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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? " and then they steal your segway. XDD I think if a gansta was seen with a Segway, his fellow gang member would take it upon themselves to do a mercy killing. Would they use a Claymore? LOL Nope. They'd bust a cap. So what do they use? A dull butter knife? LOL XD Rephrase: They'd shoot them. With????????? I dunno. o_o I've never asked... I think this would be an important question. What if it was a BB gun???????? LOL You wouldn't die, but you sure would have a lot of explaining to do. LOL Next time I see a gansta-llok kid at school I'll ask. XD
  2. XD You should do it and see what they do. I have already had the compy police attack me for the minutes, so what harm could it do? In addition to the Max update, the part is still NOT available. I am going to cry all weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! This means that it will be at least Friday if I am lucky before I get Max home. I miss him sooooo much. x_X Didn't they say they'd have the part on Monday?
  3. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? " and then they steal your segway. XDD I think if a gansta was seen with a Segway, his fellow gang member would take it upon themselves to do a mercy killing. Would they use a Claymore? LOL Nope. They'd bust a cap. So what do they use? A dull butter knife? LOL XD Rephrase: They'd shoot them. With????????? I dunno. o_o I've never asked...
  4. You must have pulled some strings or have quite a bit of influence. LOL You didn't threaten anyone did you??? XD It was actually my internet. But I wanted to blame the site because it made me feel better.
  5. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? " and then they steal your segway. XDD I think if a gansta was seen with a Segway, his fellow gang member would take it upon themselves to do a mercy killing. Would they use a Claymore? LOL Nope. They'd bust a cap. So what do they use? A dull butter knife? LOL XD Rephrase: They'd shoot them.
  6. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? " and then they steal your segway. XDD I think if a gansta was seen with a Segway, his fellow gang member would take it upon themselves to do a mercy killing. Would they use a Claymore? LOL Nope. They'd bust a cap.
  7. My site! It's come back to me! ;-; *tears of joy* Pretty Fly or a White Guy - The Offspring
  8. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? " and then they steal your segway. XDD I think if a gansta was seen with a Segway, his fellow gang member would take it upon themselves to do a mercy killing.
  9. NOTHING! The site I listen to music on has abandoned me! T_____T *sob*
  10. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? "
  11. Just a bit of advice: I've noticed a lot of people saying things like "I think Whatshis/herface likes me because they'll look at me then look away when they figure out that I noticed." While it's certainly possible that they like you, that's not always what it means. I have a tendancy to stare randomly into space. A space that most often is occupied by a person. Most of the time I don't even know who they are, I just didn't even register that there was somebody there. Then they'll look at me or say something about it, and my brain comes back to Earth and I look a different direction. So don't assume somebody likes you all because they stare at you (although if they do it all the time then I guess that is rather suspicious), because they might not even know you're there.
  12. Does that mean you don't like Brianrietta anymore? ;_; Aww. It was so cute. Maybe she was just confused on how to tell you she likes you? x_X I dunno. But you should give her another chance. Eh, She lost a whole lot of brownie points, but I think from my... response (mostly just avoiding her uncomfortably and always finding something better to do) she got the message that I wasnt all for her appearance. I hope she knows thats not the way to get my attention. I still like her, but I think some adjustments need to be made. >__>; I agree, i think she just has it wrong how she wants to say she likes me too. and hope so. I think it would be more hilarious to just suddenly reveal that in a very public and awkward situation. Embarassment for all. XD That' be so hilarious. Now that i'm mostly over her stupidness of earlier today, I have another part of this still-unnofficial relationship to tell. ... since i forgot and just remembered. Brianrietta, The Denzel, and two other people, are all in their own little amoeba, of friends and whatever. Since we moved in, they got a liking toward my older sister, and made my sister the fifth member of their little group. Applying madd hacker skillz, I got on my sisters' lappy and got all of this amoeba's IM names. (Im so stealthy.) but I cant tell which one is Brianrietta. D= I can identify two of the four, one is The Denzel, the one that got... a large group of people confused for me having an obsession with her rather than Brianrietta. so, I have The Denzel, and one of the more useless members of that amoeba. I think I found which one is Brianrietta, but I cant be sure without being blatantly obvious that im hacking my sisters computer to find out about her friends. So, I have all their IM names... but only one of them even knows Im a computer nerd, let alone have IM myself. What would be the most strategic move? I dont even know, man. People are confusing. Uhh... Did you try asking her what her screen name is? XD .... ._. no. I cant do THAT. because... uh, the... the things and the are the winning rumble dumble sports team? Methinks that arkcher is nervous around girls! No im not. Shuddup. You dont know that. I'm gonna go and prove that you cant prove anything about being nervous about anything and all that. mess. -peeow!- XD Just ask her. She likes you, so she'll probably be only too happy to tell you what it is. One reason why I havent done this yet is 'cause What would you do if a guy you liked with some... very noticable physical blemishes, came up to yeh and said he really liked you? I'm trying to time it right, as I may have hinted towards before, I have a ridiculous and stubborn case of acne, (But its getting better. im like, pwning them with magical things that make them go away. n_n) so I really dont want to make any moves on the matter until i've improved a bit more. but Once I get that out of the way, i'll probably come up with some other excuse. Guys are stupid. XD XD Then don't just wander up to her and yell "YO I LIEK U WHATS UR IM? ". Ask her if she has one, and then what it is. And I'm guessing that if she likes you, she probably doesn't care too much about acne.
  13. uhh i despise that song and the whole pack of AFI's new fans. The only reason that song is so popular is because it was the prerealease for Decemberunderground which the real fans waited for for four years so ,basically the kids who liked their punk stuff like The Art of Drowning and Very Pround of Ya and all their good stuff made a hype about the album coming out causing a lot of radiostations to play that song since it was the prerealese, im not saying your friend is but i hate those kids who go aroung saying "oh my god i love AFI" when the only song the know is miss murder, posers, sry i needed to let that out XD I was being sarcastic. Kris haaaaaaaates Miss Murder. It's funny to make her sit through it. XD
  14. Whoohoo! Have you heard White and Nerdy? It's beautiful.
  15. *Goes Link on Campsoup* *goes Cloud on glowurm and mushroom king. LEXXEH-MAN! *latch* <3
  16. now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD Yay at Arkcher for noticing that! XD Okay... I am a little bit slow. Where did you mention anything about snakes on an airplane?????????? I said "snakes on a bed", which was making fun of the movie title Snakes on a Plane. *slaps forehead yet again* I was thinking about the corn/rat snakes that were outside my cage terrorizing me. For real!!! Shouldn't something be done about that?
  17. now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD Yay at Arkcher for noticing that! XD Okay... I am a little bit slow. Where did you mention anything about snakes on an airplane?????????? I said "snakes on a bed", which was making fun of the movie title Snakes on a Plane.
  18. Does that mean you don't like Brianrietta anymore? ;_; Aww. It was so cute. Maybe she was just confused on how to tell you she likes you? x_X I dunno. But you should give her another chance. Eh, She lost a whole lot of brownie points, but I think from my... response (mostly just avoiding her uncomfortably and always finding something better to do) she got the message that I wasnt all for her appearance. I hope she knows thats not the way to get my attention. I still like her, but I think some adjustments need to be made. >__>; I agree, i think she just has it wrong how she wants to say she likes me too. and hope so. I think it would be more hilarious to just suddenly reveal that in a very public and awkward situation. Embarassment for all. XD That' be so hilarious. Now that i'm mostly over her stupidness of earlier today, I have another part of this still-unnofficial relationship to tell. ... since i forgot and just remembered. Brianrietta, The Denzel, and two other people, are all in their own little amoeba, of friends and whatever. Since we moved in, they got a liking toward my older sister, and made my sister the fifth member of their little group. Applying madd hacker skillz, I got on my sisters' lappy and got all of this amoeba's IM names. (Im so stealthy.) but I cant tell which one is Brianrietta. D= I can identify two of the four, one is The Denzel, the one that got... a large group of people confused for me having an obsession with her rather than Brianrietta. so, I have The Denzel, and one of the more useless members of that amoeba. I think I found which one is Brianrietta, but I cant be sure without being blatantly obvious that im hacking my sisters computer to find out about her friends. So, I have all their IM names... but only one of them even knows Im a computer nerd, let alone have IM myself. What would be the most strategic move? I dont even know, man. People are confusing. Uhh... Did you try asking her what her screen name is? XD .... ._. no. I cant do THAT. because... uh, the... the things and the are the winning rumble dumble sports team? Methinks that arkcher is nervous around girls! No im not. Shuddup. You dont know that. I'm gonna go and prove that you cant prove anything about being nervous about anything and all that. mess. -peeow!- XD Just ask her. She likes you, so she'll probably be only too happy to tell you what it is.
  19. I thought you would like all the colors. His art livened up a hamster cage!!! Your cats reminded me of his stuff. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* You mean Spectral Brownies? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~* Exactly. Also you art contest topic. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Horatio you sound like a Ganster. "Yea, Homie, and you art contest topic." *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy domine*~* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm ordering a button with Poindexter on it. *~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Has anybody else seen the commercials for that new show, "dexter?" I've seen a show called 'Dexter's Lab' but I dunno if that has any relevance. It was a bad show, too. SACRILIDGE! > Dexter's Lab ftw!
  20. AFI is Kris's favorite band. She loves Miss Murder. Just ask her.
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