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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. *sits behind a desk in a big leather spiny chair all haughty and superior* The Fratellis - Whistle for the Choir
  2. How did the CD taste??? There's a difference between meatloaf and Meat Loaf. XD Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
  3. *hides a stick of TNT in a big pile of pin tac* Here kitty, kitty, kitty. :DDDDD *hunts out the TNT, tosses it away, and roooooooooooolls*
  4. Should such a thing happen, I might be inclined to stop being lazy and actually write something since I haven't done that in like, months. Maybe not, but hey.
  5. It's cool. ^^ Glad you like it! Meat Loaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light Great song!!! It is! I think it just might be my most favorite of all Meat Loaf songs. u___u I agree!!!!!!!!!!! It is really hard to pick a favorite. x3 It is! XD But I think it love it .05% more than all the others.
  6. It's cool. ^^ Glad you like it! Meat Loaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light Great song!!! It is! I think it just might be my most favorite of all Meat Loaf songs. u___u
  7. It's cool. ^^ Glad you like it! Meat Loaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light
  8. I used to love that movies so much. XD Now I wanna watch it again. I ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE >o<
  9. Destiny's Child - Say My Name Because everybody has to laugh at themselves once in a while.
  10. Odd coincidence: I was listening to The Bad Touch as I saw this topic. XD
  11. I know. .___. He should have at least split them up between the boys. Albus Severus is just cruel. And I don't like Hugo, either.
  12. Hey hey! It's been a while! Welcome back!
  13. Naturalists? Like nudists? Wait... that's naturists, isn't it? And whoa, they teach Japanese at your school? That's awesome. Ours only does Spanish and French. XD Yeah, not Student Nudists. Our school has a pretty good language selection. Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Latin, that I know of.
  14. Li! <3 *pounce* Real life takes precidence over internet, so don't feel bad.
  15. AP US History (which I still want to drop) AP/Honors English 3 Japanese 2 Physics 1 (Boo) Student Naturalists (which I might be dropping, depending on the class) Quest Honors Pre Calc (Boo! Boo I say!) However, I want to change around some of my classes.
  16. I knew I liked you. Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out for a Hero
  17. Fire Inc. - Nowhere Fast I forgot that I love the Streets of Fire soundtrack. x___x Most likely because it's got Jim Steinman. <33333333
  18. Nutrias, huh? Wildcat, Cheesey, look into this. And also, where's my Number Two?
  19. *sticks my paw in - Kat's - ear* Ha ha... now you have something else stuck in your head! As my brother says: "Better a song than a sword." Meat Loaf - Everything Louder Than Everything Else
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm not good at pronunciation. And thanks for the lovely comments on my artwork. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* That was sarcasm, right? I'm sorry. I thought the art was nice. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Sorry if I seemed rude. I've been rather emotional lately and everything makes me mad. Did you click on any of them? Some of them you have to click because they move. *~*tHe Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Seriously?! I'm have to check that out. And also, it took me a while to figure out that Kat spelled band wrong... I was puzzling over what a bang was. xD Yeah, I noticed that, too. I just didn't feel like making a whole post correcting the typo. XD
  21. Cascada - Bad Boy It's stuuuuuuuuuck in my heeeeeeead. D: *pokes it*
  22. Hye MK. I forget if I told you this before, or not, but I named my bang in Guitar Hero "The Runaway Five" XD. I even made a logo for it because I was bored.
  23. I woke up an hour and a half earlier than you.
  24. *wanders up and grabs headphones while Huette is busy* Whoo! Free headphones! Fallout Boy - Where is Your Boy Tonight
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