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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Granted, but all of them are out of ink. I wish my knee would stop hurting.
  2. Granted, but all of them are out of ink. I wish my knee would stop hurting.
  3. I wish I could play so many instuments D: Guitar (mostly elecrtic), violin (accoustic and electric), viola, cello, piano, flute, drums, bass, synth >< But that's the thing. I don't want to learn how to play them. I just want to be able to do it perfect right now. XD
  4. Granted, but it only plays in Portugal at 4:00 AM. I wish I didn't have to go back to school.
  5. She danced a victory dance, then went to a RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAVVE with Chet the Whale.
  6. Unfortunately, a hungry guy came by and used the ketchup packet on his fries.
  7. Granted, but when we tell you, we'll have to kill you. I wish I had some new music to listen to.
  8. If we could get some real discussions going, that would be good O: There's been a lot of new topics due to the Revival effort, and that's good, but it would be cool to have topic that people actually reply to each other in instead of just make a single isolated post. My earlier attempt to get the Stories board back up again didn't work out so hot, but there use to be some pretty tight RPs and stories going down O: If we could get some of those back, that would be cool.
  9. XD That happened to me at first, too. I even made another post along the lines of "So my first post wouldn't show up so here's a new one lol"
  10. You people aren't giving me anything to corrupt D: I wish somebody else would make a wish.
  11. The dead arm was stolen by pirates dressed as panda bears and taken to a sacred shrine.
  12. HogwartsHamster D: HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM.
  13. Huh, it was a long time ago, I guess I could be mixing songs up. Actually, that sounds fairly likely because I can't find any evidence of a duet recording online. Alright, thanks anyway. XD Sorry for my horrible memory.
  14. Somebody told me about this one recently. Q: Name something that pops. A: Elvis
  15. Grim only pops up rarely, and when he does it's not for long D: He should come back too
  16. I need to play Animal Crossing. I don't think I have in a few days...
  17. I'm prowling HD, listening to music, and plotting for my character in a tabletop games a few of my friends and I are putting together.
  18. Okay, I have an Elton John related question, and if anybody can answer it, I figured it would be you XD The radio station I listened to a few years ago used to play The Wasteland and it was a duet him him and some woman. Do you know who was singing with him? I've done a little looking and couldn't find her name.
  19. I was plotting with my friends to go see The Dark Knight at IMAX sometime this week or the next.
  20. Hey, mindbarf is some of the funnest stuff to draw =D Nice job
  21. I was watching TV. More specifically, Taboo on National Geographic O: It's an insteresting show.
  22. It's true, there are nekkid people all over the place D: Luckily, I never see them, just hear stories from people who have. I can keep quiet until the "bird with a long neck" one, and then I burst into laughter.
  23. I'll probably write or draw, then eat dinner soon afterwards. >___> This might take place fairly soon, as Kris's computer has teh lag liek woah.
  24. I intarwebz tiem normally goes a little something like this: Sign on AIM and MSN (sometimes Yahoo) Email (including I Can Has Cheezburger and Facebook) Youtube or Winamp for music Various webcomics/blogs I read Various messageboards Read manga/stories/random whatevers that I can find Only I'm a Kris's house for the week, so all I've been doing is checking HD and another board of mine.
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