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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. *sobs because she cannot show everybody the beautiful "You are a Pirate!" song* T_____T [Aww. Sing it anyways *readies Audacity*] [! DO WHAT YOU WANT 'CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE! YOU ARE A PIRATE! YAR HAR FLIBBERTY GEE, BEIN' A PIRATE IS ALRIGHT TO BE! DO WHAT YOU WANT 'CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE! YOU ARE A PIRATE! *bows*]
  2. *sobs because she cannot show everybody the beautiful "You are a Pirate!" song* T_____T
  3. Setsuna gave Glow a small salute with her spatula as she continued to cook up orders.
  4. The Rocking Son of Dschinghis Khan - Dschinghis Khan This song is so silly. XD
  5. [i never really got the hang of spanish. *waits for a good time to enter the rp :ninja:*] [Now is about as good as it's gonna get. We're about to encounter a plot point.]
  6. ...The Ramones? Good Lord, how many people did covers of that song? x_x *~*The Grand Illusion*~* What do you mean by covers? If you mean Idiots who took the beat and put new lyrics on it, then about one Million. ...I'm still listening to those songs, but I added Queen's Body Language. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* No, I mean people who use the same beat and the same lyrics. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I hate it when people do that. X_X worse, they always play the coversz on the radio and stuffs. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* I actually sorta like the Pussycat Dolls' cover of Tainted Love. Just in case you were wondering, Softcell was the first band to sing that song. Gasolina - Daddy Yankee Why? Your guess is a good as mine.
  7. [*tries to rap in Spanish while she waits for people to finish up whatever they're doing* This whole raping thing isn't working out well...maybe if I tried it in a language I understand...]
  8. I am sure - Kat - can fit you in. Go back and look at the profile and see what she is asking for. I would fill in the blank, but leave the job position open. This will give you an idea of what is happening. [Hehe. I know from some of my previous posts that I should look at the first post (and the history up to the newest post) first ] [ TBFOF is famous for not reading any prior posts! ] [Hmm... For some reason I can't veiw page 2. Anyway, from what I see, all spots are filled, but according the the first post I can request one, or something. Perhaps... A spy for FDP :ninja: Okay, that was just me being... Well... Me. If I could be a spy that'd be fun! Whoo! But otherwise I'd be willing to take whatever job's thrown at me. *thinks up a character in the meantime*] [i'm sure we could fit you in! Just gimmie a bio and we'll see what possition we can think up.] [i came up with this partially on the spot. I did move around a bit, but otherwise on the spot. Some of this is me, for example I [i]am[/i] almost 6 foot. Try to guess what other parts of this bio is true Name: Glow Wurm Postition: (whatever kat throws at me ) PD: Glow is not, in fact, a wurm, however he shares many wurmish traits. He is close to 6 foot and weighs about 45kg. He has always been told that when people look at him, they are reminded of glowing objects, such as neon lights. Many also comment on his skin, saying it has a slightly pale-green tinge(sp?) to it. His hair is short, and straight. It is slightly messy, like the look you get in the morning if you shake your head a lot after a shower, but he has no curls in his hair, at all. It is brown like the earth, but it also has small streaks of a baby green to it, to suggest a wurm. His eyes are brown. Weapon Preferences: Glow prefers to use his abilities (combined with his bare fists) as opposed to weapons. He can burrow (he's a wurm, after all) and he is seductive, in a way. He is good at making trusted friends, and can use this to get any needed information. Background: Glow the Wurm developed very early, and, at a mere 5, unfortunately stumbled upon the fact that his parents never wanted a child, that he was a stupid mistake. Depressed and enraged, and not old enough to think clearly enough, he ran away. He thought he would never see them again. He didn't have to wander very long before someone asked him where his parents were. (I feel like making this a narrative or something. I should ) He didn't respond, and merely stared at this person, who became unnerved, and asked him, then, if he even knew where his parents were. As Glow shook his head, tears dripping down his face, the person didn't see that there would only be any way to return him to his parents, so she took him in. He became quick friends with her, and learned many things about his adopter. It turned out that she had experienced a similar childhood, and from then on he trusted her a lot more. He also learnt when he was slightly older that he was not able to legally live in her house, and so glow would have to find a way to remain there undetected. Glow had to teach himself the skills he would need. One day, when he was walking about the city where his adopter lived, he found that many people commented on how he looked slighly pale-green, and that they reminded him of a worm of some sort, or glowing objects. After recieveing this comment from many people over the course of the day, that evening he finally told his adopter his name. She was intrigued by this, and asked him to write the name down so she wouldn't forget it. It wasn't a name easily forgotten, but he wrote it down all the same. He was unsure how to spell worm, as he was seven at the time, and so his name became 'Glow Wurm'. Glow was inspired by his own choice of name, and aspired to become as wurmlike as possible. He learned how to burrow quickly and quietly using merely his hands, he changed his hair so it would suggest a wurm, and practised making friends more and more, and getting information from them. Today he works for Fried Dragon Palace, but finds part-time work elsewhere is he's in desperate need of money. (I'm not going to go into too much detail about his current status, because I don't even know what job I'm getting. Anyways.) End bio! After reflecting on it, I think it might be a bit... Bleh. Not that good. And long for a 'short' bio. I blame it being made up on the spot, if I thought longer about it I could possibly get my mind out of the fantasy/sci-fi land my mind inhabits to write this. I hope it's good enough!] [That's fine! Details are your friend! And how does third cash register sound?]
  9. Tribute to the Greatest Song In the World - Tenacious D
  10. ...The Ramones? Good Lord, how many people did covers of that song? x_x *~*The Grand Illusion*~* What do you mean by covers? If you mean Idiots who took the beat and put new lyrics on it, then about one Million. ...I'm still listening to those songs, but I added Queen's Body Language. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* No, I mean people who use the same beat and the same lyrics.
  11. ...The Ramones? Good Lord, how many people did covers of that song? x_x
  12. - Kat -

    I Need to Vent.

    That sounds so unbearably annoying. x_x *hug*
  13. I am sure - Kat - can fit you in. Go back and look at the profile and see what she is asking for. I would fill in the blank, but leave the job position open. This will give you an idea of what is happening. [Hehe. I know from some of my previous posts that I should look at the first post (and the history up to the newest post) first ] [ TBFOF is famous for not reading any prior posts! ] [Hmm... For some reason I can't veiw page 2. Anyway, from what I see, all spots are filled, but according the the first post I can request one, or something. Perhaps... A spy for FDP :ninja: Okay, that was just me being... Well... Me. If I could be a spy that'd be fun! Whoo! But otherwise I'd be willing to take whatever job's thrown at me. *thinks up a character in the meantime*] [i'm sure we could fit you in! Just gimmie a bio and we'll see what possition we can think up.]
  14. [Yeah, thats.... why i wrote that you did that. I dunno if MK likes pickles or not. I just decided she'd throw them at people instead.] I was just commenting that you did a good job. XD
  15. Setsuna skimed the article while expertly a patty with the other hand. It was mostly about the opening and how Master Burger would off Fried Dragon Palace the most competition it had had in years. She rolled her eyes and dropped the paper on the counter. With a hard flick of her wrist, the patty zoomed into the air, nearly brushing the ceiling. Setsuna fliped backwards, landed with her feet on the pantry, took out a bun, and kicked back off just in time to catch the patty on the bun in mid-air. She landed on the counter, placed the burger on a tray with fries and a coke, and handed it to a member of the cheering crowd. [My next post will most likely involve the MB opening, so be prepared and get everything you wanted done before then taken care of. ]
  16. Whoo! This is fun! And taping my compy desk to a diving board sounds like something I would do. ._.;;
  17. Oooooh! I wanna be a bartender! name: Kat username: - Kat - Age: 15, which is over 21 Favourite Color: deep red Species: catgirl Gender: female And I'll have a Jig.
  18. I spoke with the Veterinarian. Jalapeno peppers and other peppers will not kill your cat. He might have a variety of reactions from none, to one or more of the following: gas, diarrhea or vomiting. But, do not worry, it won't kill him. Good. Well, she seems to be dealing with it fine. If we find vomit around the house we blame Madeline (and not the mean kind of blame. Sort of like, ahh well it was probably maddie. Better clean it up sorta blame) because her stomach is... well... bad. She's very old for a cat. So yeah, Nico may or may not have vomited. But otherwise she's fine. Good to know, and thanks! I knew a horse who loved to eat sausage and pepper sandwiches! What happened, was one day, someone left their sandwich near his stall door and he smelled it, stuck his head out, grabbed the sandwich and gobbled it down. There was quite a bit of commotion as to what happened to the sandwich. A couple of days later, the same person had their sandwich in the same place, but this time happened to catch the horse grabbing the sandwich. Of course, with a set of teeth such as he had, you can imagine no one tried to take the sandwich out of his mouth. The Veterinarian was called to make sure the horse was not going to get sick, and he said not to worry. From then on, the person caring for this horse had to share the sausage and pepper sandwiches from then on. Hehehe. All of our cats like to eat pizza. Even vegetarian! They eat anything that moves, and if it doesn't move, they push it. That sounds like my cat Puck. He will eat anything, including crackers, Cheetos, peas, egg rolls, bread, and rice.
  19. I totally did that on purpose. 'Cause uh, siffy, is even cooler than spiffy! ...Yeah... Im still gonna mock you for it. xD See look, Mock mock mock mock. okay im done. Well that just means you're meerly spiffy and not siffy. XP
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* All my Guy Freinds are either Stupid, Want to send me to the Nut House, Insane, Gay or Violent. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* most of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are slightly crazy. scratch that, make it ALL of my girlfriends (not as in gf/bf) are VERY crazy. *~*The Grand illusion*~* All my Freinds who are Girls are either stupid, Crazy, or have glasses. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* Any of the girls around here are... well, sociable. The guys all seem to have rejected my friendship since I dont have a PS2, dont like Halo and they never see me at school. So the not-guys actually talk to me, though judging from what they talk about and all, i think its just an excuse for flirting. ... which is more tolerable than exile. =D It's also more hillarious. XD
  21. Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all? OOOooo.... that would be awsome. XD They dont know me as Arkcher, but i'll go with that anyway for secret code usage here. =o And my alternate account shall be referred to as Jackahoogie. Im gonna keep up the Jackahoogie act up as long as I can, but when they realize that im Arkcher, they'll all feel really stupid. As Jackahoogie, I asked about Arkcher and who he was, since he appears as an unregistered user, you need to register to post, and people refer to him as an admin. The response I got was; a bit watered down (This is Sue talking) : Ok. Here is what happened. I made arkcher angry because I had closed a topic because he was flaming people who own any sony equipment and systems like ps2. He got all mad and deleted his account told me to **** off and other **** saying how I make his life worse and stuff. It was really just a well bad ep on his part and will some day return if hes the not the only one who is trying to take care of this forum and such. Yeah, sue had terrible grammar and likes to exaggerate things to make me sound bad. And for the record, I had maintained my honor as an administrator and never flamed anyone. I think Sue just wanted something bad to say about me. XD You win, Arkcher. You win at life. Have 14,000,000 points. But not too long ago you told me i lose at life 'cuz I cant remember the last time I had Mountain Dew. o_o; and Now i realize... Jackahoogie is a really stupid word/name... Well now you win again.
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