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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. - Kat -

    Oh em gee

    ROFOCLH! O RLY ???? *laughs so hard Adam is sprayed with coffee again, and he is NOT pleased* YA RLY XD The only place I know of that you don't have to drive is New York City. Are you planning on moving there? LOL No I'm gonna get one of those people that I can pronounce but now spell that have the suits and the sweet hats.
  2. The robot police came and ate him for his insolence. And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone. I came up with a random word by accident today! =D plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish. Definition: Fastishlyish: the speed at which - Kat's - shiny golden Claymore slices through the air. LOL XD ^5, Horatio.
  3. Grim, give yourself a bonus. And the Spinny Chair of Doom and Dispair only causes doom and despair if you aren't me. And also, yeah, we've got some collections to take care of. Namely the Geiko cavemen and all those stories on my computer that I haven't done anything with in years that are paying us to keep me from deleting them. Grim and Cheesey, get on that. I've got some business to take care of with this here counter corner that keeps stabbing me and hitting me in the elbow... Sounds as if you need a sander boss. *gets out stick* *Cheesy gets out a club* *gets out a club... WITH A NAIL IN IT!* Time to go take care of da Geiko Cavemen cheesy. A semi-automatic sander...
  4. 15 HOURS !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yeah I was really tired. x___x I woke up at noon and went to bed at like, 9:00 or 10:00. Let me understand this... you woke up at noon, and then went to bed at 21H00, nine hours later. So how does that add up to 15 hours of sleep???? *gets front paws out and tries to do the math* 24 hours in a day minus 9 hours of awake = 15 hours of sleep. But that is not continuous sleep. *wonders what spell - Kat - has placed on Cheesemaster to have him do her thinking* I didn't mean continuous sleep. XD I meant total for the day.
  5. The robot police came and ate him for his insolence. And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone. I came up with a random word by accident today! =D plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish.
  6. 15 HOURS !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yeah I was really tired. x___x I woke up at noon and went to bed at like, 9:00 or 10:00.
  7. - Kat -

    Oh em gee

    ROFOCLH! O RLY ???? *laughs so hard Adam is sprayed with coffee again, and he is NOT pleased* YA RLY XD
  8. Grim, give yourself a bonus. And the Spinny Chair of Doom and Dispair only causes doom and despair if you aren't me. And also, yeah, we've got some collections to take care of. Namely the Geiko cavemen and all those stories on my computer that I haven't done anything with in years that are paying us to keep me from deleting them. Grim and Cheesey, get on that. I've got some business to take care of with this here counter corner that keeps stabbing me and hitting me in the elbow...
  9. o: I also remember that song. from back in the day. when people used to give a care about Pokemon. XD XD I think I still have most of my cards around here somewhere... Meat Loaf - Bat Out of H***
  10. Vitamin C - Vacation Yeah, that's right. The one from the first Pokemon movie. XD
  11. - Kat -

    Oh em gee

    I have decided that I'm not going to learn how to drive. I'ma pay somebody to do it for me.
  12. SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK. Actually I love sleep. I slept for a total of like, 15 hours yesterday.
  13. The Shiny Toy Guns - You Are The One I believe somebody else was listening to this earlier. o.o
  14. I will start yours on Thursday night (which will probably be your Thursday morning) because my boy is letting me borrow his graphics tablet again... yay! I tried drawing yours with the mouse like I did MK's but it was taking forever and I couldn't get it to look right >_< -Li Yaaaaaay! *happy jig*
  15. DHT - Listen to Your Heart This one is kinda old. x____x I dunno where or when I even got it.
  16. The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots. Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance. The man turned out to be Mr. T, trying to appease the god that is Chuck. Suddenly, Eric Clapton, Bill Haley, Chuck Norris, Andy Warhol, and Jimi Hendrix started keelyoudeading each other! "CLASH OF THE GODS!" shouted C. Jay Ramone. Elsewhere, a kitten meowed.
  17. Spiffeh! I need to learn to make sprites for the game thingy I wanna make. ;___;
  18. The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots. Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance.
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