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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. I agree with your decision to focus on your studies until after exams! LOL *gets three pairs of fancy colorful shoes and extra glow sticks as a reward for focusing* Yay! Rewards! Today this african girl (whom I don't really know but see around sometimes) came up to me and told me she liked my clothes, I was thinking "Okay, how does she know what I wear outside of school?" when she said "I saw Lorina's photos!". Lorina is my beautiful friend who decided she wanted me and my friend Michael to star in her Media photos because she liked how we appreciated music and both play guitar. Anyways, I'm glad someone likes what I wear! My dads always complaining. Yes... off topic and kinda random too but it just popped into my head. ♥ Lee Does you school have uniforms, or something? o.o Yeah, most schools in Aus-land have uniforms. I kinda like the idea cause that way people don't get picked on for what they wear, everyone's in uniform, you don't have to choose an outfit for the day cause its already picked out for you. Going to a party now, got my new Dangerfield army print shirt on and my DIY ripped jeans - I think I look snazzy. *dances away* ♥ Lee Uniforms would bother me...
  2. I agree with your decision to focus on your studies until after exams! LOL *gets three pairs of fancy colorful shoes and extra glow sticks as a reward for focusing* Yay! Rewards! Today this african girl (whom I don't really know but see around sometimes) came up to me and told me she liked my clothes, I was thinking "Okay, how does she know what I wear outside of school?" when she said "I saw Lorina's photos!". Lorina is my beautiful friend who decided she wanted me and my friend Michael to star in her Media photos because she liked how we appreciated music and both play guitar. Anyways, I'm glad someone likes what I wear! My dads always complaining. Yes... off topic and kinda random too but it just popped into my head. ♥ Lee Does you school have uniforms, or something? o.o
  3. [...This is a long time ago After all, stewart is still around ] [People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.< I dun think I'll be able to fit all my ideas in, and I'll be all sad-like afterwards. Yeah.] Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona. Are you serious? o_o I don't know... am I? If you are, it would be quite hillarious. I most definitely am serious! I wanted to take a picture for you, but missed the exit and it was too far to the next exit to turn around just for a picture. ...I probably should have remembered that you said you were on I.40 in here. XD Luckily, when I Googled for maps, I guessed right. XD
  4. - Kat -

    New member

    So nice to see you have returned! You were missed!!! Watch. She'll post here maybe once every two months, then spend the rest of her time on FFN or YT. XD I think those should be allowed. >.> They're abbreviations, so the only people that would understand them are people that already know about the sites...
  5. WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!!!!!! *raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaves*
  6. Alright, hampsterdudet. Tibiffof has stoped, now you two should try talk and be nice to each other.
  7. Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, then California.
  8. *calls - Kat - to give Hamster Luver a Typo Award* *award descends in a beam of heavenly light to HL* ... *makes a cardboard Grim and props it up next to my chair*
  9. On holiday in Amsterdam, visiting Anne Frank's house. Oh. Well okay, then.
  10. yeah! that team that did that thing that was that way! but you should this red-hairded nerd how you feel. but didn't you say something earlier about how you were waiting to 21 for some reason or another? Oh snap. o_o I forgot about that part. He said something about it having to do with his religion... In THAT case, Arkcher you should...uh...I dunno. ._. Good luck, man. *pats him on the back and wanders off* >.> See previous post. Yeah, I noticed that. x_x
  11. [...This is a long time ago After all, stewart is still around ] [People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.< I dun think I'll be able to fit all my ideas in, and I'll be all sad-like afterwards. Yeah.] Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona. Are you serious? o_o I don't know... am I? If you are, it would be quite hillarious.
  12. [...This is a long time ago After all, stewart is still around ] [People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.< I dun think I'll be able to fit all my ideas in, and I'll be all sad-like afterwards. Yeah.] Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona. Are you serious? o_o
  13. Deleted by Horatio See? This is what I'm talking about. Even if you do find it humorus, stop. o_o It's really rude.
  14. yeah! that team that did that thing that was that way! but you should this red-hairded nerd how you feel. but didn't you say something earlier about how you were waiting to 21 for some reason or another? Oh snap. o_o I forgot about that part. He said something about it having to do with his religion... In THAT case, Arkcher you should...uh...I dunno. ._. Good luck, man. *pats him on the back and wanders off*
  15. *is guilty of this as well* when you say someting like *jumps out of airplane* or whatever. or you drop a spoon and in the middle of saying something say *drops spoon.* like, "Hey how have you been drops spoon?" I actually did that once. XD I think about all the actions I do in *s all the time, but I've only said it out loud a few times.
  16. Mafia List: Me Grim Toto Arkcher Phyro Horatio (?) Cheesey Mega Wolf Lee Wildcat (Po) Dog Lover Kris Vanilla Star Hamster MK Hamster Luver My mafia! IT LIIIIIIIIIIVES! Now where is Grim? ;-; I miss my Number 2.
  17. - Kat -

    New member

    I'm sorry about your hamster. Loosing pets is hard. But I hope you enjoy your time here at HD! ^___________^
  18. I don't know what it's called or who sings it, but it's the theme song to Powerpuff Girls Z. It's really cool. And yes, there is a Powerpuff Girls anime, and it's pretty cool.
  19. Single - Natasha Bedingfield The only Natasha Bedingfield song that doesn't fill me with unbridled rage that has the white hot intensity of a thousand suns! Yaaaaaay.
  20. *fwaps Arkcher* Teeeeeeeeeeeeeell heeeeeeeeeeeer. o_o She'll never know if you don't.
  21. ...So Erendayu is really Horatio's CLONE?!
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