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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Merry Christmas, everyone! I spent mine with both my family and my bed, because these last two weeks at work have been nuts and I was very tired XD It's great to see you around, Leguan!
  2. MERRY BIRTHMAS! Even though I'm late |D
  3. Congratulations! All of the best to both of you, may you have many happy years and memories together.
  4. We are notoriously hard to herd. I hope that by now, you mail is taken care of! If no though it's okay XD
  5. Square Enix puts a lot of love into the FF series. Even if some games have some issues in the game-play department, I think the music and design are always beautiful. No music right now, dad is watching the bonus features on his DVD of one of the old versions of A Christmas Carol.
  6. At least it isn't Christmas Shoes Hmm...let me know if this is pushing it, but since the last one was okay, I'm gonna share another song from the Distant Worlds tour. Also no lyrics so it should still be fine? I'll stop after this, promise >_> This is Zanarkand, from Final Fantasy X. Another one of my favorite songs from this series. https://youtu.be/XT6WK2OmhCU
  7. Oh gosh, that sounds like one of those days where so much needs to get done that you get overwhelmed trying to plan it out and none of them actually happen. ...Or maybe that's just me. I'm pretty sure you're a lot better at getting all the necessary ducks in a row, though XD Goooo Horatio! *waves the Horatio banner*
  8. I'm sure it's not the weirdest thing FedEx has seen. In fact I can guarantee it isn't XD I actually have heard of that! When my brother and I used to watch a lot of survival-style shows together, they'd have something like a vehicle-top mattress. The idea itself makes sense to me, the only thing missing is a heating pad for cold nights. Maybe it can store a charge from solar power, since it's on top of the jeep... The panel could power the coffee maker, too.
  9. Those, too. Sia - Cheap Thrills So one of the lyrics to this song is the line "Hit the dancefloor" repeated several times. And when my friend and I were listening to this in her car last week, all I could hear Sia singing was "Hit the dumpster". I knew it was wrong but it's all I could hear.
  10. D< What a jerk, being covered in dust does not count as clean! I hope that landlord steps on a lego. I'm glad you'll be able to head home soon, at least.
  11. Something about fist-sized or smaller will fit best XD I can just imagine the expression of anyone who opened your bag to find it full of rocks XD
  12. Hey Horatio remember this? Yes I am still avoiding going to bed thank you for noticing.
  13. Okay so instead of going to bed I went back to the start of this topic and read a bunch of posts and I never replied to this but I want to make it clear that the jigg is part of my brand and you will have to pry that extra g out of my cold, dead hands.
  14. Nobuo Uematsu has created some of my favorite pieces of music ever. I got to see him preform with his current band, the Earthbound Papas, at our area anime/comic/nerd con this year, and it was great! He's really funny, and he and the rest of the band have an amazing amount of energy. It's so cool how his music translates so well in both orchestral arrangements and in frantic rock arrangements as well XD Also, I was impressed that I just had to put in the video link and the forum made it into an embedded video on its own I wasn't sure if it would allow me to make it pretty like that, so I played it safe and just went with the basic link. Good job, forum. Current music: Passion Pit - Sleepy Head
  15. Pfft, there are lots of people I think I deserve to be paid for having to be nice to, but you are not one of them! All services and feelings of friendship at Horatio Appreciation Junction are free of charge~ As long as you're Horatio. The rest of you better pay up.
  16. I have the shelf space all ready for it! Bring on that lava~
  17. Oooh that's an idea! And if the bag was nice and warm, you could still stuff it in you sleeping bag with you to help warm you up as well as your clothes XD
  18. 8D Awesome! It doesn't even have any lyrics so there's nothing inappropriate about it. Also, the link is to YouTube, and if someone was determined to find something that wasn't child friendly on there, I'm sure they don't need me supplying a link to the site to do it. Let's see if this works!
  19. There's only one direction on this railroad and we're heading straight for Horatio Appreciation Junction. CHOO CHOO
  20. XD that's a lot of lava! But it would make a cool present, I think! Not only because it's a cool part of nature, but because you harvested it yourself from a special place
  21. Currently listening to the Final Fantasy VII theme as played in the Distant Worlds tour. If we could link things, I'd definitely show you all. Such a beautiful and emotional piece.
  22. Hot water makes me sleepy so I take my showers before bed, but if I was sleeping outside, I'd probably want one in the morning, too. And cold clothes feel so stiff and crusty... That would probably be the worst part for me XD I hope the days were extra fun to make up for the rough nights and mornings.
  23. Thank you! But hey, isn't this your birthday topic? You're the one who should be getting nice things said about them XD So! Thank you so much for all the work you've put into these forums over the years. Back when it was bustling every day, you were the one really responsible for letting us all talk to each other. And now you work to reach out to us and keep an eye on us, and that shows how caring you are. We're all really lucky to have met you!
  24. Thanksgiving was quiet but very nice ^^ My family went to Kris' house and we just hung out, watched Mystery Science Theater 3000 (and some football when Kris' grandpa was over), ate a bunch of great food, and came home. Alex and I came home before our parents since we both had to work the next day We now have lots of leftovers, so that will be my dinner for the next week XD Nobody we know can be bothered to take part in Black Friday, much less the pre-Black Friday on Thursday. I'd actually forgotten it was Black Friday until I got home from work and saw a commercial about it. That felt so good XD It is about time to start getting gifts ready, huh? I know what I wanna get some people but for others I don't even have any ideas yet x.x And at least one is gonna be pretty hard to find...I'll have to come up with a backup in case it doesn't work out. May all of us have good present luck!
  25. I thought about this topic at random today. Time to play necromancer and bring it back to life~ Billy Joel - The Longest Time
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