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- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. MK's parents love her very much. They just don't accept that she has limitations. Her clothes, home, and computer prove that they love her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh yeah, one more comment that'll really make me seem like a pain in the *insert donkey sound again*. If she is being constantly yelled at by her parents, then how does she get on the video games undisturbed? And how can you be overworked if you have time to go on here and play SSBM? Sorry. Being a *donkey sound here* again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For all we know, she is pestered when she tries to play SSBM or other video games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay. Then why does she play video games at all? If I was constantly told not to be playing them, my logic would be to stop if that occured. No offense everyone, but although I've been here so long, I would even quit HD completely. I'd just add a note saying my reasoning and that I'd probably visit once a year or so. But I've personally got it easy, so I wouldn't understand. I'm sorry... this is my final post in this topic as I am inquiring too much. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then this shall me my last reply to any disagreeing post you make in this topic (Not annoying, though. You're just expressing your oppinion.) It could be like Cheesey, said, and she get's on/plays when her parents aren't around. Or maybe they only do so when they're really fustrated (That's another thing to consider, MK. Your parents might be under some stress they havn't told you about because they don't want to worry you.), and when she's just playing a video game or on the comp, she isn't doing anything wrong.
  2. Absolutely I will share! At the moment I suggest you depart the area. Cheesemaster has just handed Arkcher a hand grenade with the pin pulled. *lightbulb comes on in brain* Hey, please grab Arkcher's cupcakes as you depart the area!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> okay. *grabs all cupcakes* Muahahaha they are all mine. >:^D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *tickles!* Quick, MW! Take the cupcakes! You, me, and Horatio will split them!
  3. Don'cha? - The Pussycat Dolls. I should make a parody of it sometime... "Arn'cha glad your girlfriend is not. like. me?" >.>;;;
  4. =Nuuu! don't leave us! ;_; We're really not doing anything of importance at the moment, anyway. >_>;;;= =Hm. Well, don't expect me to do much.= =You could always feed me! = <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =Yeah! You could feed Horatio! Just do something, and one of the toher characters will respond and stuff will happen.=
  5. [Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*]
  6. You can have a few light-claymores if you share, Horatio.
  7. yeah, time for you to get more votes. It true. i think we can safely declare that Kat won. That's Wolfie's job. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> okay then, I think wolfie can safely declare that kat won. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not until the contest is officially over!
  8. [Demolish this vast writers block I've got and I might. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*begins setting up the explosives*]
  9. Fwoooshy cloaks are cool. We gots a lot of them for Fest. ^^ But Arkcher gave some very good solutions. Look at all the angsty, mopey, whiney depressed people that you can find pretty much anywhere. Not only are they unhappy, but they annoy the fudge outta everyone else. Just think, "Do I really want to be like that? Spend my all my years as a teenager wallowing in self pity and trying to pull others in?" I know you, MK, and you don't. Just keep being possitive. ^^
  10. I think it's ho, as in homosapian, ray, as in a ray from the sun, she, like she, and oh. As for the hamsters, I have know virtually nothing about them and following my advice would proably lead to the death of your poor, small mammal.
  11. "I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway. =That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD= <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. = "I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "We could..." said Setsuna, awaiting the order from Naoyo.
  12. =Nuuu! don't leave us! ;_; We're really not doing anything of importance at the moment, anyway. >_>;;;=
  13. [*listens to a song about chicken nuggets*...Yeah. Write more.]
  14. We were both at four when I posted that. XD Wow. Go me. o.o
  15. Actually, I'm tied with Sheena.
  16. MK's parents love her very much. They just don't accept that she has limitations. Her clothes, home, and computer prove that they love her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh yeah, one more comment that'll really make me seem like a pain in the *insert donkey sound again*. If she is being constantly yelled at by her parents, then how does she get on the video games undisturbed? And how can you be overworked if you have time to go on here and play SSBM? Sorry. Being a *donkey sound here* again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For all we know, she is pestered when she tries to play SSBM or other video games.
  17. Break Away - Kelly Clarkson CURSE YOU, STAR 102! CURSE YOOOOOOOOU! *stabbs it* >_>;;; I'm fine. Really. *smacks Kris because she won't stop singing*
  18. MK's parents love her very much. They just don't accept that she has limitations. Her clothes, home, and computer prove that they love her. To me, more important than the materialistic possessions... do her parents give her lots of hugs and kisses and tell her just how wonderful a person she is? In the hamster world, parents are always giving hugs to our baby hammies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's ture, too. Hugs and kisses and kindness are also important. But basic material possetions, like a home and clothing, are things people, especially kids, need to survive. Part of showing that MK's parents love her is taking care of her physically as well as emotionally.
  19. MK's parents love her very much. They just don't accept that she has limitations. Her clothes, home, and computer prove that they love her.
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