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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. It seems like despite my intentions, I always forget to check in over here orz Sorry guys! I still love you! Things have been a little eventful since my last check-in. There was Christmas, of course, which was very cool. We did our usual, just hung out together at home and visited my grandma in the evening. Grandma died in late January. We held a service for her on her birthday, and it was more of a birthday party than a funeral, since that is what she wanted. And it was much more true to her than something more somber, anyway. My dad got a new job! He's been there for about a week. What's funny is that he works with the mom of one of my close friends now XD We didnt' realize it until he'd been there for a few days. My job is still pretty normal. I've been thinking of maybe picking back up a few classes since I'm not getting many hours. The community college here offers a class that basically just helps you choose the best career paths for you, so I'd probably take that one, and maybe a life drawing class if they have it. I'd like to take Japanese again, I really miss it, and I might retake Mythology since I failed the first time. This past weekend, my parents and I spent Friday and Saturday at a Jules Verne film festival. It was pretty cool, not only because I love Jules Verne but because it was interesting to see the techniques used in the older films. The films by Karel Zemen were particularly interesting, because of the amazing ways he blended animation, stop motion, and actors. There was literally a scene that I would have believed was CG'd, it was so smooth, but it was made in 1961. The movies included: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Trip to the Moon, The Conquest of the Pole, An Impossible Voyage, The Fabulous World of Jules Verne (the Zeman film previous mentioned), Journey to the Beginning of Time (there's always one movie in these festivals that's just prime MST3K material, and this year, this was it), and Mysterious Island. Being as fond of both the sci-fi and steampunk as I am, Jules Verne stories have always fascinated me, and it was cool getting to see the movies. Puck died the week before last. I've vented and cried and been angry and been hopeless about it already, and it still hurts, but it's getting better. I still catch myself expecting to see him sometimes. Thinking about it too much only makes me upset again. Aaaand that brings us to today, which is my birthday. We're having chinese food and cheesecake. My present today is a new tire, but I'm told I'll be getting something else later this week, and then a larger present later on once dad has been working longer. So far a few friends have given me some art, Kris has dropped a few hints about what she's getting me, and another friend is being cagey about what she's got me XD I hope everyone here is doing well! I still think of you all a lot, even people I haven't talked to in years. TGHL, HogwartsHam, Otter, if you somehow come across this, I miss you guys like crazy! Aaaand I think that's all for now. Food is here so I'ma go eat.
  2. Oh whoops, I forgot to say: Thank you for your kind words, Horatio, and all the hamster advice you'd given me over the past year.
  3. My dad and I burried her today. I guess I'm doing a little better than I was Monday but everything is still fresh. I could wax dramatic until my typing fingers got numb but all that would do is make me even more upset about something I can't change. There isn't really anything else going on with me right now. I'm hoping that later tonight I can get my tickets for the midnight premier of the Hobbit, and the day-long Lord of the Rings trilogy showing the weekend before. Hopefully I'll have either Saturday or Sunday off that weekend.
  4. I bet he doesn't feel a day over 103 XD
  5. That could work. I'd just need find find a clear section of wall big enough...
  6. I love hte designs that place makes! I'm sorry to hear that you won't be getting much down time, though.
  7. This weekend has just been awful. Crazy busy at work, especially on Sunday when we were extremely understaffed. What's really got me, though, is that Sasha (my hamster) has passed away. She escaped her cage Saturday night and my dad found her this morning. We know it wasn't due to any of the animals, as she didn't appear injured. I've been a mess since I heard and I'm just doing anything I can to get my mind off it but nothing really helps. I miss her so much. I keep thinking about things she did that I'll never see again.
  8. - Kat -

    My place. :)

    Hey! We haven't seen you around in a while, how have you been?
  9. Happy Birthday, HK! You're only as old as you feel.
  10. I hope everyone who celebrates it had a good Thanksgiving!
  11. XD I think you were out of the country while I was there, anyway! And we actually went to Sea World and Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure. I went to Hogwarts so my life is basically complete now. We also stayed at the Nick Hotel as the whole trip was kind of for Kris' brother's birthday, and it was pretty cool. But overall it was a great trip, I loved all three parks and the hotel and I got lots of cool swag. I also got a cold. That was not so cool. I also survived my first Black Friday in retail, hooray for me! Today was also super busy since Black Friday basically lasts all weekend for us. I'm looking forward to days on Monday and Tuesday orz I'm also looking forward to the Hobbit coming out soom omg I need it. I also need to make the most obnoxious holiday-themed apron I can because we're allowed to wear Christmas aprons at work until Dec 26th.
  12. I don't even remember telling you that I had an aversion to trucks but I totally do and I didn't get one. I now have a red '92 Cadillac Seville, dubbed Red Hare after Lu Bu's mount. It's very nice if you ignore that it needs a front wheel adjustment and sometimes dies if you idle in parking lots too long. Also I'm still without cupholders. Did people of the 80's/early 90's just not drink things in the car? BIRDEMIC was amazing. slpnls are the technology of the future. I would also like to make it clear that I am hangin' out with the family, and we're having ourselves a party. An alert for those of you who don't know (but the only people who read this are Arkcher and Horatio, both of which I'm pretty sure already know): I'm going to Orlando on Friday and I won't be back until next Thursday. I'll have my phone but no lappy and thus no HD. So yeah, don't think some small clump of Sandy made it all the way to Kansas when you don't hear from me.
  13. As someone who arts on a laptop with some regularity, let me say that I cannot count the number of times I've wished my screen was bigger. I dunno how detailed you plan to get with that flash animation but I know when I'm working on stuff I want it as big as possible. So maybe keep one of those big monitors around to plug in for visually artistic indeavours.
  14. I hope anyone in the area is able to stay safe.
  15. x_____x The universe is trying to sabotage your sleep schedule.
  16. O8 Lexxyman! I haven't seen you in forever! Glad to see that you're still around~
  17. That was quite a trip! XD I can only imagine how it wreaks havoc on your sleep schedule.
  18. Right now I'm just looking for anything that runs XD I don't really want something big, though, like a minivan or a pickup. And no, considering that the car was a '89 Honda Accord, it definitely isn't worth trying to replace the engine. Once I finish something I think you guys would like I'll definitely share it!
  19. Right now, my parents are either taking me with their car or my brother is taking me before he works. Which means that sometimes I have to get there an hour or two early and leave an hour or two late. Luckily my bosses are all really cool and don't mind if I chill in the break room while I wait for my ride or my shift to start. We're looking for a new car for me now, so hopefully we'll find something soon. I did buy myself one thing so far. It's a sketch book full of fashion croquis to design outfits on, so I can be lazy and not draw a body every time I just want to work on an outfit |D
  20. I can imagine! Where did this trip bring you? I believe you were in Japan for a while, at least.
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