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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. [i might be able to get something done later tonight. Whoo.]
  2. [Nonononono! Not rubbish! I just wasn't able to get on much today because of homework! But I really do like it. ~.^]
  3. [Yeah, man. Them comics do it all over the place, so stories should be able to as well. So like, Nameless could be hiding out in tha HD Haus. somewhere. for reasons I dont know of yet. A problem would be that if we were to cooperatively write some thing thinger or other, we'd need some way of secretly communicating without the rest of the board knowing. Hmmmm... (If necessary, Horatio can moderate... some sort of. thing. or.... whatever. like forwarding emails or something.) Whatev. Im still rambling. XD] [Good rambling. I will elaborate more tomorrow. 5 minutes remaining.] [Ooh. Looks like something might be done Goodie. It would be good having writers writers being able to have moderated chats too.] [Of course, this leads to there being more groups. If we had a writers group (poets included, of course) then artists would deserve their own... and musicians...] [Although stopping there would make sense. Hopefully.] [because... Like... Who wants group madness?] I am thinking on how this could work.] [i'm probably as good at computers as you... But I might be able to explain the gist of it... Like...] [You know how you're in a Group, 'HampsterModerator' and all but two of the rest of us are in HampsterFan? And we all have access to all the forums and stuff? Except the probably existing mod-and-admin-only forums.] [Well. Say, Randomguy wrote stories, and was a regular contributor to the Stories, Poems, and anything written forum on this 'ere board. Then, a mod or admin or whatever, could put him in a group, HampsterWriter or something. They get access to, say, an extra forum or two for people in that group only...] [And that's where it gets all complicated. Probably unfeasable - Especially if you look at how long HK is taking with the avvies - But an idea (used on other boards too, which is where I got it from), nevertheless.] [There are probably many things you could change to make it simpler, but still, ultimately, achieving the same or a very similar ending result.] [i hope I made enough sense XD] [And I bet this'll alienate the board even more from it's origional purpose XD] [You made great sense and hopefully HampsterKing will be able to do something like that. Let me present it to him. Then it comes down to whether or not the board is able to handle something like that.] [its possible. 'Seems like a lot of effort just for a story though.] [i realised that stuff for just... A story that wanted to meet another... Would be probably too much work for [b]suck[/b] a small thing... So I decided to come up with a theory that would affect more people. It's giving cheese to all of the world, not just Madagascar.] [its possible and all, but wouldnt be too hard. Might take like fifteen minutes to set everything up. or fifteen... days... if HK doesnt get some more active helpers. XD Whatev. I guess we'll wait for a response from HK/Horatio about what they think about it. In the meantime, im gonna try writin some more. And point out your typoes. ;D] [Et toi, Arkcher.] (And you, Arkcher.) [What? I see no typoes. You must be off your rocker. or something.] [Oh, was that his? >_> I totally didn't know that. It's not like I shoved him out of his rocker and stole it or anything. Because I'm not a rocker-kleptomaniac. *puts rocking chair back down and stealthily sneaks away*]
  4. I don't think I've actually sprayed anything from laughing with a drink in my mouth. When I laugh mostly drinks just comes out my nose...
  5. Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman. I think they had two, actually. I didn't know that! Thanks! *runs off to search for more information* Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman. How.. creepy. LOL Perhaps you could be the first guy to reverse roles. Tibifoff the Queen... You know what? I'm not even gonna touch that. You have just earned The Triple Gold Star Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had written something quite similar and then decided not to post it. Good thing the library does not permit food and drinks near their computers, otherwise... I be honest, I wasn't sure if that would get through. XD *edits sig*
  6. Hey, I want to watch Kris cook too. What's she cooking? Not sure yet. We don't have the secret ingredient. We're doing an IRON CHEF competition because we get really bored during Fest weekends. XD Do we get to eat what Kris cooks? *gathers secret ingredients for Kris and the IRON CHEF competition* I dunno. It depends of if there are any leftovers from all the hungry Fest people. XD
  7. Give a Reason - Hyashibara Megumi Yay! I have this song memorized and I cant' even speak Japanese yet.
  8. Please do not feel bad. You all deserve someone who will try and that is the least I can do for you. I think everyone is really great here and you all deserve the best. Aww. Thanks. <3 We love you too. But you know, if you get tired of it, I'm pretty sure we could all survive the Day of the Great HampsterDance Rest, where there was nobody there to make posts to mod. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??????????????????? I would go through friend withdrawal if I could not communicate with you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *rolls over and faints* XD That works, too!
  9. Please do not feel bad. You all deserve someone who will try and that is the least I can do for you. I think everyone is really great here and you all deserve the best. Aww. Thanks. <3 We love you too. But you know, if you get tired of it, I'm pretty sure we could all survive the Day of the Great HampsterDance Rest, where there was nobody there to make posts to mod.
  10. Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman. I think they had two, actually. I didn't know that! Thanks! *runs off to search for more information* Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman. How.. creepy. Perhaps you could be the first guy to reverse roles. Tibifoff the Queen... You know what? I'm not even gonna touch that.
  11. Hey, I want to watch Kris cook too. What's she cooking? Not sure yet. We don't have the secret ingredient. We're doing an IRON CHEF competition because we get really bored during Fest weekends. XD
  12. you see, bob is a song of palindromes, such as "race fast safe car" and "go hang a salami, im a lasangna hog." ROFLMAO! I never looked at that! But. Yes. He was singing like one of those bobs. So it's a style parody too XD XD I love Bob. It's got so many great palindromes. May a moody baby doom a yam? Too bad I hid a boot.
  13. I feel all bad for making you run between the library and Circuit City all day. ;-;
  14. Actually history shows that Mushroom_king was not the first female king. Egypt had a king that was a woman. I think they had two, actually.
  15. ['Kay. So doing it at lunch didn't go as planed 'cause I did Algebra 2 homework during lunch. I know it's sort of a long time, but probably the best time for me to plot would be this Saterday since I don't have to do anything except watch Kris cook.]
  16. I love it when people who think they know what they're doing try to fix stuff but then break it. Oh wait, I'm lying. I really hope you can get started on this again, though. I really like it.
  17. I could prolly try. *begins experimenting*
  18. [it's far past the thursday in question.] [Yeah. I know, I've gone on a bumping spree lately XD] [Oh. Oops.] [This is my only RP, it can't die!!!] [i'll work on it durning lunch tomorrow. XD]
  19. [it's far past the thursday in question.] [Yeah. I know, I've gone on a bumping spree lately XD] [Oh. Oops.]
  20. [And yet, I remain here undevoured. and not-messy. ... Perhaps I shouldnt have pointed that out to you. >__>; -flees-] [Hey yeah. I should prolly get around to doing that sometime. Mostly you've been lucky 'cause I keep stealing then back. If you would BACK UP OFF THE CLAYMORES, though, we wouldn't have this problem...]
  21. Yup my fur is brown. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* I always drew you with white fur... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~* White is good, too. XD It's pretty much whatever color I feel like it being at the moment. I just tend to use brown as the default.
  22. *mixes a Yellow Submarine for Mondrobi and a Jig for herself, making sure to do lots of crowd-pleasing flips and spins*
  23. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* ROC'N! I LOVE IT! Quintiple Faerie Grundo award for you!! FANTASTIC!!!! *Goes off to make a link to this in my siggy* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Whoa! Thank you so muuch! Wh00t! *Jigs until point of fainting* Whoa man. Don't over-jig. It's a common jigging-newb mistake.
  24. [MW and I are odd! XD *high fives her* WE'RE BAD DUDES!]
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