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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. This may be just my opinion, TBFOF, but that's really the kind of comment that should be kept to yourself, even if it is a "serious question." And saying "I don't mean to be mean" doesn't excuse being rude. If this really was just a simple miscommunication, I'd politely recommend that in the future, you more carefully consider how your comments could be interpreted. Also, try not to sound hostile while you're being defensive.
  2. [Naw, double IC posting is fine 'cause there isn't an edit button.]
  3. [Eh, I might give him an extension. We've only got three teams and one of them hasn't even started yet.]
  4. [Post it whenever you have it done. I will do mine tomorrow, I swear it ><]
  5. Meat Loaf - Bat Out of H*ll It's been entirely too long since I last listened to this. Hold on, that ended. Now it's The Presets - Lets Go!
  6. Becca didn't open her eyes once she regained consciousness. Instead, she laid perfectly still, sprawled out in an uncomfortable possition on... was that grass? Although her body definitely ached, she didn't feel like she'd broken anything, injured anything internal, or even gotten a sprain. Really, she just felt like she always did after her martial arts classes. The only thing out of the ordinary was a wet sensation against her face. Slowly reaching up an arm, she did indeed feel some sort of liquid splashed across her cheek. So she had a head wound. Lovely. Making a small groan, she lifted herself into a sitting possition and opened her eyes, mentally preparing for the gruesome display that no doubt awaited her. The first thing she did upon opening her eyes was squeeze them shut again, then raise an arm to block the blinding sunlight. Her clouded mind struggled to register what had happened. She and Joey had been talking, laughing, then Joey leaned back to say something to Dan and didn't see the oncoming truck. She'd been totally paralyzed, only able to just her eyes a second before the collision. The last thing she remembered was being yanked forward against her seatbelt before passing out. The shock must have really messed up her head afterall, what she was experiencing now was definitely not what would would normally go through right after such a large crash. First of all, if she had been hurled from the car and onto the ground, she should hurt much more than she did, and she would probably be on the road instead of soft grass. Second, there should have been the sounds of a large crowd gathering, cars screeching to a halt, sirens, something. But all she could hear was the faint sound of a bird chittering away in the distance. Lastly, when she had closed her eyes just before the crash, they were at a busy highway intersection surrounded by buildings and other cars. From what she had seen in the brief moment after she woke up, she was now in some sort of wooded area. Surely, this was a mistake. She would open her eyes again, and reality would hit her, sounds, sights, and pain. Slowly, she peeked a green eye open, and then the other. She still had to squint because of the sunlight, but there was no denying that she was in a forest clearing. Lush green grass surrounded her, and about twenty feet away a thick row of trees began. Once again feeling the wet spot on her face, she drew her hand away and realized that it wasn't blood, it was dew from where she had been laying in the grass. Looking down, she didn't see any damage to her physical person. Not even her clothes were torn, although her highwayman's coat was deeply wrinked from where she had been laying on it. Turning around, Becca was startled to see a dark heap of cloth a few feet away from her. Closer inspection revealed this to be Dan. She spun around quickly, scanning the clearing several times, but there was no sign of Joey anywhere. Maybe he'd already woken up and left?... Becca scooted over and gently pushed Dan's shoulder, making him fall over onto his back. He didn't look to have any injuries, either, but she wasn't an expert at this sort of thing. "Dan, hey, get up," she croaked, shaking him lightly. It was unlikely, but maybe he had some idea of what was going on...
  7. Usher ft. pretty much everyone, I don't even know anymore, I think it's Young Jeezey - Love in this Club Classiest. Song. Ever.[/sarcasm]
  8. - Kat -


    I should have checked last night so I could have posted at 6:30 AM. Not because I had woken up, but because I wasn't asleep yet.
  9. I forget the title because Winamp turned all the Japanese characters into weird symbol things, but it's the piano arrangement from Advent Children when Tifa and Loz fight. I love it so much 8D
  10. SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM. *puts a viking hat on Horatio* Huzzah!
  11. When you're done with that, think you all could chant "Spam" for a while?
  12. "You never know," Becca said, snatching the balls up before they rolled into the street and putting them back in the room. "Maybe you'll wake up one night to find a burly ax murderer looming over your bed, and he hisses in his coarse, violent voice that the only way he'll spare your life is if you can tell him the main agricultural export of Czechoslovakia in 1920." When they walked back into the open, they saw a blue minivan pull up into the parking lot, Joey just visible through the tinted window. Becca trotted forward, trying to not make it too obvious that she was trying to get to the front seat before Dan. Her endeavour successful, she hopped up into the passenger's seat, and once Dan was settled, Joey pulled back into the street. "What sorts of tomfoolery are we getting up to today, Joey?" Becca chirped as she rolled down her window. "No idea," he replied, immitating her happy tone with a small grin. "We're all gonna meet over at Chelsea's house and go from there."
  13. [Alright, we've got the bare bones for Horatio's character and Kris is working on one, so I just gotta find Cheesey and make my character and we can start ))
  14. [ Love the idea! Can druids turn into hamsters? ] [Maybe yours can! XD For when we need somebody to sneak into little spaces >:3]
  15. Alright, I think the deadline passed, and all the proposed teams have made topics, so that's all then! The competition has officially begun! Whooo!
  16. [Horatio: My idea for you would be a druid/cleric, which would mean that you'd have powers over nature and healing. Also, if you didn't want to play a human, you can just say your character stays in their bear form all the time, since druids can turn into bears We can build on that idea, or scrap it completely, it's up to you. Kris: That'll work. Whatever you do, as long as it isn't god-modding, we'll probably allow it.
  17. [i'm double posting, but lookit, guys O: Over here. So Horatio, do you have any specific idea what you'd want your magic to do? I had an idea for a character for you that I think you could do well, but lets see what you were wanting to do first ]
  18. I want magical abilities. Then to the Dungeon Crawl topic with you, where I can offer you councel for character creation should you need it!
  19. I dunno who did this particular remix - Pretty Rave Girl
  20. [Alright, here's our official topic. All further plotting and whatnot should be done in here.]
  21. Okay, I'm gonna keep this open until next Monday 'cause the last team still needs to be sorted and Arkcher is leaving for the week. It's not likely, but people can still form teams if they want. O: Alright, Hris, Horatio, and Cheesey. Like I said, this is a typical ye olden days fantasy dungeon crawl. We're not gonna be real strict about magic and abilities or whatever, as long as they're reasonable and balanced. I think all we've got plot-wise so far is that it's a new team of adventurers heading off on their first raid. I'll go and start us up a topic.
  22. Spectacular news!!!!!!!!! I am really happy to hear this. I know you will do a great job getting him back into hedgehog shape!!! XD Now I'm all excited for next week so I can take him home.
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