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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. I was thinking the same thing! LOL Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop. I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great! -Li Yaaaaay! I always wanted to try one of those. *sends - Kat - my oversized Wacom tablet, pen and mouse* Here you go. Hurrah! *expiriments*
  2. A Claymore, if you haven't already finished the avvie. XD
  3. What with the Cheeto being eaten and the Dorito coming into play, the world entered a new era filled with finely-crafted rope and paper plates.
  4. I was thinking the same thing! LOL Actually, I was hoping for a couple more avatars from her. Not at the moment. I don't have any new artworks on my new laptop. I will make some soon, I promise... I've borrowed my best friend's graphics tablet... It's so great! -Li Yaaaaay! I always wanted to try one of those.
  5. A Li avatar would roxxorz my soxxorz! Just a brown kitty or a catgirl with brown fur and red hair would be sweet. :3
  6. Does Li have any new art for us to foam at the mouth for?
  7. Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider. "Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto. Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds. Until some rogue scientists with something to prove began to doubt the existance of the Cheeto itself. After much research, they had proven, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that there was no cheeto packet. However, it is unknown if the cheeto may have been a stale one found in the back of a couch. Why they didn't just skip the cheeto and work on the spider itself is unknown as of yet. Another theory is that it wasn't a cheeto at all, but instead it was a cheesey-poof. It was found behind the sofa, and found to be a few years old. But it wasn't stale. Scientists were baffled. How could it possibly remain fresh after years behind the couch. The dicovery shook the world. The Cheeto/cheese puff, although nobody was sure it even existed, was decreed to be holy.
  8. *clings to Li* I'm glad you're feeling better. n___n But I understand about leaving. Sometimes when you're upset, you just wanna be alone for a while.
  9. Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider. "Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto. Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds. Until some rogue scientists with something to prove began to doubt the existance of the Cheeto itself.
  10. Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider. "Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto.
  11. Not me, I am too busy listening to Joe Satriani. xD I'm glad I was useful. Time is running out- Muse Mwuahahahaha. > Muse - Thoughts of a Dying Atheist
  12. What wait, like... boss What was it you wanted us to do? or voulenteer for? I posted it a few days ago. Look back a page or two.
  13. ...I notice a lack of volunteering. Am I gonna have to assign people?
  14. Lee should totally stay. Who am I gonna look inside of cups with if you leave? ;D
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