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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

- Kat -

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Everything posted by - Kat -

  1. This is seriously like, the best Paint picture I've ever done. Ever.
  2. I know the feeling. x_x I very rarely get past the first few chapters of a story before forgetting what the plot was due to a new idea.
  3. [Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [He should join the mafia. They could protect him.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [What about you?]
  4. My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =o Zomfg, Kat posted in this topic! of doom! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know. *points* I also posted about things that were actually on topic. My tendancy to voice my oppinion and argue when people disagree with it claimed victory over my common sense.
  5. [Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [He should join the mafia. They could protect him.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.]
  6. "You're So **** Hot" - OK Go I've had this song stuck in my head for a week. x_x
  7. That was my 500th post! -Lee CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GREEN DAY QUEEN ON PASSING 500 POSTS! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *takes a bow* I've actually finished that drawing of Cheetaspot's fursona... I wish I had a scanner! I'll try and get a pic of it up here soon! -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it better not be too good, or I'll be forced to hate you forever. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> why? you think Cheeta should be the only artist here? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I just don't like people that can draw better than me. I already dislike Cheeta. (Yes, I'm kidding. *huggs her*) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh I get it... hehe... People tell me they hate me all the time when I draw! Ok, I've done fantasia's face in paint so everyone can see how my style of drawing differs BUT I never ever work in paint (unless I have to) so its not really that good compared to my drawing in my sketchbook. Ooh. How I wish I had a scanner. This didn't take me long to do. -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's still a lot better than I could do in Pain(t). XD
  8. My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something.
  9. good point. But why would he be like us if he is immortal and all powerful? We are suseptible to maladies and injuries of the flesh. Could we kill him with, let's say, Napalm (sp?)? I'm sure if we were created by him in our image, we would be much different. You know what? He didn't create us in his image, we created him in our image. chew on that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *chews on it, spits it out, then stomps on it* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You shouldn't be so readily dismissive of his idea. He has actually given a very valid point. Say God exists. BUT, he didn't create us. Instead we created him. Because the human imagination is such a powerful thing, and provided we believe whole-heartedly that it exists, it comes into existance. And don't say "that's a stupid idea, shut up, I'm off to join the Spanish Inquisition and do some book burning, starting with the Da Vinci code." We imagine things every day that masses of people everyday swear are true, but in fact don't exist. Freedom would be a nice one to start off with. (you really need to read the Bill of Rights, if you look at the bottom someone has added on in crayon "You have the freedom to have the government take your freedom away. P.S I have the freedom to invade Iraq.... and Iran... And Korea.... And 'Nam.... And China.... perhaps Russia." No reference to Bush has been made in this argument. Ahem. Cough It actually has Cough. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, from what I've heard about the Da Vinci Code, it sounds really interesting and I want to read it. My mom really liked it. This is where the whole faith part comes in. I believe what the Bible says, and it says that God made us, so that's how it is.
  10. It means physically. God is above breakfast cereals and traffic jams. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, but if God created us in his own image, we obviously have the same internal organs and such like otherwise where would God have got the idea from? So if we have the same organs we have the same needs. So God is quite likely to need breakfast, PLUS if you take into account the size of heaven and how much we estimate Heaven enterprises to take up (2/3 of it) then God isn't going to want to live in the grotty central bit is he? He'll want to live on the outskirts where woods are close by and you can take your dog for a walk. And since he is on the outskirts, he will have to commute to work, and since Heaven is basically Earth but without the annoying bits (only the major bits, traffic congestion was unfortunately overlooked) it is likely he will have a car. And since 2/3 of heaven is God Enterprises you need a lot of workers who are also likely to commute to work. And then you get traffic jams because the road can't cope with the numbers and God can't expand it because that would take up vital space saved for the hoardes of people coming every day, you get LA (Los Angeles) style grid-lock but without the LA-style sunshine and passing gang wars which make it bearable. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, but you're assuming that God created our organs and such in His own likeness. God is God. He doesn't need organs and cars and food. We, on the other hand, are not God, or even gods, so we do need things like that. And He came up with the idea of organs because He's God and He decided that things would only work right if we had them they way they are.
  11. That was my 500th post! -Lee CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GREEN DAY QUEEN ON PASSING 500 POSTS! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *takes a bow* I've actually finished that drawing of Cheetaspot's fursona... I wish I had a scanner! I'll try and get a pic of it up here soon! -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it better not be too good, or I'll be forced to hate you forever. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> why? you think Cheeta should be the only artist here? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I just don't like people that can draw better than me. I already dislike Cheeta. (Yes, I'm kidding. *huggs her*)
  12. good point. But why would he be like us if he is immortal and all powerful? We are suseptible to maladies and injuries of the flesh. Could we kill him with, let's say, Napalm (sp?)? I'm sure if we were created by him in our image, we would be much different. You know what? He didn't create us in his image, we created him in our image. chew on that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *chews on it, spits it out, then stomps on it*
  13. That was my 500th post! -Lee CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GREEN DAY QUEEN ON PASSING 500 POSTS! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *takes a bow* I've actually finished that drawing of Cheetaspot's fursona... I wish I had a scanner! I'll try and get a pic of it up here soon! -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it better not be too good, or I'll be forced to hate you forever.
  14. [i am so sorry your head hurts... *gives Kat a hammie huggle*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Thanka. ^^ *retuns huggle* It was mostly my teeth 'cause I just got my braces adjusted. *hates her braces*] "Hello, this is Fried Dragon Palace Headquarters. How may I help you?" Asked a smooth, female voice when the phone was answered. "This is Setsuna Myaki from Fried Dragon Palace #09052764. I'd like to talk to our manager. His name is Bill Richards." "I'll forward you." said the voice, and Setsuna heard the familar on-hold music. Ther manager worked in the HQ in Dallas instead of at the actuall restaurant. Setsuna had seen him a few times, but mostly she just talked to him on the phone. After about 30 seconds, somebody anwered the phone, but it was not their Bill. "Hello?" said a sleek, oily voice. It was the assistant manager, and son of Bill, Simon. "Hello. Is Mr. Richards there?" asked Setsuna, trying to sound polite. She really did not like Simon... "Ah, Setsuna." he said, recognizing her voice even though she had not wanted him to know who she was. "How have you been?" "Fine. Is he there?" "No." said Simon, sounding annoyingly superior. "He's in a meeting. He left me in charge, though." "Alright, then I'll call back when he's do-" "No, no, Setsuna," said Simon, "I'm quite sure I can handle it." Setsuna could imagine his pointy face smirking in a self-appriciating way. "That new chain, Master Burger, has built a store next door. We want to check it out at this grand openign they're having tonight." "Check it out?" "Yeah, you know, go and see what it's like? All the other chains have been linked to strange dissappearances and the like, it's been in some of the minor news papers. They've probably bought all the larger ones off so they won't print anything." Simon chuckled, making Setsuna clench her fists. "Setsuna, you're over-reacting. I'm sure that Master Burger will prove to be no more than a little healthy competition." "But-" "No, Setsuna." he said, sounding giddy and being able to order somebody around. "I will not allow it. Anybody attending that opening will be fired." Setsuna opened her mouth and tried to argue, but she was too angered to speak. He was jepardizing the restaurant just because he liked to boss people around! Simon took advantage of the silence to end the call. "I assume that's all. Take care, Setsuna." She heard a click that told her he had hung up. Slamming the reciever back onto the base, Setsuna stormed back to the break room and played a few DDR rounds on Oni mode to calm her nerves. She didn't care what that little weasle said, she was going to investigate. [Drama. ]
  15. Urg...so many friends...it was hard to choose! ;_; I decided on Arkcher because I nominated him and he comes first alphabetically.
  16. [Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [He should join the mafia. They could protect him.]
  17. Kris and I kept quoteing that when we were making dinner on Saterday.
  18. Only if you...umm..give me...a...hug...? You want to be Arkcher hug'd so badly that you'd award 50 points? Le gasp. =o Actually, I dun really care what he does, he just has to do something. I can't go handing out points willy-nilly! You have to earn them! Even if all you do to earn them is, like, inhale oxygen and expell is as carbon dioxide. >_>;;; That is exactly the reason I responded to his question with a "No" answer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Horatio gets it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *inhales* *exhales* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 40,000 POINTS! Wow. I think you now have the most points on the board.
  19. It means physically. God is above breakfast cereals and traffic jams.
  20. Somebody took Hedwig's Theme from Harry Potter and redid it with electric quitars and such, so I'm listening to it.
  21. "We know." said Setsuna, showing Ally the flyer. "I think we should go and check it out." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ally looked at the flyer in suprise. She was furious that Master Burger had the nerve to do all this. She looked at Setsuna,"I'll go check this place out, but none of us can go in are uniforms its too risky,"She said stating the obvious. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Of course." said Setsuna. "We'll call the manager and ask if we can close up a little early to scope out the competition. [Ya'll finally get to meet the manager. ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Perfect, I'm sure our manager wouldn't mind," Ally said excitedly. She went to her cash register, took the money from the mother of a little red haired boy in exchange for a burger and coke. The boy watched happily as she did a handstand then flipped in one place. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Setsuna walked over to the phone and dialed the number for the Fried Dragon Palace HQ. [i'll make an actual post when my head doesn't hurt. ;_;]
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