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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. As Ryukai was kisking the ice off of himself, James turned to Raith. "I thought you hated him." he siad. "I do." said Raith. "But it wouldn't have been honorable to let his stay ther and die or attack him while he was incapable of retaliation. [Just in case you were wondering why Raith did that.] Befoer James could reply, he smelled something rushing towards the path again. he and Raith both whipped around just in time for Raith to be pounced on by a large werewolf. [No killing the Raith and/or James, please.]
  2. =The guy is tied up in the corner of the roof of the building top we are on.=
  3. I havn't listened to them in forever...*needs to find her CDs and get all the ones that Alex is holding hostage back*
  4. Yep. I watched it at a friend's house when I slept over. The fact that they had little action figures from the movie in the room we were sleeping in didn't help. I swear, that big finder thingy kept moving... TGHL: That's what I had been thinking. Even I can't get that scary without drugs. (Not saying I do drugs, I'm just saying that I would need to in order to make something that creepy.).
  5. [Yeah. Something like that. I just noticed how specific I was when I said, "The dragon with the eyes.".]
  6. Raith and James shielded their eyes and let out pained screeches [Like Fell Beasts in LotR.]. Naomi was temporarily stunned, but recovered quickly. Her cat-eyes could still see the man, [Her eyes are cat-like right now, but her body isn't.] She jumped on the man agian. If he killed Ryukai, she wouldn't be able to work the key. If he killed the vampires, she might never find Ryukai after this. She lunged at thim again, elongating her fingernails into claws. But her eyesight was being thrown off by the bright light, and she and Val both hit a tree hard, knocking them both out, [if you don't think Val would be knocked out, just fix this. Maybe he would just be stunned for a litte. I dunno.] Because of his loss of conciousness, his sword stopped flaming and Raith and James uncovored thier eyes. Only the light of the real sun could burn them, but it still hurt their eyes if there was a bright enough artificial one. Raith took aim at the half-frozen Ryukai. [instert random Ryukai reaction here.] But she didn't aim for his body. She shot the ice surrounding him, cracking it and making it easy to kick away. [You go now.]
  7. I already have a Weirdo Ward, so I'll take the creative one! *adds to sig*
  8. [1. Being on fire would be rather death-inducing, so I didn't think you meant for that to happen. Oops. 2. They aren't. Naomi is just getting him before he gets her.] Once agan the gun-blades were knocked and the aim was thrown off, making Raith and James shoot the ground near Val's head. Naomi hopped off of him just before he squashed her. Raith and James quickly reloaded their guns, and Naomi turned back into a human to defend herself. [i dunno if this would throw Val off at all. You can chose.] The all stood there, starring at each other. [Yay for progress!]
  9. [i was talking about the one you never finished that was the first one of your I read with the magical dude and the dragon with the eyes and stuff.]
  10. o_O;;;? I've never heard of a Sonic anime...
  11. That movie is firggin' wierd. I saw it. I think I had nightmares that the Nowhere Man was chasing me that night...
  12. Naomi jump Val from behind, bringing him down. Raith and James were severly ticked off at him and where advancing with their gun-blades. [Go ahead and do whatever. Just dun kill/maim Raith and James.]
  13. [GASP! And I thought you stopped that one 'cause you couldn't think of anything to finish it, or something...]
  14. Setsuna sighed. "Fine..." she said. She sat back down on the table, possitioned herself, and allowed herself to pass out. She had been fighting to urge ever sence she got up.
  15. Setsuna tried to force a smile. "Guys, I'm fine." she said weakly, not convincing anyone. "It's only a cut. Now lets do somethingw ith this guy! I promise I'll lay down after."
  16. [*claps hand over MW's mought* Shush. He might get ideas...]
  17. YOu can't see my hands...I don't have any in the pic, atcually...
  18. [i know, but he was just bein' mean at the moment, and that was my first impresstion of him]
  19. As Val was looking in the bushes, Ryukai attacked. Val turned around justin time to block it, but at that moment Raith and James jumped out from the forest. Raith and James both took aim with thier gun-blades, but just as they fired, Naomi jumped out of the bushes in a cougar form and accidentally ran into Raith. She gun arm was jerked violently upwards and shot into the treetops as Raith ran into James, knocking off his aim, too. Only his bullet grazed Ryukai in his left shoulder. [Haha! They all missed! Take it away, Arkcher.]
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