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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. [Actually, I do try that. It doesn't end well, most of the time. ._.;;; Me: Dragon! Lets be friends! Dragon: ...*fire breath*]
  2. [Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"] [Naw. It was more of an "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH." She didnt think of draining the lizards of precious bottley fluids. xD (I bet Lexxy-man knows of that reference.) ] [Next time I'm in a fantasy game, I'm gonna make a request to the GM that we fight a dragon, just so I can say that.] [... And then lose some weight. xD] [What are you talking about? I don't see any typos. >.>;;]
  3. Allo! Isn't Vixen's art supa-cool?
  4. [Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"] [Naw. It was more of an "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH." She didnt think of draining the lizards of precious bottley fluids. xD (I bet Lexxy-man knows of that reference.) ] [Next time I'm in a fatasy game, I'm gonna make a request to the GM that we fight a dragon, just so I can say that.]
  5. Yay! *pulls out glowsticks and raaaaaaaaaves with Neon*
  6. In no particular order: The Pillows Muse E Type OK Go TMBG
  7. [Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"]
  8. [Yay for more spiffy story! n_n *raaaaaves*]
  9. Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay! Perhaps I should put out a plate of cookies here for all who wander in. Would you care for a little nip tac sprinkled on top or yours - Kat - ? Heck yes I would. *prepares a basket of nip tac cookies for - Kat - * Here you go! *stores basket in a vault*
  10. Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay! Perhaps I should put out a plate of cookies here for all who wander in. Would you care for a little nip tac sprinkled on top or yours - Kat - ? Heck yes I would.
  11. Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay!
  12. No kidding. e_e It could all be a cunning plan of course, to make us more interested in the Revo at E3. Plus, look what stupid-copycat Sony did... AGAIN. Stole Nintendo's idea of a tilt sensor control and rammed it in their "new" same-as-the-PS2 style controller. Yup. This is more reason for me to not like PS2. ... boss. I already got over what a stupid name Wii is, cuz at first, I thought Gamecube was a terrible name. but it turned out to be very. uh. good. boss. This makes the... what, fifth controller idea that Playstation stole from Nintendo? I loathe them beyond beleif. Speaking of which... boss... The Wii's controller is to be called a Wiimote. i thought it was hilarious. Upon telling this to my brother, and telling him about the signature texts of gaming message boards (Wii are sick of you/Wii will rock you/Wii are better) he replied. "Ugh, This is getting Wii-diculous." AND OH MY GAWSH. Did'joo see the SSBB videooooooo theres a video about Super Smash Brother Brawl for teh Wii. Go search for it or something, its the coolest video in the universe. YOU GET TO PLAY AS META-KNIGHT. How cool is that. And, according to the japanese-english translators, there will be a "very robust 1-player mode" ... boss. *wants a Wii AND a PS3 AND a 360* XP *Solid Snake comes in and pwns MetaKnight* You're reall going to spend $599 on a PS3 and then $399 on an XBox 360, and then $199 on the Wii? So that's... $1197 all together. And I've listed the top models for PS3 and 360 as you'd be insane to get anything else for either of them. Heard about the lower model PS3's lack of HDMI? Means you can't plug it into a HD TV without the copyright function built into the discs because it will go crazy and PWN YOU! And the 360 is just rubbish without upgrading it. We don't have a HD TV, and I want them for the gaaaaaaaaames. I don't care how hi-tech they are. Sequals to my favorites are coming out on them and not on the Wii.
  13. [Moving? Again? Didn't you just move at some not-very-long-ago time?] [ I am glad you asked that question. Arkcher just moved not too long ago, was what I thought, but then I thought I just might be crazy, so I figured I would see if someone else asked. Thank you for asking! ] [You're welcome? XD]
  14. [Moving? Again? Didn't you just move at some not-very-long-ago time?]
  15. No kidding. e_e It could all be a cunning plan of course, to make us more interested in the Revo at E3. Plus, look what stupid-copycat Sony did... AGAIN. Stole Nintendo's idea of a tilt sensor control and rammed it in their "new" same-as-the-PS2 style controller. Yup. This is more reason for me to not like PS2. ... boss. I already got over what a stupid name Wii is, cuz at first, I thought Gamecube was a terrible name. but it turned out to be very. uh. good. boss. This makes the... what, fifth controller idea that Playstation stole from Nintendo? I loathe them beyond beleif. Speaking of which... boss... The Wii's controller is to be called a Wiimote. i thought it was hilarious. Upon telling this to my brother, and telling him about the signature texts of gaming message boards (Wii are sick of you/Wii will rock you/Wii are better) he replied. "Ugh, This is getting Wii-diculous." AND OH MY GAWSH. Did'joo see the SSBB videooooooo theres a video about Super Smash Brother Brawl for teh Wii. Go search for it or something, its the coolest video in the universe. YOU GET TO PLAY AS META-KNIGHT. How cool is that. And, according to the japanese-english translators, there will be a "very robust 1-player mode" ... boss. *wants a Wii AND a PS3 AND a 360* XP
  16. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you! O O P S ! ! ! ! hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? 15... are you ready? *is fifteen* >.>;; Are to ready to join Cheesemaster as a mod? If you are interested, I will tell HampsterKing. Seriously? Erm...hmmm...
  17. I don't listen to them a lot, but they're pretty good. My brother loves, them, though. He's seen them live.
  18. [i found MF last night.... I was gonna post some stuff but didnt have anything to post. it made me sad.] [incredibly slow progress on the werewolf stuff. And while my lycanthropal knowledge expands, I have more things to talk about in it. And more lunar reference and stuff, taking up lexxy-mans suggestion. So the finished version is a lot longer.] [... LEXXY MAN! ;_; *sobs unconrollablly*] [O_o;; Jeez. Calm down.] [but he left! ;_; *clings to Horatio* He leeeeeeeeeeft...] [i know. *gives - Kat - a hammie huggle* ] [;_; *hugs back*] *gets box of tissues* Hey... the lightbulb just came on... why don't we start a Lexxy topic for when he returns!?!?!?!?! [but wouldn't that best be done in late June so it's not dead when he gets here?] Great idea! I was thinking of an art/writing contest. What do you think? Then I can always pin it. [Oh, well yeah, if it's an art/writing contest, then we will need time to work on stuff! So I guess we could start it now! n_n] Or we could do something like this... make an announcement that the contest will open on the 15th of June and end on the 1st of July. List the rules so that people could start their entries to be submitted during the two week period. How does that sound? [i think that will be great for when he actually leaves. n_n *upset Lexxy Man didn't get to join the Air Force when he wanted, but still happy she at least gets to properly say goodbye when he does*]
  19. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you! O O P S ! ! ! ! hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? 15... are you ready? *is fifteen* >.>;;
  20. "It's no bologna! It ain't a pony! My cellular bananar phooooooone!"
  21. GASP! DA BOSS! WHERE IS DA BOSS?!?!? We have unknowledgable peoples on da territory! So, be a nice phoenix and explain what a mafia is. *waits for TGHL to answer kyokunisangry with an appropriate answer* I suppose I have to since Kat isn't here. A mafia is an organised crime syndicate. In case you have no idea what that is, it is basically a gang of organized thieves, although they do not limit their criminal activity to thieving, it also includes, but is not limited too; racketeering, protection fees, extortion, blackmail, bootlegging and mugging The original Mafia is that of the organized crime syndicate founded in Sardinia (or is it Corsica? I always confuse those two. Well which ever one is under Italian rule) and Italy it was behind much of the organized crime in Italy between its foundation and 2000, however, after a joint sting operation between EU and Italian police the Mafia has had to keep quiet in recent years. Particuarly after the recent arrest of a suspected crime boss. Since the early days of the Italian Mafia, two other countries have set up widely recognized Mafias. The Russian Mafia, who we all know and love for their ruthless ways and backing of the Oligarchs in Russia, and the Italian-American Mafia, this has gone through various incarnations and names, usually changing with each new "Don" (Don in the American Mafia is the highest rank) for example in the 1930's it was under Lucky Luciano and was called Murder Inc. However, since the rise of rap and people calling themselves Gangstas, the American Mafia has effectively ceased to exist on a large scale as American criminal activity has boiled down into rather petty drug cartels and gangs. Other countries also have organized crime syndicates. The three most notable amongst these are; The Yakuza, from Japan, The Triads, from China, and the Notingham based crime syndicate which is responsible for most organized crime in Britain, aside from in London, where the gangs are locked in a turf war and don't appreciate anyone new. Oh yeah, sorry 'bout that. >.>;;; I've been busy for the last few days. And you did way better than I would have, anyway. XD I luff my Second in Command. <3 n_n
  22. [i found MF last night.... I was gonna post some stuff but didnt have anything to post. it made me sad.] [incredibly slow progress on the werewolf stuff. And while my lycanthropal knowledge expands, I have more things to talk about in it. And more lunar reference and stuff, taking up lexxy-mans suggestion. So the finished version is a lot longer.] [... LEXXY MAN! ;_; *sobs unconrollablly*] [O_o;; Jeez. Calm down.] [but he left! ;_; *clings to Horatio* He leeeeeeeeeeft...] [i know. *gives - Kat - a hammie huggle* ] [;_; *hugs back*] *gets box of tissues* Hey... the lightbulb just came on... why don't we start a Lexxy topic for when he returns!?!?!?!?! [but wouldn't that best be done in late June so it's not dead when he gets here?] Great idea! I was thinking of an art/writing contest. What do you think? Then I can always pin it. [Oh, well yeah, if it's an art/writing contest, then we will need time to work on stuff! So I guess we could start it now! n_n]
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