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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Of course you win!!! How did you figure it out? @________________@ But what is my priiiiiiiize? You didn't answer my queeeeeeesssssssstion! You said you went on an interstate highway, so I went to Google and did an image search of Insterstate highways in the US, then I found the one that went through Memphis and just listed all the states it went through. LOL... well that was much too easy! I thought you might have put the Stewart's Ostrich farm on I.40 and my trip together. Now for the prize...... *thinks, then falls asleep* I said in whatever topic you posted that in that I should have realized that. XD Luckly, that was the highway I guessed.
  2. Kris is into drama. Next time she wanders around you should say hi. Does Kris want to become an actress or does she just love to go to plays. Be an actress.
  3. Of course you win!!! How did you figure it out? @________________@ But what is my priiiiiiiize? You didn't answer my queeeeeeesssssssstion! You said you went on an interstate highway, so I went to Google and did an image search of Insterstate highways in the US, then I found the one that went through Memphis and just listed all the states it went through.
  4. Hey now, come on. MW was just saying that she doesn't know you very well. Once you two talk, I'm sure you'll like her. She's pretty spiffy.
  5. Dude I might just have to enter this one.
  6. ... You wouldn't be mad if I laughed really hard at that, right? I'm glad you asked that question. You can go ahead and laugh. I don't care if it's at me or with me. It's with you. *proceeds to do so*
  7. Would you like a little umbrella with your glass of water? That would be cool. Real Top 5 Rulers of the World: 1. Viking/Ninja/Pirate hybrids (and any other combination of the three) 2. Me 3. Eric Idol 4. Dinosaurs 5. Me
  8. [Wow! I'm all introspective and comtemplative! And I appear to be in a box! Hurrah! And to be perfectly honest, I have no idea if I still have my sanity or not. It's been taken about three times, so I guess it keeps coming back, or something.]
  9. *calls - Kat - to give Hamster Luver a Typo Award* *award descends in a beam of heavenly light to HL* ... *makes a cardboard Grim and props it up next to my chair* So Kat... err Boss... is this cardboard edible? *licks* ♥ Lee Dun eat my Replacement Grim. >_> Here. Eat this cardboard uh...somebody. *chucks a random cardboard figure at Lee*
  10. - Kat -

    New member

    So nice to see you have returned! You were missed!!! Watch. She'll post here maybe once every two months, then spend the rest of her time on FFN or YT. XD I think those should be allowed. >.> They're abbreviations, so the only people that would understand them are people that already know about the sites... ... Fishing For Nothing? Your Tomatoes? Man, Websites nowadays have stupid and terrible names. No kidding. e_e Most of the ones I've seen lately have a lot of a's and e', so I have no idea how to pronounce them. o_o
  11. *follows Lee around with a mop* Zombie Nation - I have no idea
  12. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]
  13. ... You wouldn't be mad if I laughed really hard at that, right?
  14. I officially decree that it has been too long since I last saw you. u____u *glomp*
  15. Kris is into drama. Next time she wanders around you should say hi.
  16. Of course you win!!! How did you figure it out? @________________@ But what is my priiiiiiiize?
  17. [While reading this tipoic, I choked om a Dorito. I'm sure that some sort of sign about something. Hopefully it's good. ]
  18. Would that happen to be "There She Is!!"? yeah, I think that's the title of the series, they have part two up on their site if you hadn't seen it yet. no word on episode three other than "delayed" Yes I've seen it and it is amazing. Lips Of An Angel - Hinder I have no idea why I love this song so much. x_x
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