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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. It is (for me) officially Thanksgiving now. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I'm thankful for the friendships I made here that have lasted so long. This place had a big impact on me in some of my most formative years, and I like to think that it was a positive impact. T minus 14 hours until food time =u= I'm so ready.
  2. Thank you! I felt special seeing my 1 year anniversary up on the birthday/anniversary board in the break room~ And then I saw the people with their 15+ year anniversary in November and felt less special XD But it was still nice! You've had a very full year, too! So many places and experiences! Here's to many more for you!
  3. Yessss give me that cold weather! I relish in it =w= I'm sorry that you had to deal with it, though! I have to admit, even I would hate to have to crawl out of a warm bed in 20 degree weather to walk outside and use the restroom. I've heard of people using baggies with kitty litter in them when they go camping with no restrooms! This is another reason why I don't think I could deal with staying in a tent that wasn't in my backyard. Whatever was growling, I'm glad it didn't become a problem for you D8 that sounds scary. I hope the pictures behave soon! I've been excited to see them~
  4. There are still a handful of us who check in from time to time. I'm always glad to see familiar faces wander back in It's good to hear from you two, I hope things are going well!
  5. I know, I'm pretty impressive ;D Have a fun and safe trip!!! *scarfs cake in your absence*
  6. It's our favorite blonde hamster's birthday today! Let's all send a ton of good wishes and chill vibes her way for a great birthday, and take a moment to thank her for everything she's done for the forum and its members over the years! Before we let her loose on the birthday cake, we must indulge in our tribal tradition. Ahem. HAAAAAPPY BIIIIRTHDAAAAY TOOO YOOOOOU *guitar solo* HAAAAAPPY BIIIIIRTHDAAAAY TOOOOO YOOOOOU *kazoo choir* HAAAAAPPY BIIIIIIIRTHDAAAAAAY DEEEEEEAR HORAAAAATIOOOOOOOO *trombone honk * HAAAAAAAAAAPPY BIIIIIIIIIIIRTHDAAAAAAAAAY TOOOOOOOOO YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU *does a sick kickflip off a halfpipe with fireworks in the background* And many mooooore~
  7. I was actually pretty lucky in that my school had a nice selection of languages. Of course the standard Spanish and French were offered, and we had Latin as well. The ones I remember having were ASL, Japanese, German, and Chinese (I think Mandarin? I don't remember exactly which one). I took ASL for one semester and Japanese for all three years, they were really fun! I had a friend who took both German and Latin and she enjoyed them as well. I want to say we had at least one more but I don't remember what it was...
  8. Oh gosh, I feel awful not commenting on this before now. Thank you so much for thinking about me and my family, it was very sudden and it hit us all very hard. Annie was an amazing dog, we'll never have another like her. I will forever be thankful that we were able to give her a life of comfort and love so that she never had to be alone and scared again. She was, and always will be, my good girl <3
  9. Congratulations! I have been keeping up with your baby updates elsewhere as well, but I don't know that I've actually said anything about it yet XD I'm happy for you guys! I took an ASL class in high school and enjoyed it a lot! Unfortunately that was also the year that I got really sick and I missed a chuck of it :c We would have some deaf regulars come in at the store I used to work at and I would always wish I'd remembered more.
  10. Still trying to fix my busted car! There needs to be more hours in the day x____x
  11. I'm sorry to hear about Rocky. Bettas are so beautiful, I hope you enjoyed your time with him. I'd love a betta, but considered all the animals I already have/have ready habitats for, I'm afraid I'm becoming something of a hoarder XD I hope you can get the little dwarf girl, Horatio! There's nowhere she'd be happier than with you~
  12. I'm still around sometimes! Lots of working and having a broken car x___x
  13. In Japan, the usual business practice is that if the company isn't doing well, people like the CEO are the first to get pay cuts, because they feel they're responsible for the company and if it's losing money, it's because of them. Just saying.
  14. That hamster muffin is too lifelike! I wouldn't be able to eat it XD And what beautiful flowers! And YES please, please use your oxford commas. There are so many cases where it just doesn't make sense if you leave them out. There's a rather famous example but it's a bit inappropriate.
  15. Two different dinners by two different chefs~ both were great! I've currently seen Age of Ultron three times. I saw the first Avengers eight times before it left theaters, so I'll keep my AoU tally here for posterity.
  16. Thanks! I had a great birthday, I'm very grateful to all my friends and family~
  17. Hey guys! It's kinda been a while. I haven't been doing too much. My brother's car died in Feb, so between then and last week when he got a new one, I was pretty much stuck at home because he had my car for work when I wasn't at work. We did, however, go to Godzilla Festival last week. That's always fun! We had a birthday game for me last Sunday where I got to bring one of my first characters back and Kris's mom made me an amazing dinner. Ravioli lasagna, homemade bread, salad, and red velvet cheesecake =w= so good. Thursday was my actual birthday~ I got some new dolls, an art book for a game I love, and a stylus and art program for my iPad so I can make it a sketchbook! I also went to see Avengers: Age of Ultron and AGFASEFSDFGD it's amazing. So good. Early in April, the Last Unicorn world-wide tour came near my town. Since the Last Unicorn is one of my favorite movies and probably my absolute favorite book of all time, my mom and I went to see it! They screened the highest-quality print of the movie made to date, but what's really special was that Peter S Beagle (the author) was there and signed my book. He was so kind and funny and meeting him just made me love the book even more. I loved that he was so genuinely interested in talking about his stories, even after he's talked about them with so many people. A lot of people in his possition get tired of that, but he didn't. Eating my birthday dinner from my mom now, so I'ma get back to that :3 Just wanted to check in with you guys, whoever is still around!
  18. Hoshe~ What a cutie <3 And so is your niece, Leguan! I'm with Horatio, I love the little ice scooter thing XD We spent New Years with a bunch of friends, it was quiet but lots of fun. And it's been really, really cold here. Not much snow, but some ice, and it's been below 0 most nights. It makes my car hard to start
  19. Wherever the two of you are, I hope you're having great birthdays c:
  20. Wow, everyone is doing exciting stuff! I...made a grilled cheese today? XD
  21. Been a while, huh? Things are pretty average here on that Kat front. I've got some early Christmas presents, which include Monster High dolls, a 3DS and some games, an iPad, and a bunch of excellent art supplies and art books, so I'm already scoring pretty well this year XD Work is pretty busy, but at least more hours means more money. Saw the Hobbit premere last night. I loved almost all of it, but this time around, I really could have done without the romance they tried to hard to push between Kili and Tauriel. Nobody liked it. Stop it. I didn't really care either way about it in Desolation of Smaug, but it was just so heavy-handed here. I have more thoughts on the movie as a whole, but spoilers so *zips lips*. I did not sell my hamster stuff, it is disinfected and awaiting the right hamster to come along. Maybe around New Years when our budget has recovered from Christmas, I'll go friend hunting. Just drawing and gaming over here. XD How are you guys?
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