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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. See, God can't be that great if he discriminates against mutes. And since you did say he made everyone equal (which he didn't, how stupid and how good of him to give me another reason for why God doesn't exist) and therfore should be treated equal, this is really just poking himself in the eye.
  2. Fine then Horatio, here is the Jewel Heist. Dutch seek clues to jewel heist KLM staff were threatened in the raid Dutch investigators are questioning witnesses about Friday's reported 75m-euro (£52m) theft of diamonds and other jewels from Amsterdam airport. An armed gang disguised as airport workers entered a secured area and hijacked a lorry about to load the valuables onto a flight to Antwerp. Security staff from the airline, KLM, were threatened but no-one was hurt. The empty lorry was later recovered in a nearby town. Police are searching the vehicle for evidence. World's biggest robberies Feb 2005: £52m diamond and jewel theft at Amsterdam airport, Netherlands Feb 2003: £65m diamond robbery in Antwerp, Belgium 1994: £29m gems raid in Cannes, France Jul 1987: £60m robbery at Knightsbridge safety deposit centre, London Nov 1983: £26m Brinks Mat robbery at Heathrow, London Jan 1976: £22m robbery at British Bank of the Middle East in Beirut, Lebanon Apr 1945: Reichsbank in Berlin, Germany looted. Estimated £2.5bn stolen. Source: Guinness World Records Correspondents say it is the second time a KLM flight has been robbed in six months. The gems were on their way to a flight bound for Antwerp, Europe's diamond capital, when the robbers struck. Nobody was injured in the raid, KLM said. Schiphol police told the BBC that the robbery happened just before the "high value goods" were going to be loaded onto the plane and that there were plenty of witnesses. Among the jewels taken was a considerable sized dispatchment to a high class London firm that does not want to disclose its name.
  3. Calm down Horatio, it was only a £52 million jewel heist after all. And after all, isn't hearing about Bush completely missing the point and thinking that Putin is making Russia into a Totalatarian country more fun? Bush presses Putin on democracy Both leaders were keen to stress areas of common ground US President George W Bush has told Russian President Vladimir Putin of his "concerns" about Russian democracy. Following talks in the Slovak capital Bratislava, Mr Bush told reporters he had expressed these worries in a "constructive and friendly way". Mr Bush said they agreed that Iran should not have nuclear weapons. The US has concerns about Russian nuclear co-operation with Iran. Mr Putin has said there is no evidence that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. Washington has repeatedly accused Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons. It is also concerned about Russian arms sales to Syria. "All the modern institutions of democracy... should be adequate to the current status of the development of Russia, to our history and our traditions" Vladimir Putin A senior US official speaking to reporters on condition of anonymity, said the summit had not produced any breakthroughs on either issue. At a joint news conference at Bratislava Castle, the two leaders stressed their close ties and agreed to accelerate efforts by Russia to gain entry to the World Trade Organization. However, the BBC's Moscow correspondent, Damian Grammaticas, reports that when it comes to the details of the issues they discussed, the two men appear to be on divergent paths. 'Russia chooses democracy' President Putin told reporters that Russia had chosen democracy "independently", not because of pressure from outside. "Any return to totalitarianism would be impossible," he said. But he added that democracy must be adapted to Russian conditions, taking into account "our history and our traditions" - and he said that comparing which of the two countries had more or less democracy was "not the right thing to do". Mr Bush said: "Democracies always reflect a country's culture and customs and I know that. "But they have certain things in common. They have rule of law, and protection of minorities, a free press and a viable political opposition." The meeting with Mr Putin was the final event of a European tour aimed at healing divisions over the Iraq war. Mr Bush is now heading back to Washington. Before the Bratislava summit began, Russia and the US signed a deal to control the spread of shoulder-fired missiles - seen as a growing threat to civilian aircraft. They also agreed on better safeguards of nuclear materials. Concerns on both sides The US president has been under pressure from some senior US politicians to make it clear to Mr Putin that his friendship with the US is at risk unless he maintains Russian democracy. A senior administration official told journalists travelling with Mr Bush that Mr Putin had recently told the US president that the Russian people had a history of strong tsars, and that they were accustomed to government playing a strong role in their lives. The official said President Bush had rejected that notion. Russian concerns include the increasing US influence in former Soviet republics such as Georgia and Ukraine. In a speech which correspondents say is likely to have annoyed Russia, Mr Bush addressed Slovaks in a snowy Bratislava square, praising the country's stance as a loyal US ally. Drawing applause from the crowd, Mr Bush praised the 1989 "Velvet Revolution" that defeated communism in the then Czechoslovakia. "In recent times, we have witnessed landmark events in the history of liberty: A Rose Revolution in Georgia, an Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and now a Purple Revolution in Iraq," he said, referring to the voters' ink used in Iraq's recent election.
  4. Ha Ha, that was about as funny as getting anthrax in my post. I know it does and I pointed out that if God truely wanted us to have free will, then he would not command us to not do this, not do that, thou shalt not etc. and would allow us to design our own life styles and decide what is right and what is wrong. See, again more evidence that the bible was meerly written by a bunch of old men who frothed at the mouth and had eaten one too many magic mushrooms, explaining all those mysterious voices and other disturbing hallucinations and were also probably just a little power hungry. Did I say you could? Also, you canNOT get to Heaven anyway because all it is is an imaginary place cooked up by the human imagination in an effort to reassure ourselves that there is a life after death. Heres GOD DOES NOT EXIST again. GOD DOES NOT EXIST. See. However, GOSPEL is wrong, just because there are words on some paper and you decide to come up with a catchy and completely wrong abbreviation does not mean it is true. And I AM STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO GIVE ME SOME HARD EVIDENCE TOTO THAT GOD EXISTS! And until you do Toto (and I want evidence that cannot be disproven), the score is still: Evolution and the Truth: Infinity. Toto, the Church and the non-existant Holy Trio: Negative Infinity.
  5. And there is so much of it as well. Pain au chocolat, croissants (which means to rise/grow), baguettes, pate de fois gras, escargot and of course frogs legs. Yummy. And of course I could not fail to notice that Toto has already replied to it and I have forseen it to be a negative and rather bad reply.
  6. Bonjour Horatio. Je suis dans bonne sante et Paris etait superbe et la grande palais Versaille etait impressionant. Translation: Hello Horatio. I am in good health and Paris was superb and the big palace Versaille was impressive.
  7. To make it more interesting and to add a new sort of ambiance around the place.
  8. As Horatio asked I have decided to create (rather than revive) a news topic. Here's a nice piece of news for you, because there seems to be a spate of huge robberies in Europe at the minute. GASP! Moriaty is back! *whisks out deerstalker hat and revolver* The game is afoot! Flying Squad foils £80m robbery The target was £40m pounds worth of gold bullion Police have thwarted what they believe would have been Britain's biggest robbery. The target was £40m pounds worth of gold bullion and between £30-40m in cash, stored at the Swissport Cargo Warehouse at Heathrow Airport. Armed police were lying in wait for the gang as a white Transit van smashed into warehouse doors. Seven people have been arrested - one man who hijacked a vehicle is still on the run. The gang threatened staff with at least one firearm, knives, cudgels, hockey sticks and lumps of wood, after reversing at speed through the warehouse shutters at 1000 BST on Monday, police said. They then forced their way into a secure area containing a large quantity of precious metal and bank notes. "We have foiled what would have been one of the biggest robberies ever committed in the UK" Det Supt Barry Phillips But as the men tried to escape, officers fired special bullets - designed to deflate tyres with minimal damage - into the van's wheels. Six men were arrested but two suspects hijacked a white van, forcing the driver to smash through entrance gates and drive to Stanwell, Surrey, police say. The driver of the hijacked van gave himself up near the airport shortly before 1300 BST. But the other man escaped on foot. The hijacked van was recovered, and those arrested taken to West London police stations for questioning, the Metropolitan Police said in a statement. One officer had suffered minor injuries, the statement added. A Swissport spokesman said security guards had stopped the van at the complex's main entrance - but the gang had had legitimate paperwork to collect a shipment. The gold bullion and cash had arrived earlier on Monday, he added. "Some members of higher management were aware this raid was going to take place - but for operational reasons this information was not shared with the rest of the workforce," the spokesman added. "This has obviously been a very shocking experience for many of our members of staff - some are very upset, and counselling has been arranged for them. "The company was pleased to co-operate with the police, and congratulate them on the outcome." FOILED HEIST AT HEATHROW 1 1000 BST: Armed gang ram warehouse shutters in a van and threaten staff. They are trying to steal £40m in gold bullion plus cash. 2 Police lying in wait disable the van and arrest six of the gang 3 Two men hijack another van and drive off towards Stanwell 4 1300 BST: Seventh man is arrested The gang is thought to have had inside information about the warehouse. Detective Superintendent Barry Phillips, of the Flying Squad, said: "They knew where the gold bullion was located inside the premises and went straight for it." But the area had been under surveillance for weeks. Swissport's management had been "very co-operative", Det Supt Phillips added. "In preventing this attack, we have foiled what would have been one of the biggest robberies ever committed in the UK. We believe that these men were part of an organised criminal enterprise," he said. "A lot of planning and preparation went into the attack - but the Flying Squad was one step ahead of the team for some time." The swoop operation, codenamed Cartwright, was part of the larger Operation Grafton, an initiative launched by the Met's Specialist Crime Directorate in partnership with Thames Valley Police, Surrey Police, HM Customs and Excise. Det Supt Phillips said the initiative had enjoyed "substantial success in dismantling the organised networks that have been operating in and around the airport" in the past year. World's biggest robberies Apr 1945: Reichsbank in Berlin, Germany looted. Estimated £2.5bn stolen. Feb 2003: £65m diamond robbery in Antwerp, Belgium Jul 1987: £60m robbery at Knightsbridge safety deposit centre, London 1994: £29m gems raid in Cannes, France Nov 1983: £26m Brinks Mat robbery at Heathrow, London Jan 1976: £22m robbery at British Bank of the Middle East in Beirut, Lebanon Source: Guinness World Records It was "a classic example of that partnership approach" and had "removed a serious and organised criminal gang", he added. The gang were "career criminals", with some known to police, Det Supt Phillips said. The Met's Specialist Crime Directorate head Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur said: "A professional team of armed robbers have now been removed from society." Airport operator BAA Heathrow said in a statement: "We are delighted. "We have worked very closely with the police and cargo operators at Heathrow in recent months on improving security around valuable cargo." Swissport, majority-owned by London-based private equity house Candover Partners Ltd, handles more than three million tonnes of cargo every year. Its UK customers include British Airways, First Choice, Ryanair, Monarch, Britannia, Thomas Cook Airlines, easyJet, FlyBe, Eastern Airways and Virgin Atlantic. I'll fill you in on the £52 million gem heist in Amsterdam when more information is released from the police.
  9. "Something" has been happening for years. "Something" has been Bush's aggressive foreign policy. Actually if I check my History work, Hitler's agressive foreign policy is down for a cause of WWII. Hmm....
  10. Probably by thinking unholy thoughts. huh. Stupid God and his oppression of free will! He does. For all his so called free and bestowing upon mankind will doesn't that mean we have the choice to decide what is a sin and what is not, therefore meaning that we can decide that nothing is a sin and go to heaven (but as it doesn't exist, you won't really enjoy it) even if we commit Genocide? I HAVE RETURNED FROM FRANCE AND I AM FULL OF TWO THINGS! 1) FRENCH FOOD! INCLUDING FROG'S LEGS AND ESCARGOT! 2) THE FIREY FLAME OF THE TRUTH!
  11. *sighs as the first post he sees from returning from Paris is Horatio playing on typos and making awful puns*
  12. Is this Horatio admitting that he is a Final Fantasy addict?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  13. They have all been Albinos except for the Water skiier. Its currently trying to break the World Water Speed record.
  14. Nothing wrong with Australia or New Zealand. I reccomend you go there rather than here. but only because we are only what 15 miles from France and if War breaks out who's going to get caught in the cross fire? Us. At least Australia and New Zealand are out of the war and the closest place is a small jungle on an Indonesian Island.
  15. *notices taht Horatio forgot to put holes in the Quoizal monkey box and they have died from suffocation* *runs off with some more sanities*
  16. Anything is better than Bush. With Kerry, yes you would be living in Vietnam world/####, with daily silumlations of what it was like in Vietnam as Kerry has trouble distinguishing between reality and Vietnam. *imagines Horatio in Vietnam* *shudders violently as Horatio goes insane and attacks the North Vietmanese* However, #### is an improvement over what Bush has you living in. In reply to what Tayino said about why can't you have a smart president? My reply is that you tried smart, Jimmy Carter is the only president so far except Lincoln and Washington to have an IQ of over 100 and believe Jimmy Carter is your least favourite president? Over the Afganistan war (well, the first Aganistan war between America and Russia, not the one we had in the late 1800s). Remember? Funny Hat? I got the impression he was Vietnam mad idiot, which is not a good thing. Vietnam was not your finest hour. Not comething to proud of is fighting in that war. And Toto? Don't slag off other denominations of the Christain church, please? For [God of your choice here]'s sake, if you can't unite with your own Church then what are you going to do to Muslims? Don't become the KKK or the BNP, please. No, Just morals and policies. Then again, probably just policies. Don't mix religon with politics. Religon is bad enough and Politics has too many scandals already we don't need either becoming worse. So long as they run the country well, make our lives better in some way etc. WHo cares whether they are Muslim, Christian or Buddhist, so long as they make our lives better and raise our standard of living, don't make wars on Middle Eastern countries etc. NB, Bush is attacking Middle Eastern countries to make up for the Crusades, as I said earlier, Bush is going back over every war he thinks the other side should have won and fighting it in a modern day way. Conflict Desert Storm for example, avenging Dad's failures. Syria and Iran, avenging previous failures to do with the Terrorists. Lybia (which we got them to disarm, not Bush get your facts straight Bush administration) avenging some more Terrorists and also making sure no one is sitting on top of more nuclear explosives than him.
  17. ha Ha, what a hilarious picture. I notice that that it reveals a very smal piece of the overall picture and is getting filed under Bush administration propoganda. Especially since MI6 just found evidence that it might not be Saddam that the troops caught, just an actor.
  18. Yes, I might as well live up to my rap command and start stealing those sanities. *pilfers a couple and places in a porta-cool box and runs of to take some Goth Hamsters sanities*
  19. He lived a long life, never fell ill and never got hurt. So you needn't go oh my Horatio, Hamster parasailing has been very popular among all my hamsters. Except for the new one which seems to have a water-skiing fixation.
  20. Actually I was just looking for something to reply to and homed in on this. Nite? Change the 't' into a 'k' and we have a shoe brand and the Greek Goddess of victory.
  21. Hmm... Guess what I just found on the BBC's archives from recent weeks? I just found a report on Bush threatning Syria. And oh look the terrorists in Syria have decided to get Iran invloved and yet Bush is still threatning Syria. Welcome one and all to Iraq 3.0. We had Conflict Desert Storm 2, well now we're going to get Syria and Iran get beaten up by the overtly aggressive foreign policy of the Bush administration. Do you know only one other person in the history of the world has had such an aggressive foreign policy as Bush? Adolph Hitler. Stalin didn't come close and Ceaser dropped at the last hurdle. Anyway, rather than Bush's interests being in Europe, he has interests in the Middle East and the shiny oil-driven future of the West and his control of it. Sigh, look out world, WWIII is a coming. (Actually, it isn't but I like saying that Bush is going to cause it)
  22. Yep. Used to climb right up to the top of the tallest piece of furntiure, depsite the fact it was so well varnished that its sides were nearly like laminated bus passes, then he would jump off onto my head or on to the setee if I wasn't in the way.
  23. Do. I. Have. To? Republican't? I missed the humour. Sorry. Definetly central US. Most of the results voting for Bush came from the Centre, where people think they make Religon better by mixing it with Popular music and/or Rock and Roll, but all they are doing is making both genres worse. Christian rock = Bad for health. If you are going to have any religous music, let it be old women on the organ playing dreary or annoyingly cheerful music, with senile old people, disturbed middle-aged kiddie fiddlers and brainwashed children *cough*Toto and Arkcher*cough* clapping mindlessly to the beat. And of course there are the equally disturbing priests, who have microphones and go "Do you BELIEVE!?!??!?!" while making hand actions that would make Hitler proud (watch one of his speeches and you'll see what I mean), oh and of course strolling down the isles and pretending to heal the ill etc. (completely fake, believe me. I proved it)
  24. It hasn't stopped Arkcher. It is still going on, but because it is such a slow process we don't notice it.
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