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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. XD I'm still debating. Mostly because I don't even know what my other options are yet. My brother said he'd ask his Mac-using friends what they use.
  2. My suggestion would be to keep using iTunes. *cough, cough* Glad you have a good backpack that you like. Hopefully you will be able to put all of your books in there as well. Perhaps not ALL of your books. LOL One thing to keep in mind, when you are carrying your power cord, do not wind it to tightly around the unit itself. I have found that they do not have a long life. So what I do with mine is to hold the unit and wrap the cord very loosely around my hand then put the entire thing into a carrying case. Also you will find the cord twists inside itself, so I made sure that I would 'smooth' it out every now and then. You will figure out what I am talking about later, it probably does not make any sense now. Also, I kept the little cord pin cover and used it when I was carrying the laptop around. This protected the pins from damage. Of course, I don't think this is totally necessary, but I am pretty hard on things. I have kept ahold of the cover, and I have untwisted the cord out several times XD But, I'll keep in mind the thing about wrapping up the chord. I'd been wrapping it around the unit, so I'll stop that now.
  3. I got a good backpack when I got the lappy, so I'm using that now. I have moved all my music over, but at the moment, I'm still exploring iTunes and debating if I want to keep using it or see if I can find find a way to get Mac-compatable Winamp or something along those lines.
  4. The Mac is working smoothly so far, just have to move the rest of my stuff off Craig. I don't think it's got Boot Camp, but so far all of the Word and Notepad stuff I've moved over works in Pages and TextEdit. And my tablet came with a CD to install Photoshop, so all of those documents should work, too. And more like now that I'm not crazy busy with birthday and graduation plans, I can make more posts XD But the lappy will definitely help! And I haven't seen Kris yet, but I'm taking it with me when she and Rachel and I hang out next Wednesday ;D
  5. \o/ I'm making a note here: Huge Success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Look at me still talking when there's file transfering science to do
  6. [Dont' feel too bad, Lexxy-man, I haven't played D&D since I was a little 9-year-old and my brother got ahold of some 1E books XD]
  7. [Looking pretty awesome so far! :3]
  8. *cough, cough* We are still here. I'm weeeeeerking on it
  9. [Haven't played actual D&D for a while, been preoccupied with other systems, but this seems cool =D I'd love to give it a go]
  10. If you're some kind of anal-retentive or just very bored, you may have noticed that sometimes the format of my updates is different. This is for two reasons. 1. When I switched to Firefox, the copy/pasting retained more of the original formatting, such as spaces and indents, so posts look different than they did when I first started this topic. 2. Depending on how long the entry is or what its about, I sometimes use a code on the site I originally post these on to make a sort of link to the post instead of just leaving it really long to stretch out the page. So the format gets changed around a little then when I go to copy/paste it from the linked page instead of the site's main page. I don't know why on earth anybody would care about that. But you know...if you were curious.
  11. Oh, Horatio Gives us his thanks in haiku How very clever
  12. Well it won't speak to me and tell me, but it will make sure I know u_u
  13. The Horatio Flies and mods posts for us all He is so awesome *bow*
  14. I won't actually know what its name is until I get it and it tells me. But I will keep A and M names in mind.
  15. Oh I am u___u I'm excited because it means that I won't have to fight my mom or brother to use Craig anymore XD 'Cause even with Lappy and Lappy 2.0, they didn't have internet so it was still a hassle. x.x But my dad is gonna get wireless setup so Yet-To-Be-Named MacBook can connect to ye olde internets.
  16. This one contains information that will probably make Horatio happy XD
  17. To Horatio and MK: Your art requests are included in the stuff I've been doodling and plotting out, so those will arrive at some point in the near- ... well I'll be done at some point.
  18. OHOHOHO Horatio. Very sneaky. I'll see what I can do for the both of you :3
  19. For the record, I am no longer at Aunt Kathy's house
  20. XD Actually, it's only $400...you did pay me $600. It's your dad that you owe every penny you'll ever earn XD
  21. - Kat -

    From a Marine

    I emailed it to my mom, because she's basically told me several times everything that was said there. I pretty much agree with all of it as well.
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