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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. So I'm thinking what we need is a pancake breakfast. The Delta Knights have one, and look at how successful they are! Why, their last pancake breakfast raised enough money to pay for their next pancake breakfast! So go make pancakes. That's your mission. Pancakes.
  2. [so, I'm hoping that once this picks up again, the instant posting will prevent a lot of conflicting posts. When I was putting this together, I noticed there were a lot of those. x___x]
  3. I'm mostly just making a topic because I'm so excited about the insta-posting and I like seeing it go up so fast SAY WORDS NOW
  4. I must say, this insta-posting is pretty rad. Thanks, Horatio and HK!
  5. - Kat -

    check dis out guys

    Step 1: You will draw a viking. Step 2: You will post it. Step 3: I will rejoyce.
  6. I can't vote. It reminds me of Mr./Ms. Hampsterdance, which reminds me of MW, which reminds me of MY PAIN DDDDDDDD: *sob*
  7. Pan Wei Bo - Bu De Bu Ai SO CUTE It also makes my dad lol because I try to rap in Chinese and it doesn't work out so well D:
  8. I can agree to those terms! Sign me up plzkthx
  9. Because all the other topics that you post random stuff in aren't good enough? Don't even start this. Tibifoff, I don't know why you can't comment on anything MK says without it being snarky and rude, so it's probably best if you just don't comment on her at all. MK, I understand this is frustrating, but getting mad at him obviously doesn't stop him, so I would suggest not replying when he says things like this. I'm honestly sick of this coming from you two. If you can't get along, don't talk to each other. Simple as that.
  10. Greenday - Basket Case I always forget if the band name is one word or two...
  11. So cute! <3 I alreay have a spiffy Li avvie, but you can always make me another one if you get bored, or something. XD <3
  12. LI! *TACKLE* I've been gone for a while, too, so I dunno what's happened much. XD But welcome back!
  13. Britney Spears - Break the Ice thisistuckinmyheaddsobadpleasehelpme
  14. [Everything in green came from your posts.]
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