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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. *gets a knuckle cracking sound producer* *makes a knuckle cracking sound* Would you like me and da boys to teach her a lesson? Broken arm? Brake two arms and get a broken arm free? Bloodied nose? Punctured lung? Interesting cortorsion? Any one will-a-be good for da boys.
  2. When did we not agree on something? We agreed that the world should be dominated by a completely tyrannical ruler! (except it fell apart when we came to WHO should be the ruler)
  3. You rang? Oh. So you're not going to go for the Big Bang? Even if it is possible that all there was before this expanding matter was pure energy (for what is matter, but stored energy?) and all it took was a catalyst to activate a reaction which causes the energy to be stored, compressed (whatever you want really) into matter. This is what Einstein proved himself. E=MC squared is part of it, but the main bit is the WELL ESTABLISHED FACT (which means it cannot be overthrown by meddling Theocrats) is that energy cannot be destroyed or made, only transferred. But since you don't support the Big Bang, I won't go on further. That's probably what happened, with Jesus that is. Small child, grows up being fed on stories. Believes them. So on. And if Toto says human nature isn't like that or something similar. I beg her to look at how: 1) Propoganda works and entire populations are led down this way of believing 2) Look at the best example in the world (apart from religon and Christianity), The Hitler Jugend. Or Hitler Youth. An entire generation brought up on lies, trained as soldiers. Their lessons had militarian twists. Maths: Calculate the trajectory of the bomb. If I had 6 million Jews in all my concentration camps and I killed 3 million, two thousand and twenty seven, how many would I have left?
  4. Oh god, not Christian Charity again. All the prayers in the world do not atone for the loss of a loved one, a devestation of a life or a lifetime of agony. So "my heart goes out to you?" I don't recall Tayino asking for sympathy or someone looking down their nose at him and saying "Look at the unfortunate child, we should pity him in our own theocratic way." Sorry about that. I just loathe that saying. And its made worse by the fact I have an Religous Education exam tomorrow. Disturbing? So people's points of view are now disturbing? Just a thought. Well, if you can imagine the pain and then death through crucifixtion, then imagine watching someone you love and you are overpowered to help them, but you can't. And you watch them slowly die, wishing it was you and then the final thud of death, the one that can push the living so hard they bash their heads. That would be worse than death for me. So? I don't see you making a matyr out of the various hostages that the world has seen beaten and beheaded (Oh, yes. I saw Ken Bigley the British hostage decapitated on the nice, live internet video. Very nice.)? Oh well this person has had the gas chamber treatment done to him over the past couple of days, with him being pulled out just before death. Oh and before that he was beaten with a cat o'nine tails and now we're going to use some oriental torture instruments to keep him alive for as long as possible with the maximum amount of pain and then we're going to let him watch.... his.... heart... stop... beating..... 1) Stupid defintion of Vegans. 2) Vegans are the ones who refuse to use, eat or have anything to do with products that were made from animal suffering. Ultra-strict vegetarians. 3) Wiccans are not 'let's huge mother nature and mother earth' Wiccans are the ones who use herbs and various other natural ingredients to make poultices and treatments. They did not dabble in the occult. They were not witches. They were just what we call apothecarys. Whereas your Puritan fore-fathers and probably one of my ancestors called it the occult and subsequently burnt them. Actually I believe Human nature is being ridiculously stupid, beavering away at making our lives better and then dying. Dreams are powerful Toto. Jesus, say, has a vision of God saying that "Thou art my son, the messiah and you get the free Aston Martin that goes with it." He believes it, despite all it is is his sub-concious firing off what he wants to become or whatever. He goes out. Thinks he is God's son. Jews get angry. Jews ask Romans to arrest this blasphemer. Romans arrest. Romans crucify. Jews are happy.
  5. I'm just guessing what it looks like, because I've never seen kansas before, but lets try flat, natural, red desert, streches out into the horizon with the only good sight being Kansas City?
  6. Reccomendation: New Orleans. Go for Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras and Samedi Nuit Mort.
  7. Ok, Ok. So long as I don't get attacked by the claymore. *calls Alex and asks him to return all Kat's stuff* *Kat glares* *with interest*
  8. If-a-you say so Miss. I got-a-cand bar? You can-a-take the money out of my pay Miss. If thats-a-want you want.
  9. Horatio, for all her hard work gets a "Go to Gaol. Do not pass So. Do not collect £200." card.
  10. Except for the fanatics who believe Kansas is brilliant and those who are watching out for tornadoes to carry them away to Oz.
  11. I voted for the added Horatio option.
  12. Whats a penguin doing at the North Pole anyway? Penguins have never seen a polar bear in their lives, except in South African zoos.
  13. *is in the process of sticking various long needles into the brain* Really? Don't I just have to ask Kat to let me get your sanity from the typo box and thats it?
  14. Proceed to the I need a gf topic, in Gossip forum.
  15. Stupid Immaterial n00bs. "Duh! Look at me, I can post! I no n00b! I know of HD for ages!" So? I have known about it since Primary school, when people started repeating one line of the first song over and over again until I went insane and had to be locked in the cupboard until I became sane again.
  16. Hey, Miss.Kat. Word on da street is dat Arkcher is-a-planning some sorta raid on your typo awards again, you want-a-me and some of da lads to go sorta him-a-our?
  17. Stupid Immaterial n00bs. "Duh! Look at me, I can post! I no n00b! I know of HD for ages!" So? I have known about it since Primary school, when people started repeating one line of the first song over and over again until I went insane and had to be locked in the cupboard until I became sane again.
  18. Shame on you ML! You should at least know OF them if not some of their songs. Go find Bohemian Rhapsody or Death on Two legs right now!
  19. Nope you've made it obvious that you indeed know of Queen.
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