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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. "I'm not sure..." said Setsuna, concerned, but a bit distracted by the shiney, incredibly new car that had just pulled into the parking lot. She thought of her own clunky Gremlin and smiled. She could definetly have afforded a better car, but she had always wanted a Gremlin, just to say she had one. To make things even better, she had made sure it was an ugly, dark ornage-brown color. Sometimes a screwdriver had to be used in place of keys and you had to preform the right pattern of kicks and punches before entering it to make sure it started. She loved it. [i felt like including that because that is seriously what I want my first car to be like. <3] Refocusing her attention onto Naoyo, Setsuna hopped back down from the counter and walked back behind her grill. "Maybe it's just a coincidence."
  2. Sorry about the mix up. Here's my form again. I'll wait to choose an element once you have the guide up.
  3. - Kat -


    WOuld these b' the same maps you were aquiring from us? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, cap'n Grim, they wouldn't. You see, I've long since burned those and replaced them with fakes. No, these are maps I've hand-drawn on my oceanic travels over the course of the past ten years. Yes, I've been a sealover since I was six. Could swim at three. I love it! er. Yarr. rr. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Luckly, ye only burned the decoy maps I placed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> rats. oh well. pardon the correct grammar and all, I'm still new at the piracy talk. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yarr, it be excusable for new crew members. But once you're more seasoned, it be a crime punishable by death.
  4. Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"
  5. Then the voice said, "All your base are belong to us."
  6. Hikari - I'm not sure who sings it It's the Japanese version of "Simple and Clean" from Kingdom Hearts. <5
  7. I was singing that song the other day. ~.~ Which...I don't get it. "If you wanna be my lover, you have to get with my friends"..... "Make it last forever, friendship never eeeeeeends." x_x;;; I NEED CLEANSING! *saws own ears off* PURIFICATIOOOOOON! *wonders if - Kat - can hear* *stitches ears back on after washing them* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you. u_u;;;
  8. OMG, 5th graders watching MTV cribs is fine! There's nothing wrong with that show! Tell me what's wrong with that show! I watched that only once and I was not happy about the adult content. Deathly shocking, but I agree with her on this. There really is nothing wrong with that show. Maybe a curse here and there, but not that bad. Who knows, maybe Hoops saw an episode that had extra content. Also, I don't find it "fine" that there are some 10-year-olds and under extending their vocabulary with cuss words. Really. One time in elementary school I heard someone who appeared to be in 1st or 2nd grade say s***. I don't think it's fine. And in 1st grade, a person I knew whispered to me that, "the purple teletubbie is gay". Edit that if you wish, Horatio. When my cousin was in the 1st grade he got kicked off the bus for saying #### you to some kid on the bus. And his parents let him watch that junk. Exactly the point. Other than the parents and other various adults, where do kids get these words? Sheesh. Sadly, quite a few of the words and behavior are learned at home. Next on the list, is school. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then it's TV, music, and videos. When I moved here in the 3rd grade, everyone was talking about how they were watching American Pie and Scream...O_O <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why would anybody want to watch those? They look painfully idiodic.
  9. From the back room, the sound of a speeding hamster wheel is heard. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Wait a minute, is Master Burger built yet/ in business.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Nope. We're starting all over.]
  10. This topic is the awesome. *nods head* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, it is.
  11. I was singing that song the other day. ~.~ Which...I don't get it. "If you wanna be my lover, you have to get with my friends"..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seriously, does that mean the person has to date your friends first? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think it means "get with"...like...for a night or something. x.x If you get what I'm saying...-wink- ...That sounded weird. Take out that wink part. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> XD
  12. I was singing that song the other day. ~.~ Which...I don't get it. "If you wanna be my lover, you have to get with my friends"..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Make it last forever, friendship never eeeeeeends." x_x;;; I NEED CLEANSING! *saws own ears off* PURIFICATIOOOOOON!
  13. While we were at the movies last week, I saw some kids around nine talking and stuff, then one of the girls punched somebody in the face for no reason at all and the kid she punched was all, "#### YOU, #####!" I almost yelled at them both. >_>;;; There were little kids in that area (There was what looked to be a five-year-old with them, too.), and they were not all that old, either. [Horatio, feel free to edit this post.]
  14. Name: stashi kanagawi Possition: Janitor PD: 15 year old with Jeans, Flip flops, and a aeropostale polo tshirt.part wolf. Weapons: Broom whacking and Throwimng Jhonny depp at people. Backround: Stashi was raised in Canada with no parents, and lived among the Wolves. She was Born in Japan but was tooken to canada where her parabnts got Murdered. She now works at Fried Dragon Palace for a living and to get a home. she lives with White Kirby Wagon Star. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just assumed they would all wear the FDP uniform. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [For some reason I keep thinking "place" instead of "palace". X0] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i keep forgetting if I decided on "Palace" or "Inn".]
  15. Name: stashi kanagawi Possition: Janitor PD: 15 year old with Jeans, Flip flops, and a aeropostale polo tshirt.part wolf. Weapons: Broom whacking and Throwimng Jhonny depp at people. Backround: Stashi was raised in Canada with no parents, and lived among the Wolves. She was Born in Japan but was tooken to canada where her parabnts got Murdered. She now works at Fried Dragon Palace for a living and to get a home. she lives with White Kirby Wagon Star. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just assumed they would all wear the FDP uniform.
  16. Spice Girls - If You Wanna Be My Lover Shut up. It's on a friend's Xanga. x_x
  17. Name: White Kirby Wagon Star Age: 15 Position: Deliver-er PD: a White Krby who rides a Wagon star (Please pick up a Copy of Kirby air ride for Nintendo Gamecube) and dElivers Chinese food to people. She has a Cat's tail and ears, wears a wool cap with weird Symbols on it, 2 sweatbands, and not much else. White Kirby Wagon Star used to Run a Chinese place by same name, but she quit to find a better job. Weopans: Suck up powers, Ru over peopel, good at Marteil arts. Backround: She ran away at age 5 and has been living in an apartment. she earns a living at Fried Dragon Inn, and does Speedy Delivary for Custamers. She has been working at Fried Dragon Inn for 3 years, and wishes to become part Time Delivaruy girl and a Bass guitarist. Remember- since my laptop is Broken you may feel free to RP ms. White When Im Not here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That will work fine, only like I said, I'm requiring that everybody be human, except for Horatio.
  18. Whoo! I'm a ninja and I get ninja starz!
  19. Yes. I would like to learn how to make pancakes. Can you teach me that? take a box of pancake mix. make the batter according to the instructions on back of said box. turn the stove onto medium high. Then pour the batter into little circles, (about 5 inches across, or whatever you want really.) When the edges start to bubble, flip the pancake with a spatula. Let it sit for 20- 30 seconds, then check to see if it is done by lifting the edge up. if it sticks, let it sit for a little more. if it is done, repeat the process if you want more. keep them warm in the oven set on its lowest setting, on a plate. now you got (a) pancake(s!) I took your advice and had the best pancakes ever this morning! Of course, the stove made my cage a little warm and I did not make the pancakes 5 inches across ( I am only four inches long!), but I really liked the trick about keeping the pancakes in the oven. You deserve the Black Bat Award for your help. And, by the way - Kat -, you can never have too much syrup!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, but you can. *remembers that day all too well* x_x
  20. Then a ninja walked over and was all, "...Huh?" Then it left, never to be seen agian.
  21. Kat is in me? o.o Kewl. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I alreday drew it. Your winking, you have a belyt with a claymore oin it and large white Faerie wings,. Your playing Double neck Guitar and hampster is in the Corner playing keyboard and looking at you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spiffy! ^o^
  22. Whenever I'm really sad or whatever, I generally watch something funny or talk to my friends. Anything to get my mind off of it for a while.
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