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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. O: Does he still check in? Either way, happy birthday, Tibs!
  2. My dad got me a bag of lettuce to help bribe Sasha with, so hopefully we'll be making friends soon. I wish us both luck in getting our hamsters to chill out XD I gave my dad the paper he needs to get the serial number for CS5. He needs to scan his teacher school ID and send it to them to prove that he's a teacher, so hopefully I can install it soon. For the application, all I need to do is tell the people I listed as references that I listed them and then I can turn it in XD I need some nice clothes for an interview if I get one...
  3. D: I'm really sorry to hear about that, MW. Hopefully, they will understand that it was not your fault and that you did the best you could. I hope things start looking up soon.
  4. Cleaned out Sasha's cage today, things went nice and smooth. She played in her ball in the library while I watched her and cleaned. I put less litter in her box in hopes that she wouldn't try to dig and play in it this time XD So now Puck is being all cuddly since I payed attention to the hamster all afternoon and not him. AND I shut him in the sewing room. I am a horrible monster. One of my birthday presents was Photoshop CS5, so I'm super excited to tear into that. We just need to figure out what to do to prove that my dad is a teacher, since the teacher/student version is about $1400 less expensive than the regular version XD Dad printed off an application for the library for me. I really hope to get the job, as I've wanted to work in a library for years now. If it doesn't work out, though, there's a receptionist job at a vet clinic that I would like to try for. Before I wanted to be a librarian, I wanted to be a vet, so that would be nice, too. Everybody remember to keep Horatio in your prayers, today and tomorrow will be very hard for her <3 We all love you and we're here for you, Horatio.
  5. Ah, now I can see it *0* so pretty~ I'm excited for the others!
  6. Unfortunately, progress with Sasha kind of came to a stand-still because I was running around busy all last week >< I still talk to her whenever I pass by and I've gotten into her cage a bit to move stuff around if it looks disorganized, but I haven't been able to work with her much. And last night she pushed her potty out of the corner so she could sit in said corner XD Dunno what that was about. Saturday was my birthday :3 On Fridays, I go to Kris' house to help out with the babies that live there (one of the couples in our group of friends is staying with them while they look for a house, and they have a 3 year old and an 8 month old), and after that Kris and I hung out and I spent the night. That was fun, since I don't get to see Kris very often any more with her being busy with work and school. She's going to Disney World sometime this week, I think. Jonathan had declared earlier in the week that it was going to be Family Movie Night, and we were going to watch How to Train Your Dragon, but we couldn't find it on their OnDemand so we ended up seeing the Green Hornet, which nobody really liked XD I'd seen it before and knew that the only parts worth watching were the fight scenes and the parts where the Black Beauty is doing cool stuff, but now everyone else knows too. I only slept for about an hour that night, which kind of stunk because it made me tired all the next day. I don't know why I couldn't sleep more x.x But in the morning, Kris' mom, brother and I all headed back to my house to pick up my parents and then went to the Godzilla and Friends movie festival. It was basically a monster movie festival where the theme was "movies that feature a large group of monsters". We got there just after Godzilla vs. Ghidora started, which included Godzilla, Ghidora, Rodan, and Mothra. It was one of the older movies so of course it was a bit cheesey, but it was still cool. After that was the lunch break and we ate at BoBo's a drive-in burger place that had been on the show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. It was very good; I ate all of it even though I felt kind of sick xD After that we went back to the festival room and saw House of Frankenstein, and old horror movie that included the Mad Scientist and Hunchback (protege of Dr. Frankenstein and his assistant), Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, and the Wolf Man. It was, once again, old and sort of corny, but I actually enjoyed it, and I rarely enjoy older movies XD After that was How to Make a Monster, which was just...bad. It wasn't even the funny kind of bad. It was just boring. And there weren't actual monsters in it, just two teenage kids dressed as a werewolf and Frankenstein that were brainwashed to kill people because some crazy makeup artist was mad about loosing his job. After that there was a Godzilla Roar competition for the younger kids that were there (a surprising amount; I didn't think there would be so many). Jonathan entered but was beaten by a little kid who I think they just gave the prize to because he was young, but Jonathan was a good sport. By dinner, I felt too sick to really want to go anywhere, so I stayed in the festival building while everyone else went to a Mexican place that they liked. They got back in time for the final movie of the night, which was Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidora: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack!, which was a more recent movie (I believe it was made in 2001). That was definitely my favorite movie of the night. Even though they were still using guys in suits, it looked very cool and had some amazing shots. And while most movies seem to feature Godzilla as almost a good guy who fights off monsters to save Japan, in this one he was definitely the antagonist and the other monsters were fighting him off XD. Everyone there would cheer and clap when cool things happened so that made it even more fun. At the end, an acclaimed Godzilla expert answered questions about the movie and the night in general before the festival ended. They'd been raffling off prizes all night, and I'd hope that I'd get some birthday luck, but the closest I got was my mom winning and giving her prize to me XD It's a cool matted mini-poster for Godzilla vs Gigan that I got Bill Tsutsui (the aforementioned Godzilla expert) to sign it, so that was cool. There had been a coloring contest for the young kids as well where they colored in a picture of Godzilla and handful of other monsters that Jonathan had entered. He lost again, but once again he was a very good sport. They were also taking donations to give to Japan Relief organizations, and Mr. Tsutsui talked about what it was like to be in Tokyo during the earthquakes (Tokyo wasn't greatly harmed, but it was still alarming). Long description is long XD But it was a great day and I had a lot of fun. I think we'll definitely be going again next year.
  7. :3 It was lots of fun! About to go post more about it in my topic. *cuts the cake before Horatio cuts me XD*
  8. XD I had been wondering about that, too. A looong time ago, someone my dad works with told my dad about a hiking trip he took and his tour guide was French and didn't speak much English. My dad's coworker tried to say something along the lines of "I am very tired" but his tour guide looked at him weird and sort of ignored him and kept going. He later found out that he'd actually said "I am very pregnant." XD I can't see the picture D: maybe the board is just loading weird for me right now.
  9. Oh, wow...I'm so sorry, Horatio. I can't even imagine what that must be like. You know we're hear for you, whatever you need (and you've got several ways to reach me). I'll keep you in my prayers.
  10. *makes wish, blows out candles* :3 though my day was pretty awesome, so there wasn't much more I could want to add. Thanks for the birthday wishes Horatio! ^0^
  11. In case either one of you stop by, happy birthday to you both ^^ We miss you!
  12. That sounds so pretty *0* and sparkly is one of my favorite colors. And I'm so unsophisticated, I just had a cup of coffee for the first time in years a few days ago and had to drown it in sugar XD
  13. Wow, that sounds amazing @_____@ It sounds like it would be so cool to walk around Paris, even for just a day.
  14. Ball time got cut a little short tonight because she peed in it XD but I tried once again to her her to at least sniff at me, but unless I really got in her face she'd totally ignore me and try to chew her way out. I think one of the problems I have is that I'm really scared that I'm going to hurt her. I've yet to be able to get a hold of her to pick her up, because I'm so worried about hurting her that she slips out of my hands easily (also because the second I reach in her tank she runs for her house x.x). And I know that this whole process is going to involve some discomfort on her part until she feels safe with me, but when she looks so tiny an scared I start to feel bad and just want to let her hide in her house more. At least the long road will make it feel like more of an accomplishment once we finally make friends. It's not even been a week, we've got a long way to go XD
  15. Wow, that's quite a variety XD I hope you stay safe and healthy in Dehli. As far as I know, everybody I know from that area is safe, but I was very sad to hear about all the lives lost.
  16. I shall keep pressing on, and I'll ask my dad about the lettuce. She loves her wheel so I think she's doing fine there ^^ I'm glad to hear I'm not screwing it up! XD
  17. O: So would you be moving your routes to Germany, or actually getting a house and living there? I'm glad you're enjoying Dubai! It seems like it would be an exciting place. Good luck with the accents. I knew a few people down south who were near the storms, it must have been scary...
  18. More hamster news. I feel like a new parent XD I finally coaxed her into her ball today, so we had a little one-on-one time. Unfortunately, she spent most of it trying to chew her way out of the ball. My mom got her first good look at her and has deemed her adorable, so that's cool, since she normally isn't into any sort of rodentia. I let her run around the library for a bit. It was cute to see her realize that her ball could move and she could run around XD she seemed to bump into things a lot, but I'm sure that's fairly normal for a first-timer. I was a bit tricksy and made her stand on my hand by covering the hole in her ball with my palm and carefully turning the ball so she had to stand on me. I didn't do it for too long, or keep her in the ball very long at all, maybe 10 minutes, because I didn't want to overdo it and she seemed a little jumpy. It doesn't seem like I'm making much progress on the handling front...maybe I just got a solitary hamster XD I hope she'll come to trust me more, though. She also has figured out how to stand on top of her house. She enjoys doing that. XD
  19. x.x yeah, she seems to get a little jumpy every time I come back, though she will let me stroke her again eventually. I am pretty sure that she knows that her house is her safe place now, because every time put my hand in the tank, that's where she hides XD If I wait for a bit she'll come back out, though. She'll just run around while I pet her, but if I go to pick her up she'll run under her water bottle or her wheel so I can't get to her. I need to ask my dad where he put the box with her wheel and food in it. I thought it was out on our enclosed porch but I can't find it x.x
  20. Alright, I'll give these a shot tonight. I know she's up since I've heard her running around for the past hour XD
  21. Yeah, it was fine, like I said I just had to make sure there was something to keep the wheel from knocking on the glass. It's been a solitary kind of day today XD Though I was wondering, is there some kind of optimum hamster-picking-up technique? Whenever I go to hold her, she slips out pretty easily. I don't want to squish her but I can't seem to get a good hold on her.
  22. Little update: like you said, she won't take a carrot if its on my hand, but she get have a few pieces last night. I had to prop one of her toys behind the stand to her wheel because it kept knocking into the glass and keeping my dad awake XD She's chosen to be a bit more solitary today and is staying her her house's lower level, which has some of her bedding blocking the windows so I can't peek at her XD Maybe because it's rainy and a bit chilly. But I think she's doing well so far!
  23. - Kat -


    I think I joined seven years ago, apparently, so I was 12 XD wow. I was recently looking back at old posts (though it doesn't go as far back as I can remember, since I think through one of the moves some stuff got lost), and...I was very, very 12 years old XD
  24. Aaaah, alright. I'll just worry about the wet spots, then. And I made sure we've got some carrots, so I'll try bribing her tonight XD
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