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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. *jigging pwnage overcomes the poison* *continues to jig* *beats jigging pwnage with super-claymore pwnage* You dare to challenge my jigging pwnage with super-claymore pwnage? The only claymore pwnage that can beat my jigging pwnage is my OWN TEH CLAYMORE PWNAGE! V>_<V *glows*
  2. XD In my dad's leather shot at Ren Fest, he had these bracers right behind the chairs that we called "porquipines" (I know I spelled that wrong). I would always lean back and stab myself in the head with them. x_x
  3. Thats really awesome and pretty! I love it! I'm such a sucker for feathers. ♥ Lee *gives Lee a shopping bag full of feather boas* Once I made black angel wings for a party. I really loved using the feathers and it turned out quite good. ♥ Lee I always look at wings people have made and think they're really pretty, but I couldn't do it. x_X I could hardly do the feathers on the mask.
  4. Yeah, well.. uh... -steals all of your...... eggs...- I CLAIM THESE EGGS IN THE NAME OF SPAIN! *sticks a flag in one*
  5. Well, we were handing out free money, but it's all gone now. Sorry. Remind Arkcher of that old hammie saying... "You snooze, you lose." Yep. Oh, well. *builds herself a throne out of money* -has built a house out of Typo Awards- >D Hah. You mean those NON-EXISTANT TYPO AWARDS THAT YOU NEVER STOLE?! It looks nice... If they dont exist, and i never stole them, as you're implying, then the house of Typo wouldnt exist. And if it looks like as you said, it must exist for you to see them, therefore I have enough typo awards to build a house. HAH! That last part was SARCASM LOLZ!!!!!1!1!!!!!1!!one!11!1!1elevenexclamationpoint
  6. *hits Toto with a flying tackle adn reclaims her monies* >_>;; Mah money.
  7. And thanks, everybody! n_n *chucks 100 points at everyone*
  8. Sorry for the low-quality of the pics. x_x My camera isn't the best. But hey, it's better than not having one, I guess...
  9. Oooo. I like it a lot. Just enough to steal it too! -grabs mask and runs away- My friend kept stealing it and wearing it around and saying she made it. Then I'd be all "*koffkoff* >_>" and she's be all "Okay I'm lying Katie made it." I won a candy bar for it.
  10. - Kat -

    one day

    Pfft. Seasonings. I like Origional flavored.
  11. The only song I've heard by My Chemical Romance is Helena. "Blah blah words and goodnight, more words and good night!" >o< Ohhh. Now I have to share my story with you all. Alright. So I was sitting at the kitchen table when my brother walked in. He started singing one of My Chemical Romance songs really loud, because he knows I dislike them. "Shut up," I said. "Why?" "Because. They're annoying. Shut up or else I'll murder you with this marker." "They're not that annoying. Some of their songs are pretty good." "Oh really. Name some good songs, then." "Helena, The Ghost of You, and I'm Not Okay." "Ha! All of their most popular music video songs. Scenster!" "What?" "You're a scenster. You only like their popular songs." "You need to shut up, Sarah." "Why's that?" (In a whine voice) "Have you ever thought of what those songs meant to me? Have you ever read the lyrics?! They're how I feel when Amy died. The singer and I feel the same emotions. Gosh." -laughs- "Emo kid." "----ing shut up." "Emo emo emooo." Yeah. That's basically all I've got. But it was pretty hilarious how my brother is an emo kid. XD There is this one emo in my Phys. Science class, and she's cool until she starts talking about her emo friends and her emo mucis and then I have to remember not to laugh. I laugh at everyone. Just not the people that might have guns... But my laugh and cough are quite a bit alike, so no one even knows which I'm doing. Hah. People get suspicitous of my sudden bursts of hacking up lungs, so I never do that. >_>
  12. I guess this is sort of an artwork, so I'll put it here! PICS-O-MY MASK I MADE FOR ENGLISH = YES!
  13. - Kat -

    one day

    Please make sure you go to Russia in the summer! If you want to see it in the winter, just watch Dr. Zhivago! Ignore Horatio. Don't watch Dr. Zhivago. xD LOL *hands Toto a piece of birthday cake with extra icing* ...The cannibals?... Cake! o: Now Tasty Toto... who were you saying to ignore? ...The cannibles?... The can - nibles ????? Well, it seems like they would not be interested in you as they only nible cans. XD That's funny. XD Wait, isn't it spelt nibbles?! =O LOL... of course. But I had to use Tasty Toto's spelling. Haha. I see. TASTY! WOO! *gathers spices* *gnaws Toto* :3
  14. The only song I've heard by My Chemical Romance is Helena. "Blah blah words and goodnight, more words and good night!" >o< Ohhh. Now I have to share my story with you all. Alright. So I was sitting at the kitchen table when my brother walked in. He started singing one of My Chemical Romance songs really loud, because he knows I dislike them. "Shut up," I said. "Why?" "Because. They're annoying. Shut up or else I'll murder you with this marker." "They're not that annoying. Some of their songs are pretty good." "Oh really. Name some good songs, then." "Helena, The Ghost of You, and I'm Not Okay." "Ha! All of their most popular music video songs. Scenster!" "What?" "You're a scenster. You only like their popular songs." "You need to shut up, Sarah." "Why's that?" (In a whine voice) "Have you ever thought of what those songs meant to me? Have you ever read the lyrics?! They're how I feel when Amy died. The singer and I feel the same emotions. Gosh." -laughs- "Emo kid." "----ing shut up." "Emo emo emooo." Yeah. That's basically all I've got. But it was pretty hilarious how my brother is an emo kid. XD There is this one emo in my Phys. Science class, and she's cool until she starts talking about her emo friends and her emo mucis and then I have to remember not to laugh.
  15. Well, we were handing out free money, but it's all gone now. Sorry. Remind Arkcher of that old hammie saying... "You snooze, you lose." Yep. Oh, well. *builds herself a throne out of money* -has built a house out of Typo Awards- >D Hah. You mean those NON-EXISTANT TYPO AWARDS THAT YOU NEVER STOLE?! It looks nice...
  16. The only song I've heard by My Chemical Romance is Helena. "Blah blah words and goodnight, more words and good night!" >o<
  17. I think it's cool. ^^ Hehe, thanks It seems that I'm posting art quite often, I'll have a break. For my Art folio I am doing animal cruelty to make people aware of whats happening to those poor animals. I could post some of that art but the really graphic stuff I'll leave out. Some pictures are pretty sad I'll have those up maybe later today or tomorrow. Thank you to the people who look at my Art! ♥ Lee I've done reports/helped people do reports on animal cruelty...some of the things people do... Yeah its quite sad... Anyways I have another picture to post! ♥ Lee I am proof of just how sad animal cruelty is. The people who owned me decided they did not want me anymore, placed me in a flimsy grocery bag without any insulation and left me on a pet store door in 10 degree (F) weather. I was on the brink of death when the pet store employee's arrived. Good thing they did not throw the grocery bag in the garbage as I was not moving and this is what the bag looked like. Just a piece of garbage hanging on the pet store door. Psychologists say, if you abuse animals, you wil have psychological problems as an adult. On a lighter note... I love you pics. *bakes some cookies for Lee's gallery visitors* Some people are just horrible, I wish there was something more I could do but I'm only one person and not a very powerful one either. Some animal cruelty art. These are the least graphic I have. They aren't pretty. I have another charcoal and pastel version of the cat I did but I haven't got a photo of that yet. ♥ Lee Poor animals. ;_; *kicks people that are cruel to animals*
  18. *jigging pwnage overcomes the poison* *continues to jig*
  19. They were huuuuuge when I was like, nine. They were rubbish, full stop. Like I cared what they sounded like. XD My friends and I just had fun dancing around like idiots. Ah, mindless jigging. The most mentally enhancing activity on the planet. Nothing like it!
  20. *puts a necklace of bells around - Kat's - neck* I just love a jingling jig! *continues to jig* *throws yellow and orange jello on the floor to help the jig become more lively* *still jigs*
  21. - Kat -

    one day

    That sounds cool! I want to at least visit Japan someday. Not just for the anime and video games (Although those are two very big reasons. >_>), but also because they have a really cool history.
  22. *puts a necklace of bells around - Kat's - neck* I just love a jingling jig! *continues to jig*
  23. My Humps - The Blackeyed Peas Dumb song has been stuck in my head all day...
  24. I think it's cool. ^^ Hehe, thanks It seems that I'm posting art quite often, I'll have a break. For my Art folio I am doing animal cruelty to make people aware of whats happening to those poor animals. I could post some of that art but the really graphic stuff I'll leave out. Some pictures are pretty sad I'll have those up maybe later today or tomorrow. Thank you to the people who look at my Art! ♥ Lee I've done reports/helped people do reports on animal cruelty...some of the things people do... Yeah its quite sad... Anyways I have another picture to post! ♥ Lee I am proof of just how sad animal cruelty is. The people who owned me decided they did not want me anymore, placed me in a flimsy grocery bag without any insulation and left me on a pet store door in 10 degree (F) weather. I was on the brink of death when the pet store employee's arrived. Good thing they did not throw the grocery bag in the garbage as I was not moving and this is what the bag looked like. Just a piece of garbage hanging on the pet store door. Psychologists say, if you abuse animals, you wil have psychological problems as an adult. On a lighter note... I love you pics. *bakes some cookies for Lee's gallery visitors* We're very glad you didn't get thrown away! n_n *hug* But yeah, irrisponsible/cruel people like that just...are weird. And not in the good way. But yeah, another great pic, Lee! <3
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