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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. I'm in it. It helps to know the ways of the enemy and anyway this is just protecting people's sanities, surely we need some protection?
  2. Class, time for field work. Everone do an evil laugh! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  3. Finally. You probably signed up, but I forgot. Stupid memory. Now what course are you in?
  4. *ducks a thrown ice-cream ball* *retaliates*
  5. Isn't History. Bush is threatning Syria and Iran, he has recently accused Putin of causing Russia to slip back into Totalitarianism (even though it isn't) and so on. Got any views? Please?
  6. Nice arguement. I was expecting some sort of rubbish connecting to the FAKED evidence about some of the Old testament, but that works too. Tell me in all his spirituality, isn't it the idea of spirit from our heads? Just feelings after all? SO it is not Science in the head of a Scientist, but rather Religon in the head of the congregation or preist or church and every other number of people who worship God? Actually we base our actions on experience and risks. From previous experience, the Sun rises everyday in the East and if it rises in the West, who cares? If it doesn't rise, well? I need to get to work on time and if I don't then the Boss is going to fire me, even if there is no sunlight. We risk our lives every time we get in the car, but we know that with all the security and technology in the thing the risk is pretty low that we will get involved in a car crash, so lets take that risk. Again, it is a combination of risk and experience that we eat at the Diner ( I refuse to touch those things with a barge pole, they usualy are poisioned and give you food poisoning) or Resturant or Cafeteria. So on. We don't actually think about probability at all Toto, we just eat, work, sleep and do everything else. We don't even think about risk. We just do. Examin human nature, very closely before you comment on what we do. Historical references? Well documented? Just because 12 people who may or may not have been following the example set by your aforementioned prophets say so or write so doesn't mean it is true. We know that Leprosy is easily curable now anyway. Some Deaf cases aren't permemant nor is lameness or Blindness. That is Human Nature? What do you know about Human nature? Human nature is to get on with our lives, complain to everyone and point out the obvious. We are the only "sentient" lifeform that bothers to ask the corpse whether it is all right after falling down a skyscraper or asking the person hit by some shrapnel whether they are all right and whether they would like a glass of water and some painkillers. We are stupid. Not super-intelligent, not even average intelligent. Just stupid. And do know how I can tell we are stupid? Because everyday we kid ourselves that we will never die and that that day is never going to come.
  7. Yes, I still notice that we have no proof that Jesus was actually a healer of such people do we? I admit that Roman cenuses have proven that there was a Jesus of Nazarrath, but he wasn't crucified nor are there any texts mentioning that Jesus accomplished the things the Bible claims he did. They chose to die, I never asked them to. Are you refering to the Red Sea scrolls? (not books as their name suggests) I notice that they, unlike the Bible in fact do not claim that God did all these things that the Bible says he did, but rather are unexplained phenomenon. They say the Noah's flood and ark was in fact just the huge floods that took place in Ancient Mesoptamia and the Middle East and in fact Noah was just a simple river trader who got caught up in the floods. Similar case with the tower of Babylon and other such events. Sorry? The reason I cannot give you any evidence that my religon is correct, is because I have no religon. None at all, all I know is what the current scientifc evidence is. It has a huge amount of HARD EVIDENCE in its favour, can prove them to be true etc. If some new evidence comes along and flips it and disproves it, then I will know that that is true. Because I move with the times it allows me to be more flexible and thankfully doesn't take up my Sundays, so I can work on homework and play etc. If you want proof that we evolved from Apes (not Monkeys, I'm afraid. Apes are much better anyway). Toto, you should go down to any place where people go. Sit back and watch. I did that in the Champs Elysees and suprisingly there were few ape-like people, but in certain places I notice more of these evolutionary back waters who got to prove that there was some smooth evolution between Ape and Man. They are the sort who become P.E. teachers (sorry, not true but common joke over here), the ones who think certain things are cool (unfortuantely all bad stuff, i.e. cigarettes, drugs etc.) and display such minimal intelligence that Apes can do more complex maths. See Toto, proof? Can't handle it? Do you need more? I have more. The rocks themselves tell you, Toto. Oh and do you believe that story that the earth is 4000 years old? you must do if you say everything in the Bible is true.
  8. Are you saying you would like Hampton and the Hampsters get sued for copyright breech?
  9. So. Anyone else want to rant? About the government? The UN? The EU (can't see anything to complain about, but you might)? Syrian crisis? Iran crisis? Bush verbally attacking Putin? ANSWER!
  10. I can't believe that Nintendo didn't try that idea. Would of been great. See what Mario's hat tastes like, try a yoshi egg, lightly fried. Taste the sensational quality of a shy-guy souffle.
  11. So..... Horatio, where is my lecture on Linux?
  12. I answered this already, but I need to quote something randomly. So what do you think of the Iceberg theory? If we build a giant space crusier will it be like the Titanic except Anti-Matter replaces Ice and it is on a much bigger scale?
  13. Just quoting Goldeneye there. So, any evil doers want to sign up or are we going to carry on the Good VS Evil thing again?
  14. Hello? *looks worridely at the horde of MW sanities, bulging in the vault* HELP! *MW sanities break out and start chasing*
  15. Still waiting for that answer. Or should we move on from this topic?
  16. Wow, just decided to revive this topic. I saw a mysterious guest viewing this topic and thought that it might be LE, just not signed in or someone else because no Guest could find this without specifically knowing where it was. SO, welcome back to S.A.N.I.T.Y. It hopes that it will protect your sanity from the Sanity Stealer (When Sheena returns, Stealers) of the boards.
  17. As I can see that Toto is in this very topic I have a request that I want her to listen to without: 1) being biased 2) refering to anything religous 3) not accepting The third one is optional. Now then Toto, as you should remember, before you got involved in the "What Religon are you?" (worst and most troublesome topic ever) that we were very good "friends." However since you got "involved" the friendship level plunged and is at the minute roughly in the same place but in negative rather than positive. Now you might not have made that plagarisim comment if it were still in the positive, would you Toto? If you were honest, the answer should be "No I wouldn't of" but thats your choice. Now, you and I have a choice. Carry on like this and plunge the boards into yet another blood feud that I will again be at the centre of or we can just call it the end, keep religous matters inside the "What Religon are you?" (worst and most troublesome topic ever) or other religous topics, end the nastiness, not undermind each other or be rude about the other's choice and just DISCUSS rationally. Or we could leave it all together and let the topic decompose like so many nuclear waste barrels. lets just end the fighting? I am trying the Horatio approach for a change and have sent too many people away in tears (see the Otter event, circa '03) or ended up in flaming rows with them (see the ML crisis circa late '04) to have it happen again. please can we end it?
  18. And thankfully it takes several million light years to travel to so hopefully I won't have to listen to your disgusting drivel anymore. (Guess how much was edited by Horatio)
  19. If you are going to tell me what to do, go see God's final message to his Creation. It reads like this: WE APOLOGISE FOR THE INCONVIENCE
  20. I am STILL waiting for HARD EVIDENCE (that means evidence that can't be disproven) that God exists Toto, otherwise the score remains the same.
  21. God is going to be looking at an exceedingly long prison sentence for discrimination if it turns out he exists.
  22. Considering that Lennon had probably a little bit too much drugs (i.e. any amount at all. Remember kids, drugs are bad. Stay in school.) when he designed it, it isn't that suprising you were scared. He certainly wrote in the Sky with Diamonds and also Lucy when he was exceedingly "high"
  23. That wasn't weird. It made perfect sense to me. The Queen music videos, now they are works of art and mildly confusing at the same time.
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