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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Will you post it here if I steal your monies? >_>
  2. [Oh. Well then ever mind.] Naomi quickly turned into a black panter and followed the path of the whatever-it-had-been.
  3. So...wait...you'll post it here if we give you monies?
  4. I hath been poked! You poked my in your sig, too. Was with all the poking?! *prods with the Claymore*
  5. Nope. The only thing by the Caesars I know of is Jerk it Out...
  6. *kills Arkcher, then clings to him*
  7. [Make Val notice that people are staring at him, or something.]
  8. Yay for the end and a new story! ^___^ I'm trying to ask something! What is it? o.o It would be dangerous because I get bored when I don't know what is going on, and bad things happen when I'm bored. >_>;;;
  9. "Alright." said Naomi, also in a whisper now. "Whe-" Before she could finish, she jerked her head to the right and stared at the bushes. Something was over there. Someone, actually. [i dunno if Val notices or what Ryukai's reaction is, so go ahead. If you need any of my characters, you can RP them.]
  10. I don't know wiether to cling to you for comfort or kill you with my Claymore...
  11. [*is having fun imagining what a me with memory loss would do to entertain herself* The world would not be a safe place. And I havn't seen it yet. I sorta fogot. >_>]
  12. Yeah...that would be a symbol on the dollar bill...
  13. [Woot for not being dead! And I was gone. Sorry.]
  14. I have been here for a little over a year and I still didn't know how the whole sanity-stealing thing had started until now.
  15. No. >_> On a side note, Joan just kilt meh dead over IM by hugging me. I don't know why I felt like I needed to tell ya'll that, but I did.
  16. It's like on the old Batman show where just before they would punch or kick someone it would say "Zappo!" or "Biff!"
  17. Yeah. He'll go all Sonic on you and beat'cha down. o_o;;;
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