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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. *never figured out how to take screenshots* >_>
  2. *isn't too worried about the spy cams in Horatio's cage because she has them all over Patricia's house* >_>... I SAID NOTHING! *throws amnesia dust she stole from Arkcher everywhere and runds*
  3. Yep. It was quite hillarious! Are you alright, though? o.o
  4. *is entertained by the crazy hijinks 'cause she's watching on her own spy cameras that are in Horatio's house*
  5. By Kat, who had avenged her tribbles by smothing him in shampoo and suffocating him.
  6. HURRAH FOR LUNA! V>_<V Cheeta, once agian, excellent job! And I'm glad to hear that so many schools accepted you! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! *is all excited for some reason and she doesn't know why*
  7. "Bah!" yelled Kat, and chucked the bottles back at the witch! Then the tribbles, (Which are not to be drenched in acid, Arkcher.) attacked her!
  8. Kat took them to her burrow, covered them in shampoo, and took them in as pets.
  9. *is a zombie* *chases Arkcher and devours his brain*
  10. I'ma go with this one 'cause it has a Claymore. : D "I want eighty-bazillion XP!" cried Kat. "And a turtle!" The GM gave her these things and she balance the monies on her head, hopped on the turle, and rode off into the sunset. On her journy, she met...
  11. *whacked* Your jeloushy...is so transparent. x_x *passes out on Arkcher*
  12. ZOMGLOLZ!!!11one111!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!exclamationpoint
  13. Meanwhile, in Mt. Mountain Jr. High, Kat (GO MEH! V>_<V) Was staying after school with her Science teacher, Mrs. Smedly (Real Science teacher's name. >_>). Mrs. Smedly realized that she had left her grading key in the car. "I'll be right back." she said to Kat as the got up and left, passing the box of shampoo her classes had collected for the homeless. She walked into the parking lot, retrieved the key, and went back to her room. She opened the door and gasped. Everything, all the desks, walls, and chairs, the cieling and floor, and all of the papers on her desk were covered in shampoo and the box for the homeless was empty. While Kat was nowhere to be seen, there were large, shampoo-written letters on the floor that read, "SHAMPOO ATTACK!" Kat, laughing madly, was running away from the school, completely covered in shampoo. As she was running, she ran into... (Wow. I should never to impromtu again. O_O;;
  14. Not exactly desperate, and I'll wait until your done, I'm just poor but still want to know how the story ends.
  15. i Am MoR oF a N00b ThAn U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!!!!11!!!!!exclamationpoint
  16. Yoooooooou aren't poooooooooking. ._x *mocks*
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