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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Hey! I-*runs into a wall*
  2. Alright. I'm writting a story, and I need more people then the two characters I have. I'll post one's bio so that you can see how I need it filled out. Anywhoo, it story has to do with an alternate demention, a planet called Matria, and two civilizations at war. Here is is bio template: NAME: Lark Austen AGE: 14 RACE(Earth): Human EARTH PD: Rather willowy, long, black hair to her waist, golden eyes EARTH COUNTRY: Parents are American, but she was born in Japan, then moved back to America, so she is very familiar with both English and Japanese. RACE(Matria): Cat hybrid MATRIA PD: Half human, half tiger, coloring of a Bengal. same hair and eyes MATRIA POWERS: Shoots energy balls/controls fire Plese try not to have over three powers, and please nothing like, "Can take over evil people's minds and kill them instantly." Oh, and try to make shure that when you are on Matria, you can speak. You can be a bear if you want, just be a tlaking one. Thankya. ^^
  3. Wait...where is...what is it...huh? o_o Poisoned thin mints?
  4. Yaio is...well...erm...*tries to think of a way to say this that won't need modding*... Most of the characters are about as straight as a cirlce. >.>;;;
  5. I hate it when it makes those one smileys. >.<
  6. If you don't know what yaoi or hentai is, you're lucky. x.x
  7. Yay for dangerous weaponry in the hands of a pshycotic, Claymore-wielding ninja cat! : D
  8. Awww! The bunny is kyuuuute! But I like them all. ^^
  9. *hopps into the helicopter as Horatio flys us away* *James Bond theme plays*
  10. *helps organize* This reminds me on a Monty Python skit...
  11. Well, not completely. At least, not yet.
  12. *just saw this* *doesn't remember what they were talking about* *looks back* Oh yeah. No. XP
  13. Err...yeah. Sure. *never seen them*
  14. [i couldn't [i]think[/i] of anything! o_o;;;]
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