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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. [At midnight last night, I was getting my hair dyed! Wheeeeeeeee! *runns around punching people with firsts* Hey...this does work...]
  2. But you don't have a scanner, so HA! And besides, I don't think they could show that one because I was looking off another picture, so it wouldn't be origional.
  3. 1. There is twelve. Well, thirteen, if you count X2. And I don't know how many if you count the horrible American versions of, like, two through five. 2. It's called Final Fantasy because when Square made it, they were doing really bad, and they thought it would be their final game. But it did so well that they kept making sequals. Or sequils. Whatevo. Anyway, that is why it's called Final Fantasy, even though none of them have been the final one.
  4. *gives Horatoi a badge and packet of information* You are now in the club. u.u
  5. *silent evil cackle, silent evil cackle*...>.> Wha?
  6. [i meant to say first. Shut up. >.>;;;]
  7. =AH HA!= Setsuna turned to Horatio. "Can I barrow your helicopter?" she asked, not believing that she hadn't thought if this sooner.
  8. "Some freak has been trying to off me all day! That was him!" Setsuna yelled, nearly hopping over the counter and running outside. So what if he was in a car? He couldn't drive forever...
  9. *swings on a rope like Tarzan*
  10. [...I can't think of a witty remark! This must be a first! *checks self for fever*]
  11. Actually, I did it like that on purpose! My friend and I were IMing each other, and he was talking about his character in a game and spelled it like the make up instead of the class!
  12. =It is. I just keep making typos. Kris's character is named KAY!= Still extreamly ticked off, Setsuna when back to the grill to plot revenge.
  13. Really? I thought is was...like...a month, or something...I dunno. Maybe it's because I never pay attention to this forum...
  14. Setsuna tried to run after him, but was grabbed by...=Anybody who replys to this!=
  15. Wow...this was pretty dead for a while...
  16. =Yay! Now somebody just has to make an in-game post! ._____.;;;=
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