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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Great! We are still waiting to hear about your trip to Europe! Please tell us all about it. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* It was good. I'm really glad to be back home, though. D= 'Cause I missed Dr. Pepper....And Trent, and Skateport, and Hampsterdance, and my Homies, and Burger King, and I even missed JR. <.< *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy domine*~* Oddly enough we do manage to have Dr.Pepper, Hampsterdance and Burger King in Europe. You should have asked where these things were I could have pointed out that they would be in the local convinence store, internet cafe and Burger King respectively. Quite why you'd want Burger King is beyond me. What area of Europe did you go to? The Ruhr? Brussels? Bretagne? Guerinca? London?
  2. I should rephrase that; "Human society." Us Phoenixes and Hamsters can always rule the world after. I was watching a TV programme on the BBC the other day, centred around Mi5, it is called Spooks (unaware of any American broadcast) and the last episode of the series was fabulous. All focused around an eco-terrorist plot to flood London if the Government didn't release a document called Aftermath. What really interested me was the Aftermath document itself (when it was discovered to exist after much conspiracy). It detailed a US-UK agreement to stop all efforts to counter global warming, start an active nuclear weapons program and prepare to take control of the world's resources after the disasters of global warming have hit, and between 30-35% of the world's population have been killed in the ecological disaster. Scary. Very scary. And disturbingly, it is too close to what our governments would actually do. Ours out of fear of becoming a "dinosaur" economy if we try to combat global warming, or failing to take the upper hand and the US Government representitive gave his as "To retain our position and further US interests abroad." 30-35% of the world's population, dead due to the West's incompotence.
  3. I have worked out where society is going. It is to a motorway service station just outside of LA. Also known as "That place which we cannot give a name to due to censorship."
  4. Still no pictures allowed Horatio? I saw Emily E's baby and thought that we had. Nevermind. And please Horatio, Hillary Clinton is no worse than George.W.Bush (Sr. or Jr.) and you didn't leave the country then. On a completely unrelated note, I hear apartments in Paris and London are quite cheap at the minute.
  5. Coming through! Funeral parade for Mr.George.W.Bush. *triumphant music is heard* Rumsfeld is dead, Cheny should be shot and Mr.Bush has gone from Darth Vader to a lame duck, as seen below; Sorry TGHL... no link pics permitted. Horatio AND WOE BE HORATIO FOR DER HILLARY CLINTON KOMMT! (spot the reference to Field Marshal Manstein, head Wehrmacht honcho for the Ostfront during WWII)
  6. I feel that there is some deep unresolved conflicts between you and Mrs.Clinton, Horatio. Perhaps in the tradition of the American high school councillor, the councillor would advise you to do nothing, cumulating in a psychotic hatred of H.Clinton until you snap and go Harvey Lee Oswald on her. Incidentally Horatio, your voting strategy is an excellent choice, regrettably it appears that most states are stuck in the mode of seeing only the two parties, and in that event, how close are you to a one-party state? Well, one party is the most obvious answer... >_> BTW, there is an excellent BBC mini-drama on at the minute called "The State Within" which centres around conspiracy, a British Muslim blowing himself up on a US-UK airline and a whole host of wonderfully challenging and interesting ideas. And incidentally, hasn't Series 2 of Doctor Who started on the SCI FI Channel?
  7. WAS!?!??! WAS HAST DU [Horatio] GESAGT? EIN LEHRER? MICH? [translation; What!?!??! What have you [Horatio] said? A teacher? Me?] Ich kann ein bischen Deutsch scrieben, lesen und sprechen. [translation; I can write, read and speak a little German] Und, wenn man Franzosich Grammatik verstehen kann, kann man Deutsch Grammatik verstehen. [translation; And, if you can understand French Grammar, you can understand German grammar] (as in if you can grasp the crazy grammar of French, then you should have no problem understanding German grammar as it follows wonderfully set out rules, unlike French which takes a machine gun approach to Grammar) Ich wolle Deutch zu lernen empfehlen, weil es ein bischen einfach ist und Deutsch ist ein sehr ordentliche Sprache. [translation; I would reccommend to learn German, because it is a little bit easy and German is a very ordely/ordered language.]
  8. It would be no denonimation. Not undenomination but simply a child of God. However, to suit the views of the world, I would be considered pentecostal. Pentecostal as in the evangelical off-shoot of the methodist church or am I missing the point? The specific denomination actually doesn't matter (I say that, but...), so long as you have willing chosen this path and not been influenced, then all that matters is that you are happy in your life.
  9. *cough*PleasefortheloveofallhumanitydonotvoteRepublicanatthemid-termelections*cough*
  10. I think Comcast is one of the hundreds of add-ons you can get for FireFox. Incidentally, I was thinking of trying Opera Web Browser. Anyone got it or tried it before?
  11. Out of a mild interest Tayino, what denomination is it?
  12. Glad you decided to join the rest of us with FireFox 2.0. You had better stay around, we missed you too much! I was getting the big jet ready to go and pick you up. I got it just as it came out. First customer sort of thing. I'm sorry Horatio, but old FF didn't allow me to jump in as speedily. Also I've been watching too much Naruto recently.
  13. Hello there peeps, I'm back again, thanks to the fast loading times of FireFox 2.0 I am able to leap in much faster than usual. How are things?
  14. HA! I have FireFox 2.0, and using its amazing might, I am leaping throughout the boards like a fox! Which is firey. *leaps out again*
  15. It only takes me 17 days to find this ... Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years? If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place. Come pick up your award!!! That is a statement worth The Triple Gold Star Award!!! Yay! ^-^ Now, if only I had some sort of a cabinet to put these awards in ... A.L...G.O.R.E...?.?.?.? You really must have lost all your marbles!!!!!!!!! Gore and his father own the biggest polluting company in the state of Tennessee!!!!!!!!!!!!! No my marbles are in this nice little bag I had made for them. And Horatio, note what I said; out of the viable candidates. I mean he may be bad, but he is the best out of the bad. PS, All your Iraqi base are belong to the Republicans. Anything is better than them.
  16. Come to Windows side, Horatio. Do not underestimate the power of Windows side. You know you want to. You know you want to get rid of computer which blows up when people breathe on it, get rid of a mouse which only has one button and embrace the power of the Windows side. Enough lampooning of Star Wars anyway. Don't Apple have a nice warranty system which means you can get a new one fairly quick?
  17. Well, I wouldn't actually have Clinton as president. I'd actually have Al Gore. Out of the viable candidates that is.
  18. Invasion is totally out of the question. It will depend on who feels the most threatened. Lee and Glowurm are a bit too close for comfort and they could probably hit your home in England. Monetary actions seem to be the best way to get some reaction, but it may not be the one the world wants. Oh no, I'm not saying to invade North Korea that is pointless and ridiculous. North Korea would destroy Seoul and probably Tokyo as well with the normal SCUD missiles they have and the middle distance missiles. The easiest way to destroy the regime in the North is more pressing economic sanctions which will cause the country to collapse within weeks, but regrettably they say this will be an act of war and so that is rather irritating. North Korea's long range missiles are enough to hit Alaska I believe, but I think that they are not able to hit any target West of the country than the Middile East which would be stupid. No, Britain is safe as is in fact most of the USA. The big issue is that if they were to hit Tokyo then the world economy would disappear into one of those black holes I have heard so much about. The USA and Russia are the only ones with the ability to hit the entire world, and Britain can only because our nuclear deterrant is entirely based on the Trident submarine system. No, for now we have to accept that the North is part of the nuclear club and unless some bright spark can find a way of preventing launch of such weapons, we will have to accept it until we can finally topple the country's regime. The current UN "sanctions" will have to do, and perhaps we could increase pressure over time.
  19. It wasn't exactly the most powerful Nuclear bomb thought was it? Even though, we know North Korea has Middle Distance Missiles and the ability to hit Japan. Add a nuclear attachment on that, and Japan is in huge trouble, particuarly with the Korean hatred of the Japanese for the war (stupid world war.). Long range missiles, less so. North Korea's last test failed, and even still they can only hit Alaska. No, the main concern is for the protection of Japan and the surrounding countries as far as I am concerned as they are the ones at greatest risk... Invasion anyone?
  20. Some sort of dramatic explosion is in order. Let me find the right box.... *dives into fireworks box* Oh wait, Phoenixs are birds of flame... *explosions heard in Tibet*
  21. *shoots a laser guided missile at TGHL and explodes him into bits* I figured I would help Toto out because I got to this topic before she did! Nothing wrong with having Clinton as a president, she's been good for NY and appears to have good policies. Of course appears is a rubbish word in politics. Better than the apparent Republican candidate anyway, which isn't hard.... I would rather vote in Homer Simpson than Hilary Dilary Duck. I thought you lot already did that with Gerald Ford.... Anyway, you haven't exactly got much choice. Facist or a duck. You decide. There are two new books out, 'State of Denial', by Bob Woodward, and 'In The Line of Fire: MyMemoirs' by General Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistani President. I am not sure when they will be available in your library, but you should enjoy reading them if you can find any time. I know you are swamped with homework, but these should be two good books. I shall endevour to find them, as they sound interesting. Incidentally, I have a thing against Bush. Why is he treating California like it is some sort of satan relam? I mean, just because unlike him, it accepts that the world is going to end if they don't do something and adopt a Kyoto Protocol style cap on emissions, does not make it evil.
  22. I am right here. So pleased to see you. I have about 18 minutes before they actually kick me out. Quick! We must utilise that 18 minutes. So... How are things? Is there much smiting of those red ants going on? How are the army of frogs in the swimming pool?
  23. You are never alone Horatio, for TGHL is here, fresh from an excursion to Cornwall! *realises that maybe Horatio has gone as well* Kuso...
  24. *shoots a laser guided missile at TGHL and explodes him into bits* I figured I would help Toto out because I got to this topic before she did! Nothing wrong with having Clinton as a president, she's been good for NY and appears to have good policies. Of course appears is a rubbish word in politics. Better than the apparent Republican candidate anyway, which isn't hard.... I would rather vote in Homer Simpson than Hilary Dilary Duck. I thought you lot already did that with Gerald Ford.... Anyway, you haven't exactly got much choice. Facist or a duck. You decide.
  25. To Kat; Nice to see you too. However, due to legal constraints I must pre-warn you that I will do a level 9 Hadoken next time.... YES! Anyone watch 8-bit theatre or read the comic? To Horatio R.E. Frogs VS Fire Ants; I don't know, I just assumed that the frogs would have a tactical advantage over the fire ants due to their might crushing powers and very useful tounge eating action. To M_K; I swear your signature has gotten so big it needs its own post/ZIP code.
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