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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. I just don't have much to say! would another "thank you" do? I could give you some cherry micicles... would this help? *hides fresh baked brownine* Yay! Jesse's still alive! Brownies? Here have some before Jesse gets back! Maybe I'll just stick with the micicles. Could I have a chocolate mouseshake to go with that? As for my level I'll post more pictures in the art section soon. Hey! Now that is a good invention... mouseshakes! *gets a package of frozen imitation mouses for the shake* Chocolate mouseshake coming right up! Mmmm yum... :ninja: I think I'll stick with the brownies. Wait, imitation mouses? I just couldn't bear to use some of my species, so I have come up with a very close alternative. Do you really think when you open a can of tuna you are really eating TUNA? How about crabmeat? Besides, if the food industry can slip this by the human population, Jesse will never notice. Uh, the tuna we get is really tuna, 'cause my dad eats it all the time, and he's super allergic to crabmeat.
  2. poor you. but why can't you play DDR? 'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play. And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card. LOL Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception? lol, reception crashers. Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL Go for it. See if you can get Guitar Hero, too. *gets a sticky note... writes description, memory card and Guitar Hero* *starts looking for all weddings in the Memphis area* Whooo! Memory card and Guitar Hero!
  3. On that third from the last one, I thought he was jumping out of the cubbard, and then I got all excited 'cause I thought you could hide in the cubbards and jump out at people and that sounds like the kind of thing I tend to do for hours in video games, but then I clicked and he was jsut looking in the cubbard. They're still cool, though. <3
  4. poor you. but why can't you play DDR? 'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play. And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card. LOL Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception? lol, reception crashers. Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL Go for it. See if you can get Guitar Hero, too.
  5. poor you. but why can't you play DDR? 'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play. And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.
  6. Tired from waking up? Yeah. In Kansas it was noon and I uh, *koff*, I wake up at noon. >.>;;
  7. I've been in public chatrooms where people were not so considerate. ._.;; I never came back again. Psh. Im like the biggest two-faced person you's guys have ever seen. Im not the same person IRL than who I am online. OOH. Not much of a difference, pretty much all there is is that I glare at random people and creep them out. (Where the creeping-out part is helped by my odd facial proportions; No matter what mood im in, i most always look mad about something. Its wierd.) Other than that, i cant think of much anything else... Aside from the occasional straying off from english to stupid-noises language at random times. When im talking to someone, on occasion I just blab in no real language and dont realize it until a few seconds afterward. ... Pirates! Grog! I guess I'm perpetually sad-looking. Like every day, somebody will go "Katie, and you okay?" and I'm all "Uhh...yeah? o_o;;" Grog backwards is gorG. I swear, I walk up to some of my friends to go and talk to them, and when i vocalize, the nearest one to me jumps. They later explain that they seriously thought I was going to punch their lights out or something. Jeez, i wanted to talk to someone who isnt 5-years-old. And they think im going to like... keel them. Pff. Next time they say they thought you were gonna beat them up, you should be all "What? That make Arkcher MAD! >" and pretend to go on a rampage. That's what I would do, at least. But then again, I have a cold and and still pretty tired from waking up. n_n <3
  8. I've been in public chatrooms where people were not so considerate. ._.;; I never came back again. Psh. Im like the biggest two-faced person you's guys have ever seen. Im not the same person IRL than who I am online. OOH. Not much of a difference, pretty much all there is is that I glare at random people and creep them out. (Where the creeping-out part is helped by my odd facial proportions; No matter what mood im in, i most always look mad about something. Its wierd.) Other than that, i cant think of much anything else... Aside from the occasional straying off from english to stupid-noises language at random times. When im talking to someone, on occasion I just blab in no real language and dont realize it until a few seconds afterward. ... Pirates! Grog! I guess I'm perpetually sad-looking. Like every day, somebody will go "Katie, and you okay?" and I'm all "Uhh...yeah? o_o;;"
  9. I've been in public chatrooms where people were not so considerate. ._.;; I never came back again. I'm glad you didn't go back. It wasn't aimed at me, or anything. They were talking to each other. I was just like "Phht. Get a room." and left.
  10. Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! > Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them. But... But its fun watching them dispair! D= ah whatever. Haha. You called a guy Sue. Haha Sue...you should have called him Debbie.
  11. poor you. but why can't you play DDR? 'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play. And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x
  12. I figured Mushroom_king was out buying up all the new David Gilmour CDs. It's takin' her pretty long. ._. It takes a while to buy them all. It also takes a while to Put people in the meat grinder. You've returned! n_n *tackle-glomp* *throw3s Johnny depp, who is now Canadian, at Kat* MY REIGN OF TERROR CONTINUES!!!! *catches Jhonny Depp, waits until MK turns around, then throws him back at her* >.> *Throws Johnny Cash at Kat* *goes into Matrix bullet-time and dodges him*
  13. Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! > Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them.
  14. Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*
  15. I've been in public chatrooms where people were not so considerate. ._.;; I never came back again.
  16. - Kat -

    ISSUES. D=

    When I was a little kid (4 or 5) I put everything I could reach in my hair, and ehen I was in first grade I would randomly switch into and out of a British accent while talking. When ever I'm talking about something that rhymes with "weast" (which I'm pretty sure isn't even a real word), I'll say weast instad of the word (example: I was talking about yeast yesterday, and I always said weast at first). I also mix up the begginins of words that start with m and w if I'm saying them right after each other. Like I was talking about two kids named Matt and Wesley and I kept saying Wet and Mastley, and I say "welt maxing" instead of "wax melting" and stuff like that. I also hate chicken from the bone, but am fine with chicken strips.
  17. Correction. Pin floyd would be the Eagle who eats everything. Britney spears would be the Fertilizer. Musical Food Chain. O_o No. I am the musical food chain. If you don't agree, it's because you aren't HARDxCORE like me.
  18. *hands - Kat - one of the thank you notes* Well you and someone else made my day!!! w00t! n_n *dances with the note* I voted for Kat *dances with Kat 'cause its my birthday in 2 days* ♥ Lee I have yet to vote due to impatiality and also the fact I want to win. I'm drawing with Kat! *draws a smiley face in yellow crayon* ^____________^ *colors while dancing*
  19. [still getting it put together. >.> I sorta forgot about it for a while, but I'll get back on that pretty soon.]
  20. *hands - Kat - one of the thank you notes* Well you and someone else made my day!!! w00t! n_n *dances with the note* I voted for Kat *dances with Kat 'cause its my birthday in 2 days* ♥ Lee *hugs Lee* n_n *continues dancing to Bye, Bye, Bye* x_x;;
  21. *hands - Kat - one of the thank you notes* Well you and someone else made my day!!! w00t! n_n *dances with the note*
  22. Yaaaaay! ! *hugs Arkcher as well* I need to figure out who that other person was so I can hug them...
  23. I voted for Horatio! n_n And I'm actually winning. o.o Didn't expect that to happen...
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