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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Just thought i'd drop in with a quick bulletin. Bush accuses Syria of threatning democracy as he pushes Syrian withdrawl from Damascus and Lebanon. Earlier today, President Bush made a speech to the assembled Mass Media as he stated that America would not back down in this fight on dictatorships and totalitarianism. This links in with Bush's earlier verbal attacks on Vladimir Putin and Iran, expressing the surreal fear that Putin was allowing Russia to slip back into Totalitarianism. Putin replied that: "Although Democracy is what every country must be in this dominated world, we must keep in mind the individual countries traditions and history into mind." he then interrupted Bush in mid-stutter to say: "If anything I would have the people reminded of the Tsar (alt, Czar) and the days when Russia had a King as you call them, not of the fear and corruption that ruled in the days of communism" Bush was taken back for a minute, but quickly changed the topic to Iran and russia's supply on Nuclear materials to Iran's new Nuclear reactor. He fell back on the time old and tested comment that he has used against North Korea and said: "You are fully away that Nuclear material may well lead to Iranian build up of Nuclear weapons in Iran and the terrorists who lurk there!" To this Putin replied: "I'm sure that the British will see to it that they don't since they have one of the Nuclear waste proccessing plants in the world, which I believe you use a lot Mr.Bush to keep America on top of the Nuclear stockpile, changing ordinary waste into Plutonium and selling it to the highest bidder." Bush failed to comment on that statement and pushed Syria instead.
  2. I'm upset now, I can't maintain my title because its time to go to bed over here and you didn't give me enough to reply to for today! I expect better results in the future: D+
  3. *goes back in time using limted edition Majora's Mask Ocarina of Time* Want a bet? *replay* W-W-W-Want a bet? *fast forward* You sure?
  4. Oh no, I wouldn't go any where near choosing a job until I've gone through the Oxbridge tests/applied for a university.
  5. I would take especially take it if it was a new and graphically re-rendered version, with new and "spiffier" graphics!
  6. Could be a clone? Cybrorg? Any number of options. You could be in virtual reality.
  7. Apart from mkae I can't see anything stupid.
  8. What kind of poison? Cyanide for a quick death, but recognisible in toxicology scans and by 40% of the population of the USA who can pick up its scent of bitter almonds? Or maybe Arsenic?
  9. I blame myself and the mysterious guest who was viewing it. You've got History coursework already! I haven't got mine until Summer! Let me help because my uber-specialist topic is History! What topic?!?!??!?! Welcome back oh mighty LE!
  10. I am scared by this. I must have some sort of virus. Better check with the patented Bio-scanner and Z-ray scanner!
  11. Watch it you, I don't know you and people who I don't know and make that sort of comment either end up in the river with new cement shoes or in a ye olde style catapult and seeing if they can go Dover to Calais!
  12. No they don't! At least, that might explain the defunct missions going on there recently..... Horatio, I still think you are behind this!
  13. Only if you're going to bow at the same time.
  14. If you classify a hologram as a fake, then yes.
  15. Communism does work, under certain circumstances. Anyway, the only reason you hate communism is because you tusted Stalin and started crying about it when he stabbed you in the back!
  16. As in Ocrinina of Time? you need Hippie repellant! Works on all hippies! Coming to a walmart near you or Horatio! Which ever is closer!
  17. This is disturbing. My posting total is gradually rising.... First 40, then 49, then 56 and now 60. Will I reach 100 like Horatio? I hope not, I'd have to type so much my feathers and wings would drop off.....
  18. WIth the claymore or something less painful? *thinks of Kat's spiked club*
  19. Indeed, maddness lies down that path. Indeed it does. You doubt me? Well, indeed, go see it for yourself!
  20. I have an idea..... *places two SFs in a room with clips of Darth Vader playing on the TV, The Darth Vader theme tune playing on the stereo and everything else has a Darth Vader motif* *waits for results*
  21. Wow. I am horrified. You have never heard of Comic relief either I suppose?
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