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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Arkcher has objectionable animations? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The gasp. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MK says it's because of SSMB! (Acursed video games! They will be the downfall of us all! That is why I never play them!) We should have an intervention! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He was also high On sugar! Far to much Partying at the bananarama last night. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then I offically decree that Arkcher is not allowed to every play video games, eat sugar, or par-tay ever again. u_u
  2. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting* XD This brings back memories... *creates more memories by handing both Cheesemaster and - Kat - two cans each of Real Whipped Cream... one for each hand* *sprays Horatio and Cheesey with the whipped cream* > whopped... good one! I have no idea what you're talking about. >_> Right! *slips Horatio a large bag on sunflowerseeds under the table* I don't see a typo, do you? >_> *mouth stuffed with seeds* What typo? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly. *waits for her dad to stop burning CDs so she can listed to FLCL*
  3. [i'm waiting for your input on what to do, guys.]
  4. *Sandstorm ends* ... *puts in Phat Bass, gets some glowsticks, passifiers, and stobelights, then continues to be a rave of one*
  5. SPOT! *hugs* Oh, and Kat, *hugs back* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WHY AM I ONLY "Oh, and you." ?! *sobs* ;_;
  6. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting* XD This brings back memories... *creates more memories by handing both Cheesemaster and - Kat - two cans each of Real Whipped Cream... one for each hand* *sprays Horatio and Cheesey with the whipped cream* > whopped... good one! I have no idea what you're talking about. >_> Right! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *slips Horatio a large bag on sunflowerseeds under the table* I don't see a typo, do you? >_>
  7. [so am I, now please continue my role play!] There back delivery door opened. Walking in backwards with three large boxes on his hand truck, the FedEx guy removed the boxes, scanned the tags and then looked for someone to sign. "Can somebody get that?" Setsuna asked. "I've got to make a few orders." White Kirby walked over and signed them for Setstuna. "What did we get?" Setsuna asked as she fliped the burgers. *Horatio watched as the boxes were opened revealing new uniforms for everyone. Except, these were not uniforms to wear while working, these were team uniforms for the competition* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "The competition!" said Setsuna, slapping her forehead. Worrying about MB had made her forget about the Culinary Acrobatics Competition. Combing her brain for the date of the CAC, Setsuna realized that they would be gone for it during Master Burger's opening! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> White Kirby wagon Star, who was in the Corner listening to her ipod, Noticed the new Uniforms. "Spiffy!" she said. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ally quietly asked White Kirby,"the costumes are great, but can we really go. What do you think Setsuna will do?" Ally was starting to worry. The competition would be great but MB. Ally washed away the worries at the sound of a costumer walking in though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Setsuna looked up at the soor to see who was coming in.
  8. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting* XD This brings back memories... *creates more memories by handing both Cheesemaster and - Kat - two cans each of Real Whipped Cream... one for each hand* *sprays Horatio and Cheesey with the whipped cream* > whopped... good one! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have no idea what you're talking about. >_>
  9. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting* XD This brings back memories... *creates more memories by handing both Cheesemaster and - Kat - two cans each of Real Whipped Cream... one for each hand* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *sprays Horatio and Cheesey with the whopped cream* >
  10. [Partying! =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Or raaaaaving. It depend on if you were Arkcher or me.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gets lasers, disco ball and fog machine, then hands out MDX energy drinks to everyone* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [What about the glow sticks and passifiers? It's just not a rave without glow sticks and passifiers.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [The only thing that creeps me out about raves is the pacifiers. I mean really, they scare me. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*throws one at MW*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*shrieks like a little girl*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*continues to rave*]
  11. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> XD This brings back memories...
  12. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* *blows door off vault and takes Claymore out, places in helicopter and flies away* *watches Horatio's helicoptor fly away with decoy Claymores made of packaging peanuts* *drops the load of decoy Claymores on the top of - Kat's - house* *hides the real Claymores* The real Claymores are already hidden! Silly hamster... *slaps forehead with paw, hands - Kat - a ton of pin tac* No! It's a distraction! I must...resist...! You just did it! Another Gold Star Award for you!!!!!!! LOL Huzzah! For the record, I didn't make that avvie. I just thought it was funny and we were talking about cat nip. It was a purrfect avvie. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought so.
  13. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* *blows door off vault and takes Claymore out, places in helicopter and flies away* *watches Horatio's helicoptor fly away with decoy Claymores made of packaging peanuts* *drops the load of decoy Claymores on the top of - Kat's - house* *hides the real Claymores* The real Claymores are already hidden! Silly hamster... *slaps forehead with paw, hands - Kat - a ton of pin tac* No! It's a distraction! I must...resist...! You just did it! Another Gold Star Award for you!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Huzzah! For the record, I didn't make that avvie. I just thought it was funny and we were talking about cat nip.
  14. I DID! > <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I WANT A SERIOUS ANSWER! > <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh...then never mind *wanders off in search of pin tac*
  15. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD
  16. Arkcher has objectionable animations? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The gasp. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MK says it's because of SSMB! (Acursed video games! They will be the downfall of us all! That is why I never play them!) We should have an intervention!
  17. Setsuna starred at the grill as she cooked. What would they do? Woud they skip the competition completely and all go to MB? They would need all the help they could get if they were going to sneak into the place during the opening. Or would they go to the competition instead? they could get into MB later, but the opening would be best because all the employees would be distracted. They could split up, because the contest only required three members from each store. But that could be dangerous for the people who went to the opening... [!]
  18. [Partying! =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Or raaaaaving. It depend on if you were Arkcher or me.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gets lasers, disco ball and fog machine, then hands out MDX energy drinks to everyone* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [What about the glow sticks and passifiers? It's just not a rave without glow sticks and passifiers.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [The only thing that creeps me out about raves is the pacifiers. I mean really, they scare me. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*throws one at MW*]
  19. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* *blows door off vault and takes Claymore out, places in helicopter and flies away* *watches Horatio's helicoptor fly away with decoy Claymores made of packaging peanuts* *drops the load of decoy Claymores on the top of - Kat's - house* *hides the real Claymores* The real Claymores are already hidden! Silly hamster... *slaps forehead with paw, hands - Kat - a ton of pin tac* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No! It's a distraction! I must...resist...!
  20. I have been trying to write it up and have been having some trouble. Please give me until Sunday. Thanks. Yes sir. IT BE SHUNDAY. Do you still need some more time? A teeny bit. Hopefully by this evening. Wait, it's not something bad, is it? You don't have cancer or anything? How can a List of out names say that he has Cancer? Oh. And you Forgot Mondrobi. He could have been collecting a list of names of people to say goodbye to. I can be rather morbid when I worry. But it doesn't show. You are not morbid... just concerned. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So what were you planning before the technical difficulties?
  21. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* *blows door off vault and takes Claymore out, places in helicopter and flies away* *watches Horatio's helicoptor fly away with decoy Claymores made of packaging peanuts* *drops the load of decoy Claymores on the top of - Kat's - house* *hides the real Claymores* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The real Claymores are already hidden! Silly hamster...
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