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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YAY!!!!!!!!!! *grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time* N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start. *throws a Neo neo award at TGHL* Whoo. Xbox is stoopid. Nintendo is better than Microsoft. Sony is OK. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You = teh cool
  2. The music video for that is so weird. x_X Bloody Tears - I dunno who wrote it or plays it or whatever, but it's from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. <5
  3. - Kat -

    Name Your Phobias!

    Nuuuuuuuuuuu! *plugs ears*
  4. My friend used to run around calling people "oxymorons", and then I was like, "Do you even know what that means? o_o;;;" and then I had to tell her. XD I think she was thinking along the same lines as you, Horatio.
  5. - Kat -

    Name Your Phobias!

    You might ask Jesse. I am sure he knows! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *wanders off in search of him*
  6. preppygirl945... I noticed that in your sig you talk about people making adult-oriented posts on this site. I was simply wondering what posts you were talking about. With multiple filters for that sort of thing (Including Horatio, who has yet to let anything of an adult nature slip.), it would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to post something dangerous to little kids on this site.
  7. - Kat -

    Name Your Phobias!

    *hides in a corner and rocks* Is there a name for a phobia of the PTMYs?
  8. [Alrighty. Would you like to be a human or hamster? Everyone please note, Horatio is the ONLY person I will allow to be an animal.] Hamster please. Thank you!!! [Hmmm... How about you are a hamster that the staff keeps as a pet in the break room that can talk and stuff and sometimes gives them advice about things?] [sounds perfect to me! Thank you!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Kewl. So far, I think we have three people filling possitions? Yes, we do. We still need: 1 drive-thru person 1 janitor Then we can start!] [/color]
  9. [blarg! x_x *tries to think of an IC post* What was happening again?]
  10. - Kat -

    I'm evil.

    Thanks. I never really liked The White Stripes. Can you play Hilary Duff's 'Come Clean'?? The band my brother's in can play "Taking the Music Back" by Anthrax. Too awesome. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That sounds awesome! I don't think I'd WANT to play a Hilary Duff song... I enjoy taking a permanent marker to a picture of her and then burning it. It's fun. *evil chuckle* -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The show I was creating to make fun of stars, in one episode she was going to be holding an electric guitar...here's what I have typed up... Hilary Deaf: "Wait...I can't play the guitar." Producer person: "Just look pretty." "So...like, I don't have to play it?" "No." "Do I pretend to play it or something? Like this?" "That's great." "What about the singing. I can't sing." "Just look pretty." Something like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AHAHAHAHA! Thats highly amusing ^.^ You made my day! I find her sooooo annoying! I wish she would go back to acting so I wouldn't have to hear her on the radio! -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She can't act either. She definantly wont be on any of my radio stations. The Rock. And if she somehow gets on there, that surely means that the world is doomed to all that is evil. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nyah ha. XD I guess we live close enought to each other to get the same stations, 'cause we get The Rock, too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes! I love The Rock! It's one of the greatest radio stations ever. They were playing Anthrax today. ^-^ And then before that they were playing "Getting Away with Murder" by Papa Roach. Sweeettt. We went to Kansas the other day. x.X Saw my old house. Then we got lost and went to the mall that had a bunch of people in it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I generally listen to Lazer, but only because the occational cool song will pop up. x_x <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm. We don't have "Lazer"... Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooo!!!! There shall be no listening or singing of this "MCR". I find them verrryy annoying now that a bunch of 11 year old girls listen to them and think that the lead singer is "hawt" (No offence, Jase). *runs over to corner and begins to rock self* Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...Good Charlotte dies...happy thought... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh Toto... Don't change yourself because a bunch of stupid teenies just happen to like the same music as you! YOU SHOULD NOT CHANGE BECAUSE OF THEM! YOU ARE ONLY LETTING THEM WIN! If you like MCR then you shouldn't stop unless you don't like thier music anymore. -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's true, Toto. Disliking things just because they are popular is as bad as liking something only because it's popular. If you like a band, it shouldn't matter who else does. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly! Kat, you're better at the putting the words together thing... -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not changing. I never really liked them in the first place. Their older album was better, then they eventually fadded, in then that horrible "I'm Not Okay" song came in, and my disliking for them grew stronger. They're next to Hilary and Good Charlotte now. I get really annoyed very quickly. It's who I am. I don't change for anyone, except myself. Plus, isn't not like I run up to every 10 year old that thinks the group's good looking and shout, "I don't like My Chemical Romance anymore because of you! It's all your fault!" There are better things then guys in makeup in the world. There's better music in the world. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As long as you don't like the band because you really don't like their music, then it's alright. ^^ And thanka, Lee. <5 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yup. And I'm just saying this...(Not because I don't like the band because of this..) Who'd wanna be in relation to the emos? I mean..really. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seriously.
  11. [ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*] [-does a cooler one- =D] [*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*] [-does a cool irish jig- =D ... -trips Kat and continues jigging-] [*watches Arkcher fall on Kat's claymore, stabbing him in the leg, thinks "crime doesn't pay"* ] [That was a decoy plush claymore. =D] [A decoy plush claymore that bleeds? ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [No. After that he was keelyoudeaded by the real claymore so that he was so dead that if he was any deader he would be alive. Again.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [That happens to him a lot. He should be more careful.]
  12. - Kat -

    Name Your Phobias!

    Actually, I'm really veru claustrophobic if I can't see outside and it's a small enough space. As long as I have some room to move around, the assurance that I can get out of the space at any time I want, and can see outside, I'm fine. So in a car, I'm alright because there are windows. But if I was, say, locked in a bathroom with no way of getting out and no windows, I would be sitting in a corner and not sleeping for three days. The same goes for if I was locked in a dark room. It could be a large dard room, but if I can't see the exit and/or can't get out, I would go to peices. I also have problems sleeping if I've seen a spider in the room and didn't smash it, if I know we have somebody I don't know very well staying at our house, even if my parents know them really well, or if I know I'm home all alone.
  13. I'ma post pics of Puck, Sophie, and the Claymore soon.
  14. They won't. Earth's atmosphere will be so alien to them that their blood will turn into razor blades and their skill will turn neon orange.
  15. - Kat -

    I'm evil.

    Thanks. I never really liked The White Stripes. Can you play Hilary Duff's 'Come Clean'?? The band my brother's in can play "Taking the Music Back" by Anthrax. Too awesome. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That sounds awesome! I don't think I'd WANT to play a Hilary Duff song... I enjoy taking a permanent marker to a picture of her and then burning it. It's fun. *evil chuckle* -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The show I was creating to make fun of stars, in one episode she was going to be holding an electric guitar...here's what I have typed up... Hilary Deaf: "Wait...I can't play the guitar." Producer person: "Just look pretty." "So...like, I don't have to play it?" "No." "Do I pretend to play it or something? Like this?" "That's great." "What about the singing. I can't sing." "Just look pretty." Something like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AHAHAHAHA! Thats highly amusing ^.^ You made my day! I find her sooooo annoying! I wish she would go back to acting so I wouldn't have to hear her on the radio! -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She can't act either. She definantly wont be on any of my radio stations. The Rock. And if she somehow gets on there, that surely means that the world is doomed to all that is evil. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nyah ha. XD I guess we live close enought to each other to get the same stations, 'cause we get The Rock, too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes! I love The Rock! It's one of the greatest radio stations ever. They were playing Anthrax today. ^-^ And then before that they were playing "Getting Away with Murder" by Papa Roach. Sweeettt. We went to Kansas the other day. x.X Saw my old house. Then we got lost and went to the mall that had a bunch of people in it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I generally listen to Lazer, but only because the occational cool song will pop up. x_x <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm. We don't have "Lazer"... Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooo!!!! There shall be no listening or singing of this "MCR". I find them verrryy annoying now that a bunch of 11 year old girls listen to them and think that the lead singer is "hawt" (No offence, Jase). *runs over to corner and begins to rock self* Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...Good Charlotte dies...happy thought... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh Toto... Don't change yourself because a bunch of stupid teenies just happen to like the same music as you! YOU SHOULD NOT CHANGE BECAUSE OF THEM! YOU ARE ONLY LETTING THEM WIN! If you like MCR then you shouldn't stop unless you don't like thier music anymore. -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's true, Toto. Disliking things just because they are popular is as bad as liking something only because it's popular. If you like a band, it shouldn't matter who else does. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly! Kat, you're better at the putting the words together thing... -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not changing. I never really liked them in the first place. Their older album was better, then they eventually fadded, in then that horrible "I'm Not Okay" song came in, and my disliking for them grew stronger. They're next to Hilary and Good Charlotte now. I get really annoyed very quickly. It's who I am. I don't change for anyone, except myself. Plus, isn't not like I run up to every 10 year old that thinks the group's good looking and shout, "I don't like My Chemical Romance anymore because of you! It's all your fault!" There are better things then guys in makeup in the world. There's better music in the world. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As long as you don't like the band because you really don't like their music, then it's alright. ^^ And thanka, Lee. <5
  16. [Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! ] [i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D] [Yay for brackets.] [Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)] [brackets are good] [Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital and return in later parts) ] [Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.] [i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! ] [sooooooo goooooooooooooood.] [i can do it! I can do it nine times!] [No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!] [Do you know the times?] [i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge. A Hudge! Oh wow, Look at the Hudge! -For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!- Ew.] [And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<] [No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;] [What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.] [i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.] [Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.] [Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.] [i know. "Science agian!"] [Plus two. Hundred!] [swordchucks, yo!] [What? Your not Ali. Your not even.... literate...] ["We are Pancake."] [...with a plastic rectagle.] [Not to be confused with a plastic rectaNgle!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [................ Of course it is. -patpat- n_n -goes off to try and think of the rest of chapta 14 or wherever we are- x_X] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Oh yeah, there is a story in this topic, isn't there?]
  17. [ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-does a cooler one- =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-does a cool irish jig- =D ... -trips Kat and continues jigging-] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*is untrippable, but whacks Arkcher upside the head with the real Claymore for trying*]
  18. [Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D] [Yay for brackets.] [Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [brackets are good] [Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital and return in later parts) ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [sooooooo goooooooooooooood.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i can do it! I can do it nine times!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Do you know the times?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge. A Hudge! Oh wow, Look at the Hudge! -For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!- Ew.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;] [What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.] [Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i know. "Science agian!"] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Plus two. Hundred!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [swordchucks, yo!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [What? Your not Ali. Your not even.... literate...] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ["We are Pancake."]
  19. ...*thinks of Xena, Warrior Princess*
  20. [Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D] [Yay for brackets.] [Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [brackets are good] [Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital and return in later parts) ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [sooooooo goooooooooooooood.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i can do it! I can do it nine times!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Do you know the times?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge. A Hudge! Oh wow, Look at the Hudge! -For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!- Ew.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;] [What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.] [Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i know. "Science agian!"] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Plus two. Hundred!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [swordchucks, yo!]
  21. - Kat -

    Name Your Phobias!

    Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself. Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces. Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people. Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners. Pretty much, I have to be surrounded by people I know. x_x;;;
  22. [ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-does a cooler one- =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*]
  23. - Kat -


    WOuld these b' the same maps you were aquiring from us? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, cap'n Grim, they wouldn't. You see, I've long since burned those and replaced them with fakes. No, these are maps I've hand-drawn on my oceanic travels over the course of the past ten years. Yes, I've been a sealover since I was six. Could swim at three. I love it! er. Yarr. rr. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Luckly, ye only burned the decoy maps I placed.
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