really like HIM.
  17. *TGHL sees the FedEx courier arrive to pick up the puppies* *complete with mysterious masked Hamster* Do you like my cape and mask? Very Phantom of the Opera. Where's your giant underground organ powered by an underground river? *keeps lips sealed* Or has it all gone portable now? *eyes narrow, look left and right* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *steals Horatio's breifcase while he is looking left and right, opens it, and watches huge organ pop out and land on her* X_X *dies*
  18. A few questions to see whether you are evil enough; 1) If faced with a choice between a giant laser and a electromagnetic pulse emmitting satellite which would you choose? 2) In close combat would you prefer to have a sword, a gun or a haddock? 3) What is your favourite way of disposing of secret agents? 4) What trap would you pick to guard your inner sanctum; Pirhana pit, poison gas chamber, knockout gas chamber or an automatic sentry disguised as a tiki torch? 5) What describes you best? A Megalomaniac, ex-spy or reclusive billionaire? 6) Do you like my hat? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't resist. I have to answer the questions. 1. Yes. 2. Sword. It states for use in close combat, where a gun would not be as effective. And if you're really good with the sword, you can parry to bullets anyway. Fish and smelly and I dun wanna touch them. 3. Any way that is direct and doesn't leave them time to make a cunning plan and escape. I would also not tell them my evil plan, no matter how sure I am that they are trapped, not leave the room, and not carry on without being ABSOLUTELY sure that they're really dead. 4. Must it be a Tiki torch? What about something else, like a rock? Please note that this would also be a decoy, because if they take out the sentry, I will be on the other side of the hidden door. Waiting. 5. Yes. 6. That depends. How much plumage does it have? 'Cause if it doesn't have enough plumage, then what's the point? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm... I think everyone is going to need some evil basics classes from what I can see. Ok, the tests are now disbanded. All those who wish to continue their evil education return on... the... when did I say... 2nd of January! Anyone who turns up drunk will be banned from all evil related classes, even lowly minion ones and be dispelled to the goody-too-shoes sidekick school across teh street! *goes to window and peeks from behind the curtains to see Horatio leering out of the window with a pair of binoculars* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dun want the classes, as that would ruin my rep as not really having a side. I just felt like answering questions.
  19. Haven't you ever watched Goldfinger? *implements Operation Grand Slam, WITHOUT any changing of knockout gas canisters* *hops in airplane, loaded with missiles, shoots TGHL's minions and protects all the gold and money in Fort Knox* *after arriving back at the home base, has a frothy root beer to celebrate* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *steals said root beer*
  20. And the typo vulture Horatio sweeps lower and lower circling its prey, ready and waiting to strike when Kat the typo ninja flies out and delivers a trademark typo notice.... *backflips over to TBFOF, jumps over him, placing a Typo Award on his head in the proces, then flips away again into the shadows* *wonders if it is the pin tac or rubber bands on the braces inducing the flips* Are we talking about the fixation of the typo notice or are you suggesting that Kat uses rubber bands in a sort of Hollywood-style harness to perform her dazzling ninjitsu moves? The latter. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was all me, Horatio. I thought you were talking about the rubber bands on my braces. x_x
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