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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Yeah, after I took the lid off I moved the potty to the corner where I'd found the droppings. But now I think I see some in her house >.> We'll work on it. She's spent the rest of the day in her house. When I look in there I can see she's awake, though, eating and cleaning herself. I think she just knows that I won't bug her if she's in there XD I think we've got some baby carrots, I'll cut one up and put it in her snack dish for her this evening ^^
  2. I think I'd seen...two? One was when I was reeeeeally small and one was at a friend's birthday when I was 10 or 11 XD
  3. Yeah, I've been just sitting outside her tank for about an hour now. When she's out exploring I'll put my hand in and she'll sniff it a bit, but when she gets sick of me she hides in her house and I leave her alone. She did let me pet her a few times without jumping away, though. Do you think it would help if I put a little something in there that smelled like me? If I could get a scrap of fabric from my mom or something and carry it around for a day or so and put it in there, would that help her get used to me? She discovered her wheel last night and had great fun with that XD Which is a good thing, because so far all she's eaten are her treats and not any of her real food. Maybe I hid too many treats around the tank for her and she isn't interested in the pellets XD I had to take the lid off of her potty because she kept using it as a hidey hole instead of a bathroom. One corner of it was filled with food x.x But she has been eating and drinking, and I did find some droppings, so I think she'd adjusting healthily. I'm so excited for when I'll be able to hold her and put her in her ball~
  4. Double post, but hopefully I can be forgiven because it's for hamster/other cute animal pictures :3
  5. Since I'm back, I figured I'd make a post here. After a while of hunting, I FINALLY FOUND A GOOD HAMSTER ;0; I tried two PetSmarts and one local shop called PetLand, but I finally found one at a place called Pet Stop. I was looking for just a normal sized, normal hair-length, and normal colored hammie, and they had just what I was looking for~ She's about 8 weeks old and a beautiful blond color with a bit of darker brown around her face and some white around her tummy, and she has cute little black eyes. As she's a Siberian hamster, I wanted to give her a Russian name. I almost went with Anya, before my mom pointed out that that's the Russian version of Anna and we already have an Annie, so I went with Sasha. While we were there, before I found Sasha, there was a little hamster that had slightly darker coloring that I was interested in because I really liked their markings, but they were very skittish and did not like being held at all. Sasha seems to be much more calm. I'm so glad to finally have a little hammie ^0^ We'd had a good tank and enough supplies to last a year, all we needed was the hamster XD Annie has at least been in the dining room with her, so I don't think she'll cause a problem. Sophie most likely will never even know about her, since she rarely comes out of my mom's sewing room. I'm hoping that Puck will do what he did with Edgar (the mouse we tried to house before he escaped) and the geckos we housed for a while: he was interested for a while, but eventually ignored them. Then again, the geckos didn't move around much and Edgar hid all the time, and Sasha seems a lot more active. But I'll keep her safe~ Especially when she's out in her ball. Annie will get shut in my parent's room or outside >.>; I was going to take pictures, but she's finally settled into her house and I don't want to disturb her (the pet store lady said I should give her a day to get used to her tank before I handle her a lot, anyway). Once she comes out to explore again I'll get some pictures ^^ I'll also include some of the other animals we saw at the stores.
  6. O: Awesome! I'm always impressed when people can actually write a whole book...I always get too lazy orz
  7. Aww, sounds adorable! :3 I'm excited for pictures~
  8. dude MW get over here and make me a dog on a leash. I would get one of those every time I saw a balloon person when I was a kid.
  9. - Kat -


    Some day, when we're all like, 50, everyone will remember this board and come back to say hi XD
  10. I'll make sure to not look out of any holes and that any holes are only big enough for me to breath through. XD
  11. XD Yeah, I need to work on that hole "sleeping in the night and being awake in the day" thing.
  12. I'll pack myself in a FedEx box to save money XD
  13. =D Yay! Next time you head to the UK, stop by Kansas and pick me up XD
  14. *starts at one end of Kansas, roooooooooooolls*
  15. O: Wow, I don't know what I'll do when I run out of space...
  16. She's been super busy with school and work, since the end of the school year is coming up, but I'll try to get her to stop by.
  17. Yep. They aren't exactly high-fashion. And for some reason, they seemed to run about a size too big, so everyone was trying not to trip the whole time. There was also an arcade, though. There weren't too many games and some of the two-players didn't work right, but it was still fun. We used the tickets we won to buy a bunch of cheap little toys. My good deed for the day was when a friend and I had pooled our tickets to get a pink inflatable crown, and there were some little kids in the lane next to us and a girl who must have been three or four years old kept telling her mom that she wanted our crown. So my friend and I went and won enough tickets to get another one for her XD
  18. I don't really have much room to talk here, since for various reasons I myself went on homebound because I was unable to go to school during my senior year. But you seem a lot more concerned with your academic success than I was, so hopefully you will stay on track. Like Horatio said, when you can go back, don't focus on him. Luckily, in school, there should be a lot of other things for you to concentrate on, like the teacher or the work you're doing. And really making yourself focus on your work might even improve your grades XD But mostly, don't focus on him in class. You've got more important things to be doing. Time with friends and outside of class will be harder, since like you said, you have a lot of the same friends. The only advice I could give would be to keep trying not to dwell on him. Hang out with friends that aren't around him if you can. If you have any "back-up" friends (it's not really a nice term, but everybody has some), try spending some time with them. If you really need to, bring a book or something to read if everyone is talking with him and you don't want to be physically away from the group. You're going through a hard time right now and are allowed to be withdrawn. I'm glad that you're focusing on yourself right now. Keep rebuilding your strength and if you still feel like you need closure with him when you're feeling better, at least you won't be so hurt and vulnerable.
  19. XD my mom would be super-jealous, too. She's a total anglophile.
  20. Well one of our other friends ended up hitting herself in the leg while she was trying to throw the ball, so maybe we should avoid it, too XD
  21. There will never, ever be anyone worth hurting yourself like that over. Cutting is never a good way to deal with emotions. It doesn't make them go away or sort them out, it's a temporary fix that only gets more and more dangerous. I have several friends who used to cut their arms and legs, and every time they see their scars, they wish they could take those moments back. It didn't help them then and it is still hurting them now. I know that it is a lot easier said than done, but working on getting yourself to a more stable mindset is a lot more important than working out whatever is wrong with this guy. If you need to put him on the backburner to keep yourself safe, then I hope that's what you will do. Your health and safety is so much more important than whatever chord snapped in his brain. It hurts right now, and it won't get better overnight, but being so down on yourself while trying to deal with him is only going to make it harder. Talk to me (you know how to reach me a few different ways), come on here, do anything else, but please, don't hurt yourself.
  22. *jealooooous* How are you trashcan injuries coming along?
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