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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. *notes that the pants are dead* And LE, when I was about three or four, I was convinced there was a small dog living in our freezer. I called him Ice Puppy.
  2. My mom used to go to those midnight showings where they brought their own props and did the Time Warp in the eisles :3 The Fratellis - Acid Jazz Singer The fact that The Fratellis made another album makes me more happy than I can properly express in mere words.
  4. Tag-ees have been NOTED. In my siggy. We shall hope they see. If not I'll just hunt them down >(
  5. The pillow reminds me of the Monster Book of Monsters thing from Harry Potter. O: SOMEBODY GET A BELT
  6. You know where else would be a good place to make hilarious art? Here, that's where.
  7. If you people are going to make me call out somebody specific to start this off, I'll do it. I swear.
  8. It works and looks great!!! More art... More art... M-O-R-E.....A-R-T!!!!!!!!!!! Horaaaatiooooo. Doooooo the meemeeeeeee. Dooooooo eeeeeeeet.
  9. Muwahaha! It works now! >D And failing at art makes it a special kind of awesome! XD You can still do it!
  10. ._. There seems to be a problem in that the meme won't show up. This complicates things.
  11. Alright, so a combination of boredom, curiosity, and looking at other websites inspired me to create THIS, the Hampsterdance Art Meme! It's very simple: 1. Save the meme template 2. Open it in paint/photoshop/what have you. You can even print it. 3. Follow the directions. 4. Post it up for everyone to see! It doesn't matter if you're a fantastic artist. Make everything hilarious and bad in Paint, or wow us with your unbelieveable arting skillz. Just have fun! When it says to tag someone at the end, it means pick a member of the board that has to do it next. For the first person, I tag whoever reads this first XD VIVA LA MEME!
  12. Having your own topic on the boards has become somewhat of a trend, and I've been intending to make my own for a while now. The problem was, I knew I'd be too lazy to update it regularly. Then I got the brilliant idea to just copy/paste entries from my [website deleted lol] account into here because I can't link you guys to it anyway. I put it in this forum because I like this forum and it sort of applies I guess. So here is my topic. Ta-dah! nice first post, mirite
  13. Actually I did try, but for some reason, it didn't want to upload. Did you make sure it was a jpg or something and not a bmp? Because sometimes I forget to change it and it won't post. D'OH... exactly my problem. :blush: :blush: Now you can save it as a jpg and post it, yase? =DDDDD
  14. Actually I did try, but for some reason, it didn't want to upload. Did you make sure it was a jpg or something and not a bmp? Because sometimes I forget to change it and it won't post.
  15. I had a dream a few days ago that Horatio posted a picture. IMAGINE MY DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN I WOKE UP *POINTED STARE AT HORATIO* Also, guess who still needs practice! Hint: It's me
  16. Okay, so about a week ago, Kris, her brother and I all made gingerbread houses. Well, Jonathan's was a train, but Kris and I made houses. And since our kits were identical, we decided to have an EPIC COMPETITON to see who could make the best house! We worked and toiled, and now, you beautiful, beautiful people, it's up to you to decide who was successful! Also, for Jonathan's train, he directed us and told us how exactly he wanted it decorated, but Kris and I wielded the frosting in an attempt to make it less mess. We failed. (I worked on the right side and she did the left, by the way)
  17. Have you heard the Killers' new Christmas single, "Joseph, Better you than me?" Elton sings on it. And might have written part of it too... ~Liz O: For real? No, I'll have to go look that up. I've been listening to their song from last year, though. XD The Killers - Don't Shoot Me Santa Mmkay, I just listened to Joseph, Better You Than Me, and it was really cool!
  18. - Kat -

    Oh em gee

    You could always just give up and make a really stupid face on purpose. Like, try your best to make the :B Face in real life.
  19. XD It's not just shoes for me, either. I do the same thing with jewelry and coats ;-; I go around online and save pictures of the really cool things I want, and then when I'm bored I look at them and weep because they will never be mine. I need a hobby.
  20. I LOL'D. I just realized, I forgot my crochet hook in the last panel. Oops.
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