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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Aww Horatio, I'm so sorry to hear about Hercule <3 It sounds like he was going through a lot, though, so at least he isn't hurting anymore. And he was so cute!
  2. so I just saw this post and i'm confused about liking your brothers' quotes. also bumping again for Katman who always does things on time. quiet you Also, she was talking about the fact that you're amused by Jonathanisms.
  3. Just send it to me, I will have no problem using it. *starts thinking of all the songs to add* XD That's the problem, I have TOO many that I want to add! I'm trying to narrow it down. Here's how you do it. Make a list, then just check off the songs that you have already added. You never know, you might get another iTunes card as a belated birthday gift. Then you will be able check off more songs on your list. O: Truthed. I will begin the listing process!
  4. ;A; So cute! It reminds me of one of my mom's friends who worked as a wildlife rehabilitation person. She would send me pictures of the super cute bats and foxes and baby deer that she got in.
  5. Just send it to me, I will have no problem using it. *starts thinking of all the songs to add* XD That's the problem, I have TOO many that I want to add! I'm trying to narrow it down.
  6. I'm trying, I'm just having a hard time deciding on what to use it for XD
  7. Meat Loaf - If God Could Talk I got my friend into Meat Loaf >D
  8. Happy Birfday, Cheesey! <3 Come here so that I may glomp you.
  9. No pics, we ate it too fast XD But it was a verra tasty red velvet cake with cream cheese icing that my mom made =3 Alright, so the first birthday thing that happened was that one of my friends got me a unicorn Pillow Pet and a red glowstick and a new mouse because my old one broke XD Then on the 6th, me and Kris went over to said friend's house and had cupcakes and pizza and watched Iron Man so that we would be prepared to see the midnight premier of Iron Man 2. Iron Man 2 was the best thing ever, I want to watch it over and over and never stop. I also got a HampsterDance card and a laptop desk from Kris, and Jonathan made me a couple cards and got me a little Asian parasol. Then on my actual birthday me and some friends had dinner at my house (a big roast, stuffing, acorn squash, apple salad, and rolls). Then we went on a late night playgrond adventure XD Aaaand then today I got Pokemon Soul Silver and the guide book =3
  10. =3 Thanks guys! *makes wish, blows out candles, dives into cake*
  11. I'm thinking at least part of it is going towards Meat Loaf albums I don't already own. I'm contemplating some other stuff, too...
  12. Aha, thank you! >D Now, to decide what hot jamz to get...
  13. Looks like you're having fun with that macro lens! =3 Also...how does one download music from iTunes? .____. I've never done it before and I've got a giftcard I wanna use.
  14. Oh, has it been more than a week? I don't even remember what I said I'd do.
  15. Those are so cool! Hercule looks adorable ^-^ And the flowers are pretty!
  16. I would say that it depends on what you want to write. If you really want character development and interaction and whatnot, then go for it how it is. If you just want to write some OMG ZOMBIES DIE, then yeah, you should probably throw together a few shmucks and mostly ignore them unless they're a-fightin'. It mostly depends on what you're in the mood to write.
  17. x_____X!! That's terrible! I hope the stings heal up soon.
  18. Happy Birfday, Kris! XD I know I called you but ALSO I will post it here!
  19. Kevin Murphy's version of Bella's Lulaby from Twilight. "I want to chomp into your throoooooooat"
  20. x_x Yeah, teachers do that sometimes. At least now you won't have that to worry about while you're trying to study.
  21. O: Dude your back! *attack of love*
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