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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. I forgot: To recruit, I'd suggest making a post in this topic saying you're interested in forming a team. You can either wait until you've got a group and then decide what the game will be, or you could type a short summary of an idea you had and see who's interested in joining you. You can also call specific people out if you want and request somebody's team membership Also, once you make your RP topic, the title should be the game's title, and the description should be the names of the team members.
  2. A Sonic da Hedgehog character is named Miles "Tails" Prower. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Miles Davis, actually... XD Oh yeah XD I think I actually knew that a long time ago...
  3. Still no news about the hedgehog, geckos are still fine. Okay, I'm dumb and don't know why there shouldn't be puppies named Miles.
  4. Alright, while I was away being devoured by school, an idea struck me. I thought it would give HD a boost in activity and get us all in the RP spirit for the ancient mega RP up there. This is something we do on another board I'm on, and it's pretty fun. Here, we shall call it: THE RP TEAM CHALLENGE! *DRAMATIC MUSIC* To enter, gather a team of 2-5 people and start an RP! Once you've determined who will be on your team, make a post in this topic stating all your team members and the name of your RP, then make a topic for it in the Stories, Poems, and Anything Written board. And then RP lots and lots! At the end of August, we'll make a poll of all the qualifying RPs and people can vote on which team did the best! Of course, this is a competition, so there are some rules: 1. Once you have your team, that's it. No adding more members (even if you have under five) or substitutions. If one person stops being active in the RP, you've got to figure out a way to carry on without them! 2. You can be on as many teams as you want, but don't stretch yourself out too far. Don't disappoint fellow team members by joining more RPs than you can keep up with and letting them go inactive. 3. If an RP topic goes TWO WEEKS with no in-character posts, it is disqualified. You can keep the RP going if you want, but it will no longer be in consideration for the final poll. An exception would be if there is a two-person team and one of them experiences technical failure or goes on vaction or for some reason beyond their control can't access the board. 4. RPs can be about anything you want! You can make it a knights and wizards serious fantasy game or make all the characters flying moon dinosaurs! Whatever! Just keep it active! This also includes fanfic RPs, should you choose to do one of those. 5. All RPing must be done on the board. I know some people have other people's IMs or whatever, but you have to post any in-character stuff in your RP topic so people reading it can keep up with the story. 6. If they want, a team can drop out of the competition at any time. That doesn't mean you can't keep playing your game if you want, but you won't be included in the final poll. Should you choose to drop out, a representative from the team should make an official post about it here. A team can drop out for any reason, be it too much school work or they just don't want to take part in the competition anymore. The decision should be a team decision, though, so make sure you're all in agreement first. 7. Team members can consist of anybody willing to participate. If I remember any rules I might have forgotten, I'll add them to the list later. There will probably be voting-specific rules once the poll comes out. Any questions you have throughout the competition concerning the rules should be directed to me in this topic. In the final poll, RPs will be judged on how active they were, how creative the players were, how much the storyline was furthered, etc. Keep all those things in mind when you're posting! The winners will recieve an offical title and the glory of being the RP Team Champions! After the competition is over, all RPs started are free game. If you want to end it, end it. If you want to keep going, keep going. You can [attempt] keep it closed to only the original team or open it up for anybody to join, it doesn't matter. Challenge rules don't apply anymore after the winner is determined. THE DEADLINE FOR ENTRY WILL BE TWO WEEKS AFTER THIS TOPIC IS POSTED! As soon as your team enters and makes the RP topic, you can begin posting! So that's what my brain was cooking up while I was supposed to be reading about Thomas Biddle or doing systems of equations. Anybody interested?
  5. A mashup of Layla and Smells Like Teen Spirit. This is the only way I'll listen to the non-Weird Al version of the later.
  6. as long as ya don't have a puppy named Miles.. When I get my own hedgehog, I wanna name it Spiney Norman. Oh, and for those of you wondering, the geckos are settling in nicely. The biggest one has been calm the whole time, and one of the younger ones let me hold her for a while earlier this afternoon. The smallest is still really squeamish, but she's always been. I'ma look up apropriate names for them here in a second. I believe they're from northern Africa or Afghanistan or somewhere, I dunno, I'll look it up, but I wanna give them names from the country they're native to. "Dinnsdale? Dinnsdale?"
  7. That's what I was thinking. Where is the glory in stealing a hedgehog? D: Maybe it would have been more impressive if it was one of the iguanas, them things will cut you up. But, I will admit, for somebody to make off with the crazy hedgehog with all their limbs still attached would be quite a feat. But this was the nice one, so it's just stupid to take it. And funnily enough, Lexxy-Man, the hedgehog's name is Sonic (don't look at me, I didn't pick it)
  8. We've actually been giving ours diet catfood that doens't have too much fat and occationally a mealworm, though the one I was taking home doesn't like them.
  9. Trigun Cowboy Beebop Big O Sailor Moon Yugioh Any Pokemon that had both Brock and Misty at the same time Dragon Ball (first or Z, no GT) Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z Inuyasha Manga-wise, I also like Pita-Ten, Negima!, GALS, Shaman King, Shaolin Sisters, and Chibi Vampire.
  10. Yeah, we were all pretty angry. The hedgehog cost $100, but more importantly, the person that took it might not know how to care for it properly. Luckily, hedgehogs are not hard animals to maintain, especially compared to some of the other animals we've got but still. I mostly just want it to be safe.
  11. Okay, so today my dad and I took home the three leopard geckos for my Student Nat. class to take care of them over the summer They're all cute and in my room now. The only down sides are that they're sort of smelly, so I need to invest in some air freshener and scented candles. The crickets I have to feed them smell even worse, but they're in the boiler room where nobody goes. You can, however, hear their constant chirping when you go downstairs. I was also supposed to take home one of the two hedgehogs (we've got a nice one and a crazy one, I was supposed to get the nice one), but when I came in to class today we discovered, as the title of the topic suggests, that it had been stolen. O: There is a small chance that it could have escaped on it's own, but it's pretty unlikely. And tomorrow is the last day of school before summer, so we dont' have much time to find it. O: And that was my day.
  12. =D Achewood Final Fantasy: Advent Children - Tataku Mono Tachi
  13. The foreign exchange students at my school this year all talked to one of my classes last week, and I was really embarassed when both of the German kids said that people had come up to them in all seriousness and asked if they were nazis. -______-;; It probably didn't help that they both did have blond hair and blue eyes, but seriously D:
  14. That's because it's a wonderful song, Horatio <3 SoCal VoCals - You Give Love a Bad Name
  15. Actually, a lot of the Disney movie innuendos aren't really what most people think they are. O: Like, people see a little Easter egg in the background and mistake it for something vulgar. The SFX in the clouds in Lion King is a good example, as people kept thinking it said SEX. Although, I cannot account for the Little Mermaid box art. Also, good job with yo pig
  16. I'm avoiding doing a research paper and English project because they're dumb and I don't wanna. Lalalalalala~
  17. Total Eclipse of the Heart I don't know who did it, but some a cappella group did an amazing cover of this x___________x
  18. you do release that cheesy could easily be defeated, correct? That is, if Arkcher likes cheese.... But Cheesey is a ninja
  19. Such violence for such a nice kitty... but... it would be an interesting next step. See, see? Yeah.
  20. My new goal is to someday shave a pig.
  21. When are you gonna start posting the story? O: Also, Setsuna reminds me that I miss FDP.
  22. I vote that Arkcher and Cheesey have a fight to the death in a large arena with pitfalls and spikes that shoot out of the ground and random bursts of flames and big hammers all along the sides.
  23. >Yes SCOOTS MCGOO SCOOTS MCGOO has been sent to Bill's PC!
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