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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. I'll explain, we are currently being forced to look at want we want to be, ergo why I said I was currently looking at those jobs.
  2. Isn't this the Massive plots course? Unless you can make everyone in the world unaminously split up causing mass saddness, I'm afraid that's strictly small scale. Can you give me a better example? An SEP (social, economic or political)? Anything?
  3. Its stopped now.... I hope. *starts shovelling MW sanities* *makes way to the exit looking harrased and tired*
  4. If you say so. *throws lemon meriunge pie instead of micicles*
  5. Praise be unto thee your Totoness. I don't know exactly why I'm posting a lot either..... A mysterious virus methinks?
  6. *checks Marvin's proceesors when he gets back* I can't believe you Horatio! You installed a MAC OS over his Sirius Coporation software?!?!??!?! This is going to be a dickens of a problem to fix.....
  7. Right, that is a technical impossibility Horatio and you know it! What did you do to his processors?!??!?!? DID YOU INSTALL MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Can you add mine to this honouring Horatio collection. Soon to be on MTV and the album is coming out in Virgin Megastores internationally.
  9. BACK EVIL HIPPIES! BACK! Lucky you. Did you take them to court for assault or at least report them to the police?
  10. Really? So I rather than getting a first hand account of where all these church sites are I should go get some guide to Mormon religous locations? and how did I insult it? By saying that it is specifically American based? It is. Having a small church (well, chapels at best) in major cities across Europe doesn't mean anything. Paris and London have thousands of churches hidden among the buildings and the twisting passageways, with the major religons and denominations thereof getting maginificant cathedrals.
  11. Really? So thats when I dregged up some information on Christian denominations, I found you had less than 5 churches in Britain, 1 in Paris (despite the fact that every church in the world manages to have at least 10) and less and less as we progress as we progress through Europe into Russia and near-non existant in the Far East? Thats what I call an international church.
  12. Well, this may not be a good time to tell you, but you stole a decoy sanity instead of yours when you went into the fake cool box. Amazing how many fakes there are on HB.
  13. Be more specific, is THAT this or THAT THAT?
  14. Are you sure that the Da Vinci code is real?
  15. Kat has uber-multi tasking abilities....
  16. *narrows eyes further* What have you done with the Real marvin and where is he?!?!?!?!?
  17. Especially not the weapons! *thinks of Claymore* NOOOOOOOO!
  18. Indeed. Beware the man who uses indeed three times in one length of speech, he may well indeed be insane. However, the more indeeds there are indeed it will get worse.
  19. *DTH bursts through the glass gibbering insanely and trying to eat the hamsters, but the security robots eject him.... Off the planet*
  20. Amazing how these Strapolopogis fricknels adapt to their enviroment.
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