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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. I made the pic last night while trying to do algebra homewrok and made it into an advertisement 'cause I could. Yay for illegible hand lettering! >.>;;;
  2. Yay! I could use it because I can jig! But...I don't have hair problems...
  3. "no!" said Setsuna, walking slowly but determinedly to the man. "Let's take care of him first. he might get away." =Don't worry about it, ML. ^^=
  4. [i forgot what Naomi was doing, so I'll make something up.] Naomi was in the form of a tabby again, following Raith and James in hopes that they could find Ryukai for her. They were both aware of her, but didn't care much. They were hungry, and she was too young. Suddenly, they both stopped. James sniffed the air. New blood. From this distance, neither could tell the age. They took of silently in the direction the small was coming from, draing their gun-blades. Naomi kept following. As Raith and James ran, James though he smelled something familliar about the blood...[You can RP Any of my characters if you need to, Arkcher. I'm not sure how old Val Hawyn is, so I didn't post ir. Remember, the youngest they can eat is eighteen. I also left room for them to have possible known each other before, sence you said he could hang around with vampires. If you don't want him to know Raith and James, then just say they thought they recognized the scent, but didn't.]
  5. Just then, Setsuna regained counciousness. She bolted up, but a searing pain in her cheek and head pushed her back down. "What happened?" she asked. "Where is the physco that was impersonating me?" JJ pointed to the man. He was laying nearby, still knocked out. His hands were tied behind his back. Setsuan got up again, only slower. She stood up, shaking. "L-Let's go...take him to the police." she said, taking a trembling step towards him.
  6. *had a good one earlier, but forgot*
  7. [i think it somewhere around midnight. I has to be night, though, because Raith and James are out.]
  8. ATTACK OF THE LOWER-BODY AMPUTEES! *readies Claymore*
  9. o>-< = Not cheer guy. A cheap imitation. Don't let it fool you. And SF, di won't count spaces as the first word of a line. I don' get it, either...
  10. [*duct tapes mouth shut* NO POLITICS! o_o;;;]
  11. =Just for clarification, Setsuna has passed out by now. And ML, you're knocked out, too. He didn't have much of a choice.=
  12. =Hmm...that is how my brother said to spell it. Ah, well.=
  13. [Well...woot for mulitiple whatever they ares!]
  14. =It's one of those thrings star thingies ninjas use.= Setsuna carefully stuck her head out the window. Another shiruken flew towards her. She moved her head just in time, but it still grazed her, giving her a nasty cut on her cheek. She wiped the blood away so it didn't get into her eyes. Horatio started looking for her bandages. Now severly angered, Setsuna looked even harder for the source of the shiruken. She found it as another one went whizing past her head. The same man was standing on a rooftop, another shiruken in his hand. Before Horatio could sop her, Setsuna had leaped out of the helicopter. They were fairly close the the roof top. And if he aimed just right, just could land on the man to cushion her fall. =Ha! I can do this in wire-fu!=It worked, sort of. He sidestepped a second too late, causing Setsuna to grab his arm. They both skidded across the roof and landed in a large pile. The man was completly out of it, and Setsuna was fading in and out of consiousness. Horatio landed and called Kay and J.J to help get them back to the store. =Oh, and MW, I guess we couldn't see the licence plate. I was kindda wondering about that, too.=
  15. Taking to the skys again, Horatio and Setsuna flew all over New York, looking for the guy. After nearly giving up, they headed back to the ried Dragon Inn, but felt a jolt. A shiruken was sticking up through the floor, right next to Setsuna's foot. =I'm not done, but I'm getting booted off the computer, so I'll finish later.=
  16. I dunno...it's just a cheer guy. He has his arms in the air and her's cheering. See? \o/ YOu can also make people giving eachother high fives. o/\o
  17. NAw. It was supposed to be Horatio. Oh, and MW, moogles and chocobos have been kept in every one 'cause they are deh spiff. \o/
  18. But the picture I did wasn't original. I was looking at a picture of a person in a vidoe game.
  19. That is the second time I've done that...
  20. "I don't know." said Setsuna, running after Horatio to get to the helicopter. "I think it would be better if you flew..." said Setsuna. She remembered the last time Horatio let her use the helicopter. It haddn't been pretty. They both hopped in andHoratio took of. Setsuna scanned the ground for any sign of the car. "There it is!" she yelled, pionting towards it. Horatio trailed it until it stopped at...=ML?=
  21. [One. We've answered you...like...eight times. x.x I think the reason I can't think of anything to post is because there is nothing for me to post about. Somebody do something that Raith and James or Naomi can react to.]
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