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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. *gives Lee about three seconds before she will appear in this topic* *takes those three seconds and eats them* Green Day! *paws screen* Boulevard of Broken Songs - Green Day vs. Oasis Its two songs... in one! ♥ Lee You are soooooo predictable! I hope I'm not too predictable... Dang, now i have Good Charlotte's 'Predictable' stuck in my head... ♥ Lee -thinks for a second- I can't remember that song. ...Woo! I'm getting good at this not remembering thing. Let me help you! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! SO PREDICTABLE! I KNEW SOMETHING WOULD GO WRONG! (SOMETHINGS ALWAYS WRONG) I'm reading the words, but the song isn't popping up. I think Good Charlotte has been erased from my mind... -dances- Awwww. ;_; You made me cry. -glances around- ......Sorry?...... THAT ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH! ;______; *sobs uncontrolably*
  2. A hamster's life is rather exciting... sleeping, moderating, sleeping, eating, sleeping, running in wheel... you get the picture. *avoids admitting that moderating IS my life* My daily scedule: 1.Try to not wake up 2.Go to school and die of Boredom 3.Come back to life at the end of day bell 4.Yell at Trent and accuse him of being Canadien 5.Go home and play Video Games 6. Sleep My life 1. Wake down 2. Go to school and hang with friends, but die of boredom in some classes. 3. sit waiting for end of day bell 4. revive myself at end of day bell 5. Go home and play video games/talk to friends on IM/play football(american)/do other random things 6. Fall asleep 7. Lather, rinse, repeat for better results. Why is it I don't see studying on the list!?! Because I don't study. o.O; and i don't have any C's in school, mostly A's, and a few B's. I nearly have a C in Geometry, but I dun really care 'cause I hate Geometry. n_n That isn't a proper approach towards life. I know...I just don't care about that, either. x_x When it comes to math, I break a lot of my own rules. is that a rule? that you have to break the rules? If so, break that rule. hehe, paradox. That's not a rule. I just do it anyway.
  3. *eats chocolate fudge pudding* You need to have what we have over here... Jello 5 minute, sugar free, fat free pudding. I love this stuff! That isn't pudding! How can it be pudding without sugar? S P L E N D A !!! *scoff* That isn't sugar! Yeah, that's right. I scoffed. *gasp* You scoffed?! By the way, Splenda is made from sugar, but it doesn't taste like sugar! It might be made from sugar, but it is not sugar.
  4. *eats chocolate fudge pudding* You need to have what we have over here... Jello 5 minute, sugar free, fat free pudding. I love this stuff! That isn't pudding! How can it be pudding without sugar? S P L E N D A !!! *scoff* That isn't sugar! Yeah, that's right. I scoffed.
  5. *gives Lee about three seconds before she will appear in this topic* *takes those three seconds and eats them* Green Day! *paws screen* Boulevard of Broken Songs - Green Day vs. Oasis Its two songs... in one! ♥ Lee You are soooooo predictable! I hope I'm not too predictable... Dang, now i have Good Charlotte's 'Predictable' stuck in my head... ♥ Lee -thinks for a second- I can't remember that song. ...Woo! I'm getting good at this not remembering thing. Let me help you! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! SO PREDICTABLE! I KNEW SOMETHING WOULD GO WRONG! (SOMETHINGS ALWAYS WRONG) I'm reading the words, but the song isn't popping up. I think Good Charlotte has been erased from my mind... -dances- Awwww. ;_; You made me cry.
  6. *eats chocolate fudge pudding* You need to have what we have over here... Jello 5 minute, sugar free, fat free pudding. I love this stuff! That isn't pudding! How can it be pudding without sugar?
  7. [*keeps from dieing while she puts it back together* This is taking a while. ._.]
  8. *gives Lee about three seconds before she will appear in this topic* *takes those three seconds and eats them* Green Day! *paws screen* Boulevard of Broken Songs - Green Day vs. Oasis Its two songs... in one! ♥ Lee You are soooooo predictable! I hope I'm not too predictable... Dang, now i have Good Charlotte's 'Predictable' stuck in my head... ♥ Lee -thinks for a second- I can't remember that song. ...Woo! I'm getting good at this not remembering thing. Let me help you! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! SO PREDICTABLE! I KNEW SOMETHING WOULD GO WRONG! (SOMETHINGS ALWAYS WRONG)
  9. The Englsih project was to make a mask 'cause we were just starting Romeo and Juliet and there is a masked ball in the story, so we had to make the masks. We also had a party thing. Whoo!
  10. A hamster's life is rather exciting... sleeping, moderating, sleeping, eating, sleeping, running in wheel... you get the picture. *avoids admitting that moderating IS my life* My daily scedule: 1.Try to not wake up 2.Go to school and die of Boredom 3.Come back to life at the end of day bell 4.Yell at Trent and accuse him of being Canadien 5.Go home and play Video Games 6. Sleep My life 1. Wake down 2. Go to school and hang with friends, but die of boredom in some classes. 3. sit waiting for end of day bell 4. revive myself at end of day bell 5. Go home and play video games/talk to friends on IM/play football(american)/do other random things 6. Fall asleep 7. Lather, rinse, repeat for better results. Why is it I don't see studying on the list!?! Because I don't study. o.O; and i don't have any C's in school, mostly A's, and a few B's. I nearly have a C in Geometry, but I dun really care 'cause I hate Geometry. n_n That isn't a proper approach towards life. I know...I just don't care about that, either. x_x When it comes to math, I break a lot of my own rules.
  11. [i think I'll get back to work on putting this all back together again. Starting riiiiiiiight...now.]
  12. I figured Mushroom_king was out buying up all the new David Gilmour CDs. It's takin' her pretty long. ._. It takes a while to buy them all. It also takes a while to Put people in the meat grinder. You've returned! n_n *tackle-glomp* *throw3s Johnny depp, who is now Canadian, at Kat* MY REIGN OF TERROR CONTINUES!!!! *catches Jhonny Depp, waits until MK turns around, then throws him back at her* >.>
  13. [Wheeeee! Not about the mean guy, though. He is LOSE! >]
  14. XD In my dad's leather shop at Ren Fest, he had these bracers right behind the chairs that we called "porquipines" (I know I spelled that wrong). I would always lean back and stab myself in the head with them. x_x <.< >.> Thats like something I would do! How sharp were they? ♥ Lee Well, they weren't deadly, but they were pretty sharp. Sharp enough to cut me. ._.;; Owie! Horatio flys planes. I bet no-one knew that! Not even Horatio himself... ♥ Lee Spiffeh! ^^ I'm suprised Horatio didn't catch was I did...I'm so smooth.
  15. A hamster's life is rather exciting... sleeping, moderating, sleeping, eating, sleeping, running in wheel... you get the picture. *avoids admitting that moderating IS my life* My daily scedule: 1.Try to not wake up 2.Go to school and die of Boredom 3.Come back to life at the end of day bell 4.Yell at Trent and accuse him of being Canadien 5.Go home and play Video Games 6. Sleep My life 1. Wake down 2. Go to school and hang with friends, but die of boredom in some classes. 3. sit waiting for end of day bell 4. revive myself at end of day bell 5. Go home and play video games/talk to friends on IM/play football(american)/do other random things 6. Fall asleep 7. Lather, rinse, repeat for better results. Why is it I don't see studying on the list!?! Because I don't study. o.O; and i don't have any C's in school, mostly A's, and a few B's. I nearly have a C in Geometry, but I dun really care 'cause I hate Geometry. n_n
  16. Did you ever think that maybe there isn't a message? There is ALWAYS a message! that isd what they want you to think. >.> So you might be implying that people write things for no reason whatsoever. Not for no reason, but with no message. It is a little thing I like to call randomness. However, if i were to see this video, i might be able to ascertain as to whether it has a message or not. And by the way, you don't write videos. >,< You direct them, which is sort of the same thing.
  17. *looks at Grim while he yells his lesson, then starts to raaaaaaaave*
  18. *catches and continues to jig* *throws a Canadian at Kat* *skillfully dodges Canadian*
  19. I figured Mushroom_king was out buying up all the new David Gilmour CDs. It's takin' her pretty long. ._. It takes a while to buy them all. It also takes a while to Put people in the meat grinder. You've returned! n_n *tackle-glomp*
  20. *just took a short break from Secret of Mana* I was at the very end, but haddn't played for months and forgot what to do, so I had to start all over! ;_; ...What? I'm not addicted. I could stop any time! <.<
  21. Yeah, well.. uh... -steals all of your...... eggs...- I CLAIM THESE EGGS IN THE NAME OF SPAIN! *sticks a flag in one* And I claim the other eggs in the name of all TypoAward-kind! >D -crams Typo Awards in them- WHEN I SAID THESE EGGS I MEANT ALL OF THEM I JUST DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH FLAGS THEY ARE ALL PROPERTY OF THE COUNTRY THEY ARE ALL PROPERTY OF THE NATION OF SPAIN KTHNX
  22. *catches and continues to jig*
  23. XD In my dad's leather shop at Ren Fest, he had these bracers right behind the chairs that we called "porquipines" (I know I spelled that wrong). I would always lean back and stab myself in the head with them. x_x <.< >.> Thats like something I would do! How sharp were they? ♥ Lee Well, they weren't deadly, but they were pretty sharp. Sharp enough to cut me. ._.;;
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