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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. [And update, or any of you that are curious: I just typed up the part about Raith killing Xalaryn and freezing herself to the wall.]
  2. Boss! Da Arkcher man is purloining da stock! Oh, Snap! I've been found out! You'll never take me alive! -jumps out a window- *pushes a trampoline beneath the window* *screams to - Kat -* Arkcher will be on his way back up in a minute... be prepared to grab him. *grabs him when he comes back up* Don't make me get Lee to call in the koalas. 'Cause I will. Death Koala's! Oh Em Gee. er... boss. *swipes most of the Twix away* Get back to work. e_e;; ... Work on what? What do we do in this mafia aside from have connections? boss? Collect prtection money/find people who want us to protect them and then get their protection money, for starters.
  3. I think you're right, over here the BBC took great care in placing its time slot, positioning it just right at Saturday, 7:00PM. And it worked wonderfully, 10 Million for the first episode! And by the end of the series it had entriely destroyed ITV, Channel Four and Five's programmes for that slot. ITV just ended up showing re-runs of C-List movies after their two light entertainment shows (Two Geordie midgets with a very light entertainment chat-show/games show/slapstick comedy and of course, there was the reality TV flop "Celebrity Wrestling") Looking at the Sci-Fi Channel's placement of it, it looks as if they've just slapped it down randomly... Quite true. I emailed the Sci-Fi Channel and asked for a change in time slot to an earlier slot. I probably will never have a return email. :glare: I fear that the Sci-Fi Channel needs to adjust its attitude to Doctor Who timing. It saw huge success in everywhere else, but it was mainly because (apart from being a brilliantly made program) that the other broadcasters carefully placed it to make it accessible to both children and adults. Look at S.Korea, they now are Doctor Who lovers. In fact, looking at ratings, the US ratings are the lowest. But, nevermind, because I suspect the BBC will get rather angry at the Sci-Fi and refuse to give them broadcasting rights to the second series. What about publicity? Has there been much in the way of publicity? About zero percent publicity. But good news... it is now on 21H00 on Friday nights. (10 pm local) Not much of an improvement, but some. Now you see, how are people meant to watch Doctor Who if they don't know about it? What would have been the chances of you finding out about Horatio, for example, if I hadn't told you about it? I don't think you watch the Sci-Fi Channel reguarly and the only other way would have been word of mouth. At least it is more friendly for children, which as the Executive Producer says; "Doctor Who is like Harry Potter, designed for kids, but the adults aren't ashamed when they get hooked." He also said it had to scare you while not being horrifying, a sort of good, laugh afterwards scare. But anyway, Series Two is on its way and the BBC is obviously gearing up the propoganda machine as the website has been updated after several weeks of non-change. If you are interested there is some footage of 2006, and since I don't think you have DOctor Who Confidential, there is also the highlights from 2005 and Confidential. Also, a warning, you may want to view trailers of the episodes, but beware of spoilers like the 2005 highlights. Actually, I have been watching Dr. Who off and on since 1988. I really like the SciFi channel. Thank you for all the other information! Have a freshly baked cake for your efforts! I saw "Dr. Who off" and the first time I saw it I though it said "Dr. Wolf" and I was liike "MW has a TV show? x_x"
  4. Boss! Da Arkcher man is purloining da stock! Oh, Snap! I've been found out! You'll never take me alive! -jumps out a window- *pushes a trampoline beneath the window* *screams to - Kat -* Arkcher will be on his way back up in a minute... be prepared to grab him. *grabs him when he comes back up* Don't make me get Lee to call in the koalas. 'Cause I will. Death Koala's! Oh Em Gee. er... boss. *swipes most of the Twix away* Get back to work. e_e;;
  5. Actually, it's the other way around.
  6. Boss! Da Arkcher man is purloining da stock! Oh, Snap! I've been found out! You'll never take me alive! -jumps out a window- *pushes a trampoline beneath the window* *screams to - Kat -* Arkcher will be on his way back up in a minute... be prepared to grab him. *grabs him when he comes back up* Don't make me get Lee to call in the koalas. 'Cause I will.
  7. Mafia List: Me Grim Toto Arkcher Phyro Horatio (?) Cheesey Mega Wolf Lee Wildcat (Po) Dog Lover *sets out large bowls of candy for the members*
  8. You said you weren't good at writing! That's really excellent!
  9. [Yeah, sometimes that happens when you copy and paste something from Word. I dunno why.] [i didn't really have trouble reading it through the symbols.] [Neither did I, it's just annoying.] [-pokes Kat- D'joo see that before that post, there was another chapta?] [Now I did. And Arranay is still evil. ;_; But then there was Anzi not being dead and the use of Kat words, and almost all was good again.]
  10. [Once again, a part that I though would take a while was done in about a minute because I have a wonderful mommy who has the magic of MS Word. Still not gonna get finished very quickly, though. x_x]
  11. *starts collecting pin tac and dynamite to help motivate - Kat - * [The pin-tac is just destracting me. And pondering the many possible uses of the dynamite doesn't help, either.] *adds a shiny gold Claymore to the pile* [*eyes* >.> *sneeeeeeeeeaks over to the pile*]
  12. *starts collecting pin tac and dynamite to help motivate - Kat - * [The pin-tac is just destracting me. And pondering the many possible uses of the dynamite doesn't help, either.]
  13. ['Kay. I have good news and not-so-great news. The good news is, this isn't as mixed up as a I though and should take a fairly short time to put back together! Huzzah! The not-so-great news is that I'm really lazy and probably won't get around to it any time soon anyway. ._.;;]
  14. Right. Spread out and gather it up, kids. These fedoras don't pay for themselves. Nor do dese Range Rovers, or da trilby hats, or da machine guns, or da suits. Do you know how much it costs to buy a Phoenix sized suit? Eh, you'd prolly have to get it custom made, so more than normal. But I can uh, take care of that. *typo alert* Yeah, you got da best connections in da world, boss. Typo? Where? o.o And yeah, just tell me who you're interested in "buying" the suit from. I'll see what I can do. Prolly? Unless of course it is a colloquial phrase I have yet to come across, which in that case, it is entirely my fault. I tort I'd try da Italian tailors in da European quarter. I say prolly all the time. I'm far too lazy to type out probably. Except for then. Alright. Keep things under control here for a while, Grim. I've got some business to attend to... K Boss. I'll go get da protection money. *returns* You can go in whenever you want to get it tailored. Happy closest gift-giving holiday.
  15. [Yeah, sometimes that happens when you copy and paste something from Word. I dunno why.] [i didn't really have trouble reading it through the symbols.] [Neither did I, it's just annoying.]
  16. You better keep that question mark there until I taste all of your candy! *keeps printing more and more money with the scent of nip tac infused* You know, if you don't want the candy, you could always just give us the monies anyway. >.> *finishes loading helicopter with bags and bags of counterfeit money, takes off and heads for - Kat's - palace, has the hammie group, dropping 100 bills from the sky like snow flakes* I don't know if I should spend it or eat it. o.o I put some chocolate shaped like coins, wrapped in gold foil. Enjoy! *nibbles the chocolate and sells of the "gold" foil* uhnuhduh typo, boss. I'm da Boss. I'm allowed a few typos here and there.
  17. Right. Spread out and gather it up, kids. These fedoras don't pay for themselves. Nor do dese Range Rovers, or da trilby hats, or da machine guns, or da suits. Do you know how much it costs to buy a Phoenix sized suit? Eh, you'd prolly have to get it custom made, so more than normal. But I can uh, take care of that. *typo alert* Yeah, you got da best connections in da world, boss. Typo? Where? o.o And yeah, just tell me who you're interested in "buying" the suit from. I'll see what I can do. Prolly? Unless of course it is a colloquial phrase I have yet to come across, which in that case, it is entirely my fault. I tort I'd try da Italian tailors in da European quarter. I say prolly all the time. I'm far too lazy to type out probably. Except for then. Alright. Keep things under control here for a while, Grim. I've got some business to attend to...
  18. Mafia List: Me Grim Toto Arkcher Phyro Horatio (?) Cheesey Mega Wolf Lee Wildcat (Po)
  19. Now we are watching the Season Premiere, a two hour show called "The End Of The World" !!!!! Fly over here Phoenix! Read my posts...... NOW!!! the Lifted face was kinda funny. Lexxscrapham... you watch Dr. Who ?????? You wait until Episode 3, The Unquiet Dead. A very good episode, Charles Dickens fans should enjoy it. Then there is Aliens of London, a two parter with the second episode of World War Three. Then, the super, super, super, super excellent episode of... DALEK! Thank you for the heads up. I will be ready! I'm not so sure about that, I think in order to be ready for Dalek you'd have to spend several years meditating, lowering your heart beat and focusing your mind. It really is that good. But, I think you will appreciate episodes 9 and 10. There is an "enemy" in that, much more scary than any dalek. The Unquiet Dead is on now. Phenomenally fantastic!!!!! Nite, nite... I am saying good night, so I can watch Dr. Who! I saw two episodes last night 'cause my dad was like "Hey, it's the new Dr. Who!" It's really good. o.o
  20. [Yeah, sometimes that happens when you copy and paste something from Word. I dunno why.]
  21. [*doesn't raise hand* Of course, you're the author and know what's going on, so if you say it's a bad idea, then it probably is, but oh well! ] [Well, uh. that means. you're wierd.] [... And it's taken you how long to figure that out?]
  22. [i read it! It just didn't say it had any new posts until now. And I liked Arranay. ;_; Aww.]
  23. That's be sweet. I would go back to moments where I totally pwn'd at something and be all "OH YES! V>_<V"
  24. Dance Dance - Fall Out Boy Yeah, that's right! Think they're okay! I got the CD for Christmas! REPRESENT!
  25. *eats chocolate fudge pudding* You need to have what we have over here... Jello 5 minute, sugar free, fat free pudding. I love this stuff! That isn't pudding! How can it be pudding without sugar? S P L E N D A !!! *scoff* That isn't sugar! Yeah, that's right. I scoffed. *gasp* You scoffed?! By the way, Splenda is made from sugar, but it doesn't taste like sugar! We have something like that called Equal. I don't understand how it could be made from sugar and then be called sugar-free? ♥ Lee We have Equal in the blue package, made from aspartame. We have Sweet N Low in the pink package and this is made from something I can't remember. Then we have Splenda in the yellow package and this is made from sugar. Yes, Equal is in a blue package. We might have the other ones here too but the aren't very popular because I haven't heard of them before. I like sugar. *drool* ♥ Lee Oh yeah... this is my Art topic so... 1. My wolf fursona, she needs a name and I'm open for suggestions. This is a rough drawing in Paint. 2. A kitty stalking a butterfly. Yay for the kitties! Spiffy! n_n And she could be named...umm...Lee? x_x;; I dunno.
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