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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. Go ahead. I find that the terrible MS Paint-quality makes it more endearing, though. And more funny.
  2. *looks around for the cage spycam* We must be listening to the same CD! *checks under chair for hamsters* ok, then it's your turn to post what song is playing. Very creative, Horatio, bravo. actually, I found and unplugged the spy microphone he had hidden in my desk. Hummph! *creates an undetectable bugging device for Lexxscrapham's house, dresses in stealth clothing, installs three totally hidden spy cams* Sorta like the ones I have in your house! ...I said nothing. >_> [/color] WHAT ?!? *calls in the H.B.I. and the H.I.A. to debug my cage* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *uses mad ninja skillz to follow them around and re-bug*
  3. - Kat -


    no, those be ninjas! and ninjas own pirates. <(^.^)> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not all the time, yarr. Besides, I be both!
  4. I spoke to Sheena about once before she took her break, but from what posts of hers I saw, she seemed pretty cool.
  5. Absolutely I will share! At the moment I suggest you depart the area. Cheesemaster has just handed Arkcher a hand grenade with the pin pulled. *lightbulb comes on in brain* Hey, please grab Arkcher's cupcakes as you depart the area!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> okay. *grabs all cupcakes* Muahahaha they are all mine. >:^D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -stuffed the grenade in one of the cupcakes- >D Now nobody shall have some! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *chucks cupcake mush at Arkcher* Meanie! ;_; *uses mad ninja skillz to help MW make more that are GRENADE/EXPLOSIVE/ANYTING BUT BEING EATEN PROOF* XP
  6. *out-ninjas kat* seriously, i am, like, a cat. i was sitting on a 3 foot wall outside the school, talking to "Jane," when my friend decided to be stupid and come over and push me off. I landed on my hands and feet. so then i pulled my friend off the wall. he wasn't as graceful. XD You see, i our school, after you eat lunch, there is a place outside where you can go to chat with your friends. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can't out-ninja Kat's mad ninja skillz. They're just too mad. So if she fell off of a 10 foot wall she'd land on her feet. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True dat.
  7. then why were you running? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was nominated by somebody else. Speaking of which, we had the "Most Likely To"s for the yearbook today. It's only for the Freshman, so we got to do it this year. According to most people, I've been mostly nominated for "Most likely to become a superhero", "Most likely to race vaccumes underground", and "Most likely to become an Abercrombe model". I told people to put me for that one because I don't wear Abercrombe. XD <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...most likely to race vaccums underground, isn't that from some stupid commercial? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Probably. Discovering anything origional in my school is a rare occation indeed.
  8. "I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway. =That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD= <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. = "I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "We could..." said Setsuna, awaiting the order from Naoyo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =I dunno what the menu is. We should make up a menu so it doesn't end up one person says chow mein, the other a burger, and another says a Polish hot dog.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =I will later. For now, just stick with "a burger".= <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "The customer wants a burger and a large Pepsi." said Naoyo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Setsuna cooked up the order and passed it on to Naoyo, considering their situation. [More later.]
  9. [yay! thanks for saving my character! With school and all I will most likely only be able on fri,sat, and sunday. So ya'll can use my character all you want just don't me a snobbish brat please! I'll try to start in the story after my breakfast yummy!*dashes from computer* ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [spiff. I'll make sure nobody makes her icky and mean.]
  10. I like it. It's a lot better than I can do in Paint. XD
  11. [Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Did you use DuctTape? o_O] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah. To hold the table down.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but those cookies are un-clonable. Otherwise i'd have cloned them many many times.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but...but...;_;!]
  12. [u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]
  13. - Kat -


    What?! Lee = burden?! Does not compute! ;_; Come baaaaack!
  14. I'm back again! We luff you, MK! <3
  15. then why were you running? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was nominated by somebody else. Speaking of which, we had the "Most Likely To"s for the yearbook today. It's only for the Freshman, so we got to do it this year. According to most people, I've been mostly nominated for "Most likely to become a superhero", "Most likely to race vaccumes underground", and "Most likely to become an Abercrombe model". I told people to put me for that one because I don't wear Abercrombe. XD
  16. [Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Did you use DuctTape? o_O] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah. To hold the table down.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*]
  17. *looks around for the cage spycam* We must be listening to the same CD! *checks under chair for hamsters* ok, then it's your turn to post what song is playing. Very creative, Horatio, bravo. actually, I found and unplugged the spy microphone he had hidden in my desk. Hummph! *creates an undetectable bugging device for Lexxscrapham's house, dresses in stealth clothing, installs three totally hidden spy cams* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorta like the ones I have in your house! ...I said nothing. >_> [/color]
  18. - Kat -


    *swings from a rope* Avast!
  19. [Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Did you use DuctTape? o_O] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yeah. To hold the table down.]
  20. I made a speech like that, once. I didn't want to get elected. >_>;;;
  21. I took a screencap of the NES game Bad Dudes and masterfully editted it in Paint. XD See Arkcher's Werewolf 3 topic for details. And to read the story, 'cause it's all cool and stuff.
  22. Oh, yeah, I forgot about his. Here's that pic I drew. >_>;;;
  23. "I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway. =That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD= <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. = "I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "We could..." said Setsuna, awaiting the order from Naoyo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =I dunno what the menu is. We should make up a menu so it doesn't end up one person says chow mein, the other a burger, and another says a Polish hot dog.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =I will later. For now, just stick with "a burger".=
  24. [] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [indeed. =D] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*jigs with Kat*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*high fives*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*bumps heads*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*preforms the Secret MW and Kat Club handshake*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*tails whack together* Oh yeah, we're awesome. ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [We're Bad Dudes!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [so bad!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Lets go rescue the president from ninjas! GO TEAM MEGA WOLF AND KAT!]
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