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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. [WHOO! V>_<V] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yes, you do.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but I dont want to! ;-;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [The ndon't. The topic will die a slow, painful, horrible death, though. Do you really want to take the blame for that?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i made it, I can keel it. Mnyeh. =[ ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but...but...;_:!]
  2. :-O Are you pregnat?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wait...Arkcher is pregnat?
  3. [WHOO! V>_<V] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yes, you do.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but I dont want to! ;-;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [The ndon't. The topic will die a slow, painful, horrible death, though. Do you really want to take the blame for that?]
  4. [i already told you how awsomly awsome I think these are. It thought you would be sick of it if I told you every post.]
  5. [WHOO! V>_<V] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [MAke Naomi do something. No wait. Ummmmmm. o_o I hafta post somethin instead.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yes, you do.]
  6. - Kat -

    Arkcher Talk

    Or will she?
  7. I sorta flt like posting here, so I did.
  8. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> we both live in Kansas and your hair description matches my Dark Ages Character perfectly <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really? I thought Kris and I were the only people here in Kansas.
  9. [*sits atop Arkcher's head until he posts it*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Now who said anything about me posting it?! >( ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Exactly.]
  10. [*sits atop Arkcher's head until he posts it*]
  11. - Kat -

    Arkcher Talk

    *thought she was older than ML...* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I believe you are! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Harhar! >
  12. *gets out foam mallet to break apart the writer's block* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gets out Claymore to get revenge for her arm...I mean, also help get rid of writter's block* >_> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tipsy ish insocialbe ad stoopid. Go ahead and keelingyoudead Tipsy if you feel like it. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Err...yeah. I was talking about the cat. Not you. Nope. You can just turn around and pay no attention to me or the large Claymore in my hands right now. >_> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -puts teh Tipsy kitty on Kat's head- =D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> KITTY! *snuggles it*
  13. AD&D only has what you refer to as "type one" and "type two" werewoves, with only "type one" being able to infect humans, (infected nonhumans typically express type five symtoms, exepting transformation, depending on DM's whims) although it also has several other were-s (rat, boar, & bear, being the most common, although any common animal could potenitally have a weretype.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've been making more and more progress in finding out about lycanthopy effecting creatures other than human, also having were-othercreatures. Though I could try taking your suggestion of a vampire-werewolf. =D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What would whoever it bit turn into? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Werewolf, werecat, Wererabbit, weresquirrel, wereskunk (yup. o_o) Werebat, Weremouse... Whatever it was before only in more of a lycan' shape. And from that point, Any human it bites becomes what the other thing... was... o_o I still cant decide how the were-other-critters would come about. <.< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was talking about the werewolf/vampire thinger...
  14. - Kat -

    Arkcher Talk

    *thought she was older than ML...*
  15. AD&D only has what you refer to as "type one" and "type two" werewoves, with only "type one" being able to infect humans, (infected nonhumans typically express type five symtoms, exepting transformation, depending on DM's whims) although it also has several other were-s (rat, boar, & bear, being the most common, although any common animal could potenitally have a weretype.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've been making more and more progress in finding out about lycanthopy effecting creatures other than human, also having were-othercreatures. Though I could try taking your suggestion of a vampire-werewolf. =D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What would whoever it bit turn into? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The only logical thing.... a vampire hammie! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How is that logical? o_o;;;
  16. - Kat -

    Arkcher Talk

    I jsut spelled it that way because I didn't know that it only had one l. x_x
  17. AD&D only has what you refer to as "type one" and "type two" werewoves, with only "type one" being able to infect humans, (infected nonhumans typically express type five symtoms, exepting transformation, depending on DM's whims) although it also has several other were-s (rat, boar, & bear, being the most common, although any common animal could potenitally have a weretype.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've been making more and more progress in finding out about lycanthopy effecting creatures other than human, also having were-othercreatures. Though I could try taking your suggestion of a vampire-werewolf. =D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What would whoever it bit turn into?
  18. *gets out foam mallet to break apart the writer's block* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gets out Claymore to get revenge for her arm...I mean, also help get rid of writter's block* >_> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tipsy ish insocialbe ad stoopid. Go ahead and keelingyoudead Tipsy if you feel like it. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Err...yeah. I was talking about the cat. Not you. Nope. You can just turn around and pay no attention to me or the large Claymore in my hands right now. >_>
  19. - Kat -

    Arkcher Talk

    Oh, and I'd like to express how hillarious I find it when people try to use Arkcher talk and can't do it right, because then instead of lazy it sound stupid. Thank you! Good night!
  20. - Kat -

    Arkcher Talk

    I got n_n from ARkcher, but then I moved on to and 'cause I likes them better. and Arkcher tends to use ;-;, while I like ;_;. I get most of my icons and such from the other board I'm on.
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