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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. It looks like switching all my internet-using to Firefox carries over more of the original format when I copy/paste. Huh.
  2. Aww Glo, I hate you too <3 Especially because your meme was awesome.
  3. *TAGS LEXXY-MAN LIEK WOAH* Now you have no excuse.
  4. [Words cannot describe how terribly amused I was reading this! XD It would be AWESOME if you kept it up! I looooooooove noir <333333]
  5. Directions are in the first post. And people, the meme is ALL ABOUT being terrible at art! XD The worse the better!
  6. My last post probably came out harsher than I meant for it to be. I was just particularly edgy about the hedgehog/Sonic thing because that's what everybody in my Student Nat class wanted to name ours and I got kind of frustrated with it. So yeah, I wasn't trying to insinuate that MK isn't creative, and I'm sorry if I gave that impression.
  7. Had to delete and re-post this since I forgot to edit some things >_>; I've read in a few articles that say making the batteries for electric cars totally destroys the environment in a large area around the factory. I think it was mostly mining for the zinc or something... HEY LOOKIT BEFORE READING THAT DOWN THERE Anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and say that this entry is pretty morbid and I wouldn't be surprised of some people were kind of grossed out by it. So you know, beware. But I wanted to wordbarf somewhere and I figured it wouldn't actually hurt anybody to copy/paste it here, too.
  8. The fact that it's a video game character name is over-ruled by the fact that EVERY pet hedgehog EVER is named Sonic. It takes 0% creativity to come up with that. :/
  9. Kansas weather: Sunday: snowed 6" Monday: sunny, maybe 75 degrees Tuesday: same, snow is gone by now Wesnesday: humid, muggy, threatening to rain Thurday: rain Friday: freezing rain/sleet Saturday: snowed 2" This was last week.
  10. I do want a motorcycle, but first I need to like, learn how to drive a normal car. And if I ever get one, I would want something more Ninja-styled.
  11. It was most delicious. And yeah, Sunny (as I now believe it is spelled) was the kitty.
  12. Aww, he looks just like Federico! <3 I miss him, he was such a dear. Harrison is a good name. ^^ In my experience with hedgehogs, we got him a small blanket that he liked to curn up in and burrow under, and he had a little plastic ball in his cage he would play with. He also liked to push some of the bedding into his water bowl and would frequently poop in it, so be sure to check for that .____.; Also be careful about letting him roam around on the floor or a table and when holding him, because they pretty much go to the bathroom wherever their at. You can usually tell because they uncurl and lower their backside when it's about to happen. So I'd recomend letting him run around on a large old towel or something and not directly on the carpet. I had a pair of work gloves that I would use to get him out of his cage, but once I was holding him, I could generally slide them off. He did bite me once, but it didn't really hurt. I just kept still until he let go after a few seconds. He didn't even break the skin. So if you were worried about anything like that, it isn't that bad. Federico liked a little bit of apple or strawberry for a treats ^^ I know we're allowed to have hedgehogs in Kansas, and while I was taking care of Federico, my Student Nat teacher gave me the number to the vet she used who had helped out with the hedgehog before. I hope you have fun with Harrison! Hedgehogs are actually fairly easy to care for but lots of fun ^^
  13. I don't think you're supposed to post here. You just come into this topic and stare at it for a while. And lurk.
  14. Last night, I got a double scoop, one of "Icing on the Cake" which was ice cream with spinkles, chunks of icing, and chunks of cake, and chocolate mousse ice cream with chocolate hunks XD And then today we got frozen custad. I got what's called a "Dirt and Worms", which is the custart with chunks of Oreos, chocolate sprinkes, and a few gummi worms.
  15. Skipped an entry due to content, but here's the latest one.
  16. XD That was the point! EVERYONE SHALL DO IT!
  17. I can't even believe I didn't see this until now XD Awesome
  18. D&D, haha, I haven't played that system in aaaaaageeeeeees XD Been into CHAMPS lately for the most part. But RPing is good! Hooray for your boyfriend!
  19. Prettyful! =D You should do the meme.
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